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Programme Implementation Report for

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1 Programme Implementation Report for 2016-17
Social Protection Global Technical Team Retreat, Geneva, March 2017

2 Background What is the biennial Implementation Report of the Office?
Office accountability to ILO member States all sources of funding (RB, RBSA, and extra-budgetary) When does it happen? Guidance for the preparation of the Report will be issued by PROGRAM around June 2017 (Thus, this presentation provides preliminary guidance) Iterations until it is finalized for submission to the GB session in March 2018 - it should provide evidence of the relevance of the ILO’s agenda and work should clearly demonstrate the comparative advantage of the ILO Should

3 Background What will it include?
- Narrative on implementation & achievements per P&B Outcome.. Results per target CPOs Results from ITC Turin Reporting on target CPOs: Country Offices (ie lead units for each CPO) will need to enter for target CPOs information on results achieved and contribution of Office towards the achievement of the country results Report on primary indicator link and if relevant on additional links Address cross-cutting policy drivers (international labour standards, social dialogue; and gender equality and non-discrimination) Highlight contribution to SDGs Highlight external partnerships Additionally, information on numbers of people who will be affected/potentially affected by the results achieved - it should provide evidence of the relevance of the ILO’s agenda and work should clearly demonstrate the comparative advantage of the ILO Should

4 Some key points More substantive reflection on what we have learnt
Showcase ILO relevance against results achieved (Mopan Report) - it should provide evidence of the relevance of the ILO’s agenda and work should clearly demonstrate the comparative advantage of the ILO Should

5 Indicator 3.1 Indicator Result criteria
Indicator 3.1: Member States that have improved their social protection policies and financing strategies, the governance of social protection schemes or the coordination of social protection Reportable results must meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. Government and the social partners agree on a national social protection policy or reform that is in line with international labour standards and promotes gender equality and non-discrimination. 2. Government, in consultation with the social partners, develops or revises legislation, regulations, policies or programmes, to improve the performance, management and governance of a social security scheme. 3. A national coordination mechanism or institution to support national dialogue on social protection is strengthened or operationalized.

6 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.1
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 1 The National Social Protection Policy of Ethiopia was developed and adopted by cabinet (Nov 2014) to expand social protection coverage for the elderly over the age of 70 through the introduction of a non-contributory universal social pension. The Policy was developed with active participation of the Social Partners who are members of the NSPP. The policy, prior to submission to Cabinet, was reviewed and approved by the Labour Advisory Board, composed of 5 Workers, 5 Employers and 5 Government representatives. (a)The policy development was coordinated by the National Social Protection Platform (NSPP) chaired by Ministry of labour and Social Affairs. As an active member of the platform the ILO participated in the drafting of the policy and provided inputs in line with international social security standards, specifically R.202 and C.102. ILO also co-financed and facilitated a workshop with stakeholders that led to the development of the policy that ascertained the inclusion of excluded groups in the old age social protection coverage. In addition, the Office provided training on social protection costing and modelling to 44 federal and regional government officials in collaboration with ITC Turin (August 2014). (b) Provided financial support for translation of the policy from Amharic to English

7 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.1
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 2 A Reform of the Pension scheme for Civil Servants and Employees of Public Institutions was adopted by the State Council in January The reform converts the pension scheme from employer-liability to social insurance, in order to ensure that that the protection is much more financially sound and sustainable. At the end of 2013, the ILO submitted to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) a policy report on the design of the pension reform plan in line with international labour standards. The reform measures proposed in this report included issues related to the reform of the pension of civil servants and Employees of Public Institutions, the integration of the pension schemes of urban and rural residents, gradual increase in pensionable age and the level of pension payable under the rural and urban resident pension schemes, and reduction in the gap of pension level paid under the schemes for civil servants, urban workers and residents, etc. Based on this policy report, the ILO continued to provide technical support to the MOHRSS on pension reform in

8 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.1
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 3 Deux comités interministériels ont été mise en place par arrêté au Niger : -Arrêtés Ministériels (du 24 octobre 2014) portant Création, composition, Organisation et Fonctionnement du Comité Interministériel de Coordination de la Protection Sociale (CICPS) -Arrêtés Ministériels (du 24 octobre 2014) portant Création, Composition, Organisation et Fonctionnement du Comité Technique National des Acteurs de mise en oeuvre de la Politique Nationale de Protection Sociale (CTNA/PNPS). Ces comités inclus les partenaires sociaux. Les comités interministériels ont été mise en place par arrêté sur recommandation du BIT au Cabinet du premier ministre et suite aux consultations avec les partenaires sociaux. Le BIT a assister dans la préparation du projet des termes de références pour les Comités et a faciliter le discussions en fournissant un rapport sur La protection sociale au Niger: les lacunes à combler et les potentialités en matière de protection sociale et une Cartographie de la législation en matière de sécurité sociale validé par la Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS).

9 Indicator 3.2 Indicator Result criteria
Member States that have enhanced their knowledge base, analytical capacity, financial management, statistics or means of information dissemination for the delivery of social protection Reportable results must meet one or more of the following criteria: 1. Government endorses or operationalizes a knowledge product (national diagnostic, actuarial valuation or technical report, guide or tool) that improves capacity to deliver or extend gender-responsive social protection. 2. Government designs or updates a delivery mechanism, a statistical database or a monitoring and evaluation system to improve the management of social protection. 3. Social security experts, trained in capacity-building programmes supported by the ILO, are employed in social security government agencies, employers’ or workers’ organizations to deliver social security policies or programmes .

10 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.2
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 1 The Ministry of Population Development and Social Protection (MPDSP) and the Ministry of Labour (MOL) of Mongolia endorsed and launched the Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) report on 15 May By endorsing the ABND report, the Government of Mongolia, the Mongolia Employers’ Federation (MONEF) and the Confederation of Mongolia Trade Unions (CMTU) have committed to the establishment of a social protection floor in Mongolia. An illustration of such commitment is the consensus on the introduction of a universal minimum pension and the maintenance of the universal child money programme. The ILO also assisted the Government of Mongolia and its social partners to carry out the Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) on Social Protection and Employment Protection. The ABND was informed by the ILO’s costing exercise which shows that achieving a social protection floor in Mongolia would cost an additional 1.68 per cent on top of the already committed government’s social protection expenditures.

11 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.2
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 2 BAPPENAS (the Indonesian Ministry of planning) develops an Integrated Referral System (IRS) for better coordination and integration of social protection and employment services in Indonesia. The preparation phase started in 2014 and continued in 2015 with the testing of the tools in some pilot districts. The IRS is planned to be rolled out over a 5 year period from January 2015 to Dec It targets to roll out into 100 districts /municipality. The ILO conducted feasibility studies for the establishment of a better coordinated and integrated social protection system in Indonesia through the Single Window Service project in two provinces in 2013 and The report, Design study of the Single Referral System for Social Protection System in Indonesia, published in December 2014 was endorsed by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs.

12 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.2
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 3 L'Algérie dispose (en décembre 2013) d'un premier groupe d'experts dont les capacités ont été renforcées pour assurer la formation dans la future Ecole supérieure de sécurité sociale dont la mise en place fait l'objet d'un partenariat BIT/Ministère du travail, de l'emploi et de la sécurité sociale (mémorandum signé en juin 2013). Appui technique fourni par le BIT au gouvernement pour la mise en place de cette école : - Programmes de formation de la future Ecole sur la sécurité sociale ont été développés avec l’appui du BIT en tenant compte des modules du Master sur la protection sociale de l'Université de Maurice qui ont été partagés par le BIT avec le Ministère du travail; - Définition d'un plan d'action pour l'appui à la mise en place de l'école; - Mission technique d'une délégation du Ministère du travail et de l'Université d'Alger au BIT Genève organisée (janvier 2013). Projet de partenariat pour la mise en place de l'école finalisé et signé entre le BIT/Algérie le 14 juin 2013.

13 Indicator 3.3 Indicator Result criteria
Member States that have set up new programmes or improved the existing ones that contribute to extending social protection coverage or improving benefit adequacy Reportable results must meet one or more of the following criteria: 1.Government, in consultation with social partners, develops new or revises existing social protection programmes, which can be either contributory or non-contributory, that extend coverage of social protection. 2. Government designs, revises or implements regulations that improve benefit adequacy in contributory and non-contributory social protection programmes.

14 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.3
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 1 A new unemployment assistance scheme (Hafiz II) has been implemented in 2014 by the Government and it is anchored in the employment plan of 2014 of Saudi Arabia. It provides financial assistance to job seekers aged 35-60, who are looking for a job and are not covered by the unemployment insurance law. Tripartite stakeholders endorsed the draft unemployment assistance scheme and the related actuarial valuation. The Office assisted in drafting the provisions of the new unemployment assistance scheme, based on extensive tripartite consultations and in line with ILO's social security Conventions and international best practices. The ILO also developed the policy design parameters for the new scheme and carried out an actuarial valuation for providing costing options for the new scheme consultations.

15 Example of reporting for Indicator 3.3
Result Criteria Result achieved ILO contribution 2 The Ministers of Health and Social Development and the National Economy of Kazakhstan issued the joint Decrees No.623 of 27 July 2015 and No.585 of 31 July 2015 Approving the rules for calculating the subsistence minimum. This contributes to the improvement of national social protection floors as many of social security benefit calculation in Kazakhstan (as well as the other CIS countries) are anchored to the amount of subsistence minimum. To support the government in the preparation of the rules for calculating the subsistence minimum, the ILO prepared technical reports on: - “The Methodologies of the Subsistence Minimum Determination in Kazakhstan: the Ways and Approaches to Improve (main report with a set of recommendations) and - Methods for Estimating the Poverty Lines: Four Country Case Studies”). The rules adopted by the government incorporate ILO recommendations presented in January, 2012.

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