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Nocturia vescica, prostata o sintomo sistemico ?

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2 Nocturia vescica, prostata o sintomo sistemico ?

STORAGE SYMPTOMS urgency, frequency, nocturia incontinence VOIDING SYMPTOMS poor stream, hesitancy POSTMICTURITION SYMPTOMS postmicturition dribble sensation of incomplete emptying

4 Definition ICS, 2002 “The complaint that the individual
has to wake at night 1 or more times to void” Report from the standardization sub-committee ICS, 2003 “ The number of voids are recorded during a night’s sleep : each void is preceeded and followed by sleep ICS definition refers to nocturia as a complaint rather than a clinical important condition The word “night” should be replaced by sleep time Definition Abrams P et al. Urology 61(1), 2003 Nocturia THINK TANK and consensus statement from interdisciplinary conference on nocturia Weiss P BJU Int 108 : 6, 2011

5 Prevalence • Men aged 20–40 years: 2–17%
• Women aged 20–40 years: 4–18% • Men aged > 70 years: 29–59% • Women aged > 70 years: 28–62% Cornu JN Eur Urol 62 : 877, 2012

6 Tikkinen et al. Eur Urol 57(3) , 2010

7 QoL and economic impact
Nocturia QoL and economic impact Diurnal fatigue Decreased concentration Lower performance at work Accidents (fractures...) Quality of sleep of the partner ≥ 3 voids /night it is associated with higher total medical costs Cornu JN Eur Urol 62 : 877, 2012 Nakagawa H J Urol 183 : 1, 2010

8 Definitions van Kerrebroeck et al.
Neurology and Urodynamics 21: , 2002

9 Definitions ”Nocturia occurs when the nocturnal urine volume
exceeds the maximum voided volume that reflects the functional bladder capacity..." Dani H Nature Reviews 13 : 573, 2016

10 Classification ICI, 2013

11 No abnormalities on FVC

12 24-h urine volume > 40 ml/kg

13 NPI > 20-33%

14 NBCi > 0

15 Classification Cornu JN Eur Urol 62 : 877, 2012

16 Classification ICI, 2013



19 Nocturia sintomo isolato con causa sistemica nota
Nocturia sintomo isolato senza causa sitemica nota

20 Nocturia insieme a sintomi minzionali

21 come sintomo SISTEMICO
Nocturia come sintomo SISTEMICO e non di organo

INFORMATION & PREPARATION OF MOTOR RESPONSES CIRCUIT 1: VOID-NO VOID DECISION WHITE MATTER DISEASE CIRCUIT 3: ENVIRONMENT RECOGNITION EMOTIONAL STATE Circuit 1: frontal, involving the medial prefrontal cortex; contextualization of bladder sensory information with precosncious and cosncious control over bladder filling and voiding; the seat of the void/no void decision Circuit 2: midcingulate involving the dACC and adjacent SMA; registration of bladder sensory information and preparation of motor responses Circuit3: subcortical involving refions such as the hippocampal ccomplex; corresponding with the limbic system, pattern/enviromental reocgnition and relating urinary status to emotional state


24 Urologo funzionale sempre più specialista globale e non di organo

25 Nocturia vescica, prostata sintomo sistemico ?

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