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Why, according to Luther, would buying indulgences interfere with a person’s possibility of salvation?

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Presentation on theme: "Why, according to Luther, would buying indulgences interfere with a person’s possibility of salvation?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why, according to Luther, would buying indulgences interfere with a person’s possibility of salvation?

2 Protestantism and the Catholic Response
Ch. 5-4

3 The Peace of Augsburg Peace of Augsburg: formally accepted the division of Christianity in Germany. German states could choose between Catholicism and Lutheranism. Ruler’s allowed to choose their subjects religion. Agreement did not recognize religious tolerance for individuals.

4 The Zwinglian Reformation
Huldrych Zwingli: Priest in Zurich Began new Christian group in Switzerland Leader of the Reformation in Switzerland

5 The Zwingli Beliefs Relics and images were outlawed in the city.
New Church service consisted of: Scripture reading Prayer Sermons MUCH LIKE WHO????

6 Zwingli seeks alliance
Calls upon Martin Luther for help. Both leaders realize the need for unity in order to stand up against the Catholic Church. Unfortunately couldn’t agree on the meaning of the sacrament of Communion.

7 War breaks out October,1531: Zwingli killed in war
Protestant vs. catholic states in swizterland Zwingli killed in war Enemies cut up his body, burn the pieces, & scatter the ashes

8 John Calvin 1536: Published Institutes of the Christian Religion
Fled Catholic France after converting Placed emphasis on the all powerful nature of God “power, grace, and the Glory of God.”

9 Calvinism Believed in Faith alone to reach salvation. Predestination:
Like who??? Predestination: “Eternal Decree” God had determined in advance who would be saved and would be doomed to hell. By 1700’s Calvinism replaced Lutheranism as most important form of Protestantism.

10 The English Reformation
Rooted in Politics, not Religion. King Henry VIII breaks with the Catholic Church The Church of England is founded

11 Henry VIII Wanted to divorce with Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn. Asked pope for annulment (to declare invalid) Turned England's on Church Courts.

12 King Henry VIII May 1533, Archbishop of Canterbury declares the King’s marriage “null and void”. King marries Anne Queen Elizabeth I The Act of Supremacy of 1534: Declared the king was the only supreme head of the (new) Church of England.

13 The Anabaptists People who strongly disliked giving power to the state. Believed that: Voluntarily undergone spiritual rebirth/baptism They should follow the practices of early Christianity Separation of Church and State

14 Bloody Mary Took the throne in 1553.
Goal: To return England back to Catholicism. Had 300 Protestants burned as heretics – Pushed England more Protestant than ever!!!

15 The Catholic Reformation
3 Pillars The Society of Jesus – A.K.A Jesuits Reform of the Papacy Council of Trent

16 The Jesuits Founded by Ignatius of Loyola
Recognized as a religious order by the Pope in 1540.


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