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Status of the FAIR Project
FAIR and GSI a short introduction FAIR technical, political and financial status Status of Work power converters H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 1
Status of the FAIR Project
FAIR and GSI a short introduction FAIR technical, political and financial status Status of Work power converters H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 2
FAIR is: FAIR and GSI a short introduction a sientific project
a technical project and a financial project a political project H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 3
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
National research facility: GSI Heavy Ion Research Facility Asssocciates: State of Hessen 10% Federal Republic of Germany 90% Link: H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 4
GSI Helmholzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
National research facility: GSI Heavy Ion Research Facility Asssocciates: State of Hessen 10% Federal Republic of Germany 90% Link: H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 5
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
International research facility: FAIR Asssocciates: Germany 75% (65% / 10%; Federal / Hessen) International partners % Link: H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 6
and the realization is based on the concept of Inkind contribution
GSI: UNILAC Transfer Line SIS 18 ESR FRS Beam lines FAIR: Proton Linac SIS 100 SIS 300 Super Fragment Separator pbar Storage Rings Beam Transport System - Experimental and Target Areas Status 2008 and the realization is based on the concept of Inkind contribution Upgrade SIS 100/SIS 300 components partly reused in FAIR SIS 18 p-Linac FRS/ ESR UNILAC SFRS HESR CR/RESR NESR H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 7
The concept of InKind-Contributions:
An international partner takes over a work package in own technical and financial responsibility according to the functional needs and basic specifications of the work package and the costs as listed in the cost book. Because of this many administrative and political Issues had to be solved in the last 2 years. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 8 8
Status of the FAIR Project
FAIR and GSI a short introduction FAIR technical, political and financial status Status of Work power converters H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 9 9
Political and financial Status:
Because of an increase in cost for - accelerators - experiments - civil engineering the Modularized Start Version was defined and agreed upon by the international partners. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 10 10
Module 0 Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Modularized Start Version of FAIR
SIS 100 with connection to GSI accelerators Module 1 SIS 100 experiments areas Module 2 SFRS Module 3 p-linac, antiproton targert, CR, HESR Modules 0…3 Start of construction 2011 Readiness for operation 2016 Modules 4 (NESR) and 5 (RESR) are not marked H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 11
Political and financial status
There are firm commitments of 16 international partners including Germany summing up to 1.1 Billion €. Recently announced commitments of more interested countries are not included in the sum. Contracts are finalized and supposed to be signed in the third quarter of 2010. FAIR GmbH is expected to be founded in the third quarter of 2010, too. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 12 12
Technical status The modularized civil construction design is in an iterative loop to meet the financial limits as given by the Modularized Start Version. It will be finished in July 2010. This construction design is not the detailed final construction, but it defines the fundamental layout and later, major changes are not possible because of the German procedure for building projects funded by public authorities (ZBau). An example for the actual iteration loop is the tunnel for the two accelerators SIS 100 and SIS 300 and the parallel tunnel for components, which should be close to the machine but do not have to be in the machine tunnel. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 13 13
Width of parallel tunnel is in discussion
SIS 100/300 Paralleltunnel Created in the first ZBau-loop: Components are in non radiated area access to components while beam is on very short cables to the beam line Width of parallel tunnel is in discussion Thickness of radiation shielding is in discussion
Technical Status continued
Independent from the modifications due to the Modularized Start Version there are more technical changes in the project since the status of 2008 An example for changes as mentioned above is the connection to the Electrical Power Grid.
Electrical Power Grid : Status 2008 GSI/FAIR Power Connection
External Power Distribution GSI/FAIR Power Connection High voltage power supply system 200 MVA 220 kV 110 kV common 110 kV pulsed 31,5 MVA 63 MVA Substation Urberach Substation Leonhardstanne Power plant electrically close to GSI Generator B Torque mesurement 20 kV Public 4 cables // each 300 CU 2 cables // 20 kV pulsed 1 20 kV 3 cables // each 150 CU 20 kV pulsed 2 common 1 common 2 common 3 =AG =AF =AD =AI =AH =AA/=AB/=AC SIS 18 SIS 100 SIS 300 HEBT 20kV System Common System GSI / FAIR Finished July 2006 Pulse power : 1 : MVA 2 : MVA Common power 1 : MVA 2 : MVA 3 : MVA New transformers are marked red . H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 16
Electrical Power Grid : Status 2008 to 2010
Increase of Common Power C2 to 63 MVA because: - all magnets of HESR are decided to be normal conducting - Dipols of CR-Ring are decided to be normal conducting Increase of Pulse Power PP2 to 63 MVA because: - all magnets of HEBT are decided to be normal conducting - Transformers of PP1, PP2 and C2 are interchangeable - 3 Transformers of the same type 63 MVA do not cost much more than 1 transformer 31,5 MVA and 2 transformers 63 MVA 63 MVA transformers are placed on the FAIR-site because: - reduction of number of transmission cables to the site Decision to parallel the transformers PP1 and PP2 because: - voltage fluctuations due to reactive power swings of 46 MVAr are reduced to 3.7% - additional costs are very small H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 17 17
Electrical Power Grid : actual status GSI/FAIR Power Connection
External Power Distribution GSI/FAIR Power Connection Pulse power : 1 : MVA 2 : MVA Common power 1 : MVA 2 : 63 MVA 3 : MVA New transformers are marked red . Two existing 20kV-lines of old P1 are reused for C1. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 18 18
GSI/FAIR Power Connection locations on FAIR site
110 kV switchgear and 110kV/20kV transformers H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 19 19
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is in discussion
Substation Leonhardstanne
Status of the FAIR Project
FAIR and GSI a short introduction FAIR technical, political and financial status Status of Work power converters H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 21
Upgrade of UNILAC and SIS 18 Power Converters:
Alvarez Quadrupole Power Converters in operation, 18pcs SIS 18 Dipole Power Converter SIS 18 Corrector Power Converters upgrade is ready for being ordered SIS 100/SIS 300 SIS 18 Injection System in operation, 4pcs in operation, 1pc SIS 18 p-Linac FRS/ ESR UNILAC SFRS HESR CR/RESR NESR H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 22
FAIR Power Converters :
Linear Accelerator: p-Linac Synchrotrons: SIS100, SIS300 Super Fragment Separator: SFRS Storage Rings : NESR, RESR, CR, HESR Beam Transport System: 13Tm, 18Tm, 100Tm, 300Tm - Experimental and Target Areas Operation: - p-Linac: DC, pulsed Synchrotrons : ramped, maximum cycling frequency Hz - Beam Transport : DC, pulsed, fast pulsed SIS 100/SIS 300 SIS 18 p-Linac SFRS HESR Specifications for all power converters of modules 0…3 are in work. NESR CR/RESR H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 23 23
FAIR Power Converters :
- The Specifications consist of 3 parts: - General Specification : legal and financial aspects, general rules - Common Specification: special technical rules, general technical requirements, for example ACU, environmental conditions - Detailed specification: detailed technical description and parameters, interfaces in approval in work in work These specifications refer to Technical Guidelines in approval In the specifications it is demanded that the German Inkind contributions such as the ACU-system and the digital DCCT have to be used in a power converter. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 24
- Power Converter Control:
FAIR Power Converters : - Power Converter Control: Adaptive Control Unit ACU - Multifunction unit - control unit - [ADC unit ] German In-kind contribution The digital control algorithm is based on analogue control strategies enhanced by the possibilities of digital signal processing. All parameters of the control algorithm can be loaded and read by the external control system. ACU German In-kind contribution DCCT (with digital output) ACU is second generation of digital control hardware and has been used in 18 Alvarez Power Converters and 23 M-Branch Power Converters H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 25 25
FAIR Power Converters :
Typical ACU application as running in GSI H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 26 26
FAIR Power Converters :
Typical ACU application as running in GSI ADC Unit Multi function Unit MFU Interlock and Control Unit ICU H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 27 27 27
FAIR Power Converters :
Power Config Advanced H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 28 28 28
FAIR Power Converters :
Minimal possible application with special modules developed by the manufacturer of the power part H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 29 29 29
FAIR Power Converters :
One Multifunction Module can supply up to six power converters with analogue current regulation. (The Control Unit (ADC/DAC) is in work). H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 30 30 30
FAIR Power Converters :
Application in work with special Control & Interlock Modules for 12 pulse thyristor circuits with parallel active filter unit (PE) H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 31 31 31
FAIR Power Converters : Universal Serial Interface of ACU
9600 B/s to 20 MBit/s based on RS485 H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 32 32 32
FAIR Power Converters :
Actual Available Documentation for Partners is in German An English Version will be done. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 33 33 33
FAIR Power Converters :
Actual Available Documentation for Partners is in German An English Version will be done. H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 34 34 34
T H A N K Y O U for Y O U R A T T E N T A T I O N
H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET H.Ramakers/EET H.Welker/EET 35 35 35
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