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Overview of ITER TBM Program
B.G Hong Chair, TBM Program Commitee Chonbuk National University, Korea The presenter wishes to thank L. M. Giancarli, IO-CT and the TBM Teams from CN, EU, IN, JA and KO for some of the pictures used in this presentation concerning the corresponding Test Blanket Systems. 5th A3 Foresight Workshop on Spherical Torus Kunming, China, February 15-17, 2017
Outline of the presentation
Introduction Test Blanket Module (TBM) Program Main Features of the Test Blanket Modules TBM Program Test Plan and Status of the TBM Program Conclusions
1. Introduction
Fusion Reaction D-T reaction is the most probable reaction
D + T → n (14.06 MeV) + α (3.52 MeV) Neutrons carry the energy that will produce the electric power and the tritium in the breeding blanket Neutrons deposit heat in interior zone and extreme temperatures are possible in principle Neutrons cause some structural materials to become radioactive Tritium must be generated inside the fusion system to have a sustainable fuel cycle Decay half-life is 12.3 years Tritium for 1,000 MWe fusion reactor: ~ 50 kg/y, ITER ~ 3 kg/y Current tritium inventory: ~ 20 kg, recovery rate ~ (2+a) kg/y Breeding through neutron interactions with lithium Lithium, in some form, must be used
Fusion Reactor (Tokamak type)
ITER Nuclear Reaction Coolant Blanket Plasma: D+T→4He+n+17.6 MeV Core Plasma + V V Neutrons Blanket: 6Li+n→4He+3H MeV 7Li+n→4He+3H+n‘ MeV 9Be+n→8Be+2n -2.5 MeV Heat Tritium Shield FW TFC Coolant Tritium
ITER & DEMO Physics Support Activities
Path to Reactor Fusion Engineering R&D Structural Material IFMIF Irradiation Blanket Material Tritium Plasma facing component … Test Blanket Module (TBM) DEMO/Reactor Fusion Plasma R&D ITER JET EAST KSTAR JT-60SA … ITER & DEMO Physics Support Activities
ITER ITER : International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Total fusion power MW (700MW) Q = fusion power/aux. heating power ≥ 10 Average neutron wall loading MW/m2 (0.8 MW/m2) Plasma inductive burn time ≥ 400 s Plasma major radius m Plasma minor radius m Plasma current (Ip) 15 MA (17 MA) Vertical elongation Triangularity Toroidal field T Plasma volume m3 Plasma surface m2 Installed aux. heating power 73 MW (100 MW) ITER : International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor “ The Way” in Latin : Essential step towards energy production
Mission of ITER [Physics] To address the science of self-heated plasmas in reactor-relevant regimes and high N (plasma pressure) Self-heated plasmas: Q ~ 5 (long pulse) to 10 (pulsed) Full non-inductive current drive sustained in near steady state conditions (with high bootstrap current) [Engineering] Integration of steady-state reactor-relevant fusion technology Large-scale high-field superconducting magnets Long-pulse high-heat-load plasma-facing components Plasma control systems (heating & current drive, fueling, ...) [Fusion Reactor Tech.] Testing of blanket modules “ITER should test tritium breeding module concepts that would lead in a future reactor to tritium self-sufficiency, the extraction of high grade heat and electricity production.”
Fusion Reactor Technology is a key to Fusion Energy
Magnetic field First wall Fusion Core + neutron First wall Fusion plasma see only first wall and magnetic field Plasma physics Engineering: vacuum vessel, SC magnet, heating etc. ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 9
Fusion Reactor Technology is a key to Fusion Energy
Shield Blanket neutron Magnetic field Coil Blanket see only fusion neutron and magnetic field Energy conversion Tritium technology Material: High temp. low activation Safety ∙∙∙∙∙∙∙ 10
Tritium Breeding Blanket (1/2)
Tritium breeding blanket is an essential component of a fusion reactor • Exhausts the heat from neutron & gamma energy Blanket temperature must be high for large thermal conversion efficiency • Generates the fuel (T) Fusion reactor needs to produce by itself all the tritium that is needed as fuel for the D-T plasma (Tritium-breeding self-sufficiency). • Contributes to shielding It has the highest activation and after heat. Blanket V V Neutrons + Heat Tritium FW Shield TFC
Tritium Breeding Blanket (2/2)
Tritium breeding materials Liquid metals (Li, PbLi, SnLi) Molten salts (Flibe, FLiNaBe) Solid Breeders (Li2O, Li4SiO4, Li2TiO3 and Li2ZrO3) Neutron Multiplier (for most blanket concepts) Beryllium (Be, Be12Ti) Lead (in LiPb) Coolants High pressure Helium, Water, Breeding materials Structural Materials Ferritic Steel, Vanadium Alloys, SiC/SiC Composites Must be low activated and compatible with high temperature coolant Based on safety, waste disposal, and performance Functional Materials: MHD insulators, thermal insulators, tritium permeation barriers, Neutron reflectors etc. Blanket Concept Many concepts possible by combinations of breeder materials, structural materials and coolants. 9Be+n→8Be+2n -2.5 MeV
2. TBM Program
Testing of Tritium Breeding Blankets in ITER
The Tritium Breeding Blankets (TBBs) are complex components, needed in the DEMO/fusion reactor, where they will be submitted to severe working conditions (TBBs are not present in ITER). ITER is a unique opportunity to test TBB mock-ups in DEMO-relevant conditions : Test Blanket Modules (TBMs) ITER Members have their own TBB concepts. On the way to DEMO, the test of TBMs in ITER is essential to answering two critical questions about fusion as an energy source: Can tritium be produced in the blanket and extracted from the blanket at a rate equal to tritium consumption in the plasma ? Can heat be extracted from the blanket at temperatures high enough for efficient electricity generation?
Overview of the TBM Program (1/2)
All the activities performed by the Central Team of the ITER Organization (IO-CT) & by the ITER Members (IMs) Domestic Agencies (DAs) and related to this mission form the “TBM Program”. The “TBM Program” foresees the operation of 6 TBMs, located in 3 equatorial ports (2 TBMs / port), with their own ancillary systems (e.g., coolant, Tritium extraction, I & C, maintenance) to form 6 Test Blanket Systems (TBSs).
Overview of the TBM Program (2/2)
(TL = TBM Leader) HCLL : Helium-Cooled Lithium Lead, HCPB : He-Cooled Pebble Beds WCCB : Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder, HCCR : Helium-Cooled Ceramic Reflector HCCB : He-Cooled Ceramic Breeder, LLCB : Lithium-Lead Ceramic Breeder RF and US also support the TBM Program by providing R&D results Starting from the selected DEMO TBB, the TBMs port allocation is: Port Nb Fist Concept Second Concept 16 HCLL (TL : EU) HCPB (TL : EU) 18 WCCB (TL : JA) HCCR (TL : KO) 2 HCCB (TL : CN) LLCB (TL : IN) TBMs can correctly represent DEMO-TBBs only if they use the same structural material All six DEMO TBB use a Reduced-Activation Ferritic/Martensitic steel To note that these type of steels: Are developed to avoid rad-waste with lifetime longer than 100 years important for future of D-T fusion power !!! Are ferromagnetic they perturb the magnetic field in the ITER plasma. Experiments in DIII-D have been performed in 2009, 2011 and 2014 (obtained promising results).
Management of the TBM Program
Official Governance Performed by the ITER Council TBM Program Committee (TBM-PC) The TBM-PC meets twice a year (as STAC and MAC) in order to report to each ITER Council meeting Main IO-CT responsibilities Ensure interfaces, integration, operate the six TBSs in ITER; Define the TBS acceptance criteria and perform corresponding tests; TBS commissioning, licensing, replacement, maintenance; Design and procure the TBM port frames and dummy TBMs, the TBS connection pipes, and the common maintenance tools and equipment to be used in TBM Port Cells and in Hot Cell TBM Port Cell integration; Monitor the activities of the ITER Members on the TBS-related activities. Main ITER Members (IM) TBM Leader responsibilities Specify and perform the TBS-related R&D; Design the TBSs, procure and deliver them on the ITER site; Define the contents, the objectives, the planning and the interpretation of the TBS Testing; Ship the irradiated TBMs from the ITER site to some appropriate IM facilities and performing any required Post-Irradiation Examinations. The 6 TBS Procurement performed via TBM Arrangements signed between the IO-CT and the involved IM
Comparison ITER/DEMO Operating Conditions
Parameters (TBM relevant) ITER H phase Design (Typical) Values ITER DT phase DEMO Typical Values Comparison ITER versus DEMO Surface heat flux on First Wall (MW/m2) 0.3 (0.15) 0.5 (0.27) 0.5 Lower but relevant Neutron wall load (MW/m2) - 0.78 (0.78) 2.5 Much lower but relevant using engineering scaling Pulse length (sec) Up to 400 400 /up to 3000 ~ cont. In some cases need significant modeling Duty cycle 0.22 > 0.22 Av. neutron fluence on First Wall (MWa/m2) 0.1 (first 10 y) up to 0.3 7.5 Too low, need of tests in other appropriate facilities Except for the long-term neutron irradiation effects, the Breeding Blanket performance and behaviour can be validated in ITER by operating the TBM Systems provided the same TBMs materials and technologies are used in DEMO The need of “Engineering scaling” requires the testing different TBM versions during the different ITER operation phase
3. Main Features of 6 Test Blanket Modules
ITER Equatorial Port # 16 – TBM-1 : HCLL
He-Cooled Lithium-Lead (HCLL) TBMs ► Structures: Eurofer Steel ► Multiplier / Breeder: Pb-16Li (6Li 90%) ► Coolant: Helium at 8 MPa, 300/500°C ► T steel: 350°C / 550°C ► Pb-16Li velocity < 1 mm/s, Pb-16Li temperature: 350°C / 550°C ► He-cooled Eurofer steel box, He-cooled stiffeners & cooling plates
ITER Equatorial Port # 16 – TBM-2 : HCPB
Helium-Cooled Pebble-Bed (HCPB) TBMs ► Structures: Eurofer Steel ► Multiplier: Be ► Breeder: Li4SiO4 or Li2TiO3 pebbles (6Li 90%) ► Coolant: He (8 Mpa, 300/500°C) ► Purge gas: He (0.4 MPa) ► T steel: 350°C/550°C ► Be pebble beds, T< 600°C ► T ceramic < 900°C ► He-cooled Eurofer steel box, He-Cooled stiffeners and cooling plates
ITER Equatorial Port # 18 – TBM-3 : WCCB
Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder TBM ► Structures: F82H Steel ► Multiplier: Be pebbles ► Breeder: Li2TiO3 (6Li 30%) ► Coolant: H2O 15.5 MPa, 280/325°C ► He-cooled F82H steel box, 2 sub-modules ► Temperature steel: 300°C/550°C ► Be pebble beds, T< 600°C ► Li2TiO3 ,T < 900°C ► It features vertical cooling tube bundles and Be & Li2TiO3 vertical pebbles beds
ITER Equatorial Port # 18 – TBM-4 : HCCR
Helium-Cooled Ceramic Reflector TBM ► Structures: KO-RAFM Steel (ARAA) ► Multiplier : Be-pebbles ► Breeder: Li4SiO4 or Li2TiO3 pebbles (6Li 30-60%) ► Reflector: Graphite pebbles ► Coolant: He at 8 MPa, 300/500°C ► Purge gas: He at 0.1 MPa Four sub-modules concept ► He-cooled RAFM steel box, HC stiffeners ► Parallel columns of cooling plates, of Be and of Li4SiO4 pebbles beds and of Graphite pebbles ► Temperature steel: 350°C/550°C ► Be pebble, T< 650°C ► Ceramic pebble beds, T< 920°C
ITER Equatorial Port # 2 – TBM-5 : HCCB
Helium-Cooled Ceramic Breeder TBMs ► Structures: RAFM Steel ► Multiplier: Be ► Breeder: Li4SiO4 (6Li 80%) ► Coolant: He (8 MPa, 300/500°C) ► Purge gas: He ► He-cooled RAFM steel boxes, 4 sub-modules, T steel: 350°C/550°C ► Internal cooling plates and rib, segregating Be and Li4SiO4 pebbles beds ► Be pebble beds, T< 600°C, Li4SiO4 pebble beds, T< 900°C
ITER Equatorial Port # 2 – TBM-6 : LLCB
Lithium-Lead Ceramic Breeder TBMs ► Structures: RAFM Steel ► Multiplier: Pb-16Li ► Breeders: Pb-16Li (6Li 90%) & Li2TiO3 pebbles (6Li 30-60%) ► Coolants: He (8 MPa, 350/480°C) & Pb-16Li (350/480°C) ► Purge gas: He at 0.1 MPa Exploded view Scheme of the Pb-16Li flow
View of a TBM Port Plug and a TBM Port Cell
Equatorial TBM Port Plug Port Interspace Bio-shield Plug Port Cell Area behind Bio-shield Steel Frame ~ 20-cm thick TBM TBM Shield TBM-Set Opening for each of the 2 TBMs ~1.7 x 0.5 m2 Ancillary Systems: 6 independent Cooling Systems (CSs) 6 independent Tritium Extraction Systems (TESs) 6 independent Instrumentation & Control Systems
4. TBM Program Test Plan and Status of the TBM Program
TBS pre-assembly operations Early TBS installation
TBM Schedule (draft) based on staged approach First Plasma Full DT 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 * * 6 m 18 m 21 m Magnet/Engineering Commissioning Pre-Fusion Power Operation 1 Pre-Fusion Power Operation 2 Fusion Power Operation Integrated Commissioning 24 m 15 m 12 m Assembly II Assembly III Assembly IV 6 m 9 m 9 m Integrated Commissioning II Integrated Commissioning III Integrated Commissioning IV Jun Jun TBS pre-assembly operations EM-TBM TN-TBM Early TBS installation TBS installation
Adopted Strategy for the TBM Program Testing Plan
Operation of the TBS must not jeopardize ITER performance, reliability / availability and safety the TBM testing plan has to be adapted to the ITER operation plan Up to 4 design versions per each TBM will be tested in order to take into account the various ITER operation conditions Typical TBS testing sequence: TBS learning/validation phase during the non-nuclear phase (H, H/He) ElectroMagnetic version (EM-TBM) Verify/qualify the TBSs operation in ITER operating environment. Demonstrate the coolant capability and TBM resistance to ITER disruptions Acquire essential data to be used for the nuclear licensing process Verify/confirm that TBMs do not jeopardize the quality of plasma confinement TBS data acquisition phase during the ITER nuclear phase (D, D-T) Thermal/Neutronic version (TN-TBM), Neutronic/Tritium & Thermo-Mechanic version (NT/TM-TBM), INTegral TBM (INT-TBM) Validation of the prediction with existing modelling codes and nuclear data Assessment of the TBMs thermo-mechanical behaviour at relevant temp. Demonstration of the tritium management Breeding Blanket performance for an extended period of time Post-Irradiation Examinations (PIEs) for material/process data
Main TBM Program milestones in the Design phase
No Milestone title Status 1 Small/medium size TBM mock-ups fabrication addressing critical components manufacturing On-going 2 Preparation of material data base for DEMO-relevant structural material including irradiation (~1 dpa) (for design codes & standards) 3 Conceptual Design for TBSs (IMs) ~achieved 4 Conceptual Design for Frame/Dummy TBMs, maintenance tools and equipment, TBS connection pipes (IO-CT) 5 Preliminary Design for TBSs, Frame/Dummy TBMs, maintenance tools and equipment 2017/18 6 Fabrication & Testing of large-size mock-ups (mainly TBMs) 2025 7 Demonstration of RH operations (mainly in TBM Port Cells) 8 Final Design for the six Test Blanket Systems, for Frame/Dummy TBMs, and for maintenance tools and equipment
Conclusions The ITER TBM Program is the answer to the ITER mission of testing tritium breeding module that would lead in a fusion reactor to the tritium self-sufficiency, the extraction of high grade heat and the electricity production. The design of the six Test Blanket Systems and of the associated supporting components (e.g., frames, maintenance tools/equipment) has now completed the Conceptual Design phase. The installation of the TBS is expected to start early in 2030 and the TBM (EM-TBM) will be tested from the 3rd plasma campaign.
Thank you for your attention
Fusion Technology Development
Present ITER DEMO Reactor Physics Advanced Tokamak, Bootstrap current, ITB … Pth ~ 10 MW Advanced Tokamak D-T burning plasma Pth ~ 500 MW Improved “Limited” Pth < 2,000 MW “Moderate” Pth > 2,000 MW Pulse length ~ 10 s ~ 500 s Steady-state Plasma Facing Component - 20 MW/m2, 10 s 10-20 MW/m2 Blanket ITER Test Blanket Module R&D TBM testing Tout ~ 500°C Li-Ceramic/He/FS, PbLi/He/FS, Li/V Tout ~ 700°C PbLi/SiC Tout ~ 900°C Material R&D on FS, V-alloy, SiC/SiC etc. Industrially available Ferritic Steel V-alloy - 70 dpa SiC/SiC ? - 150 dpa Material Test Fission reactor, SNS IFMIF CTF Magnet Low Tc High Tc
Example: KO HCCR TBM Neutrons
Alternating layers of breeder, multiplier, graphite reflector Enriched Li-6 (40%) is used Li2SiO4 pebbles (single-sized) Li2TiO3 pebbles (optional) 97% TD pebbles & 62% packing factor Part of Be is replaced by graphite pebbles Be pebbles (double-sized) : 95% TD pebbles & 80 packing factor Graphite pebbles : cylinder or cubic, 80% TD pebbles & 85% packing factor Coolant: He at 8 MPa, 300/500°C Structural material: Ferritic Steel Neutrons 57.4 2.0/3.0 cm 23 cm
6 TBMs will be tested in ITER
SOLID Breeders Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) concept, using Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steel (RA-F/MS) structures, He-coolant, Be-multiplier, and Li2TiO3 or Li4SiO4 ceramic breeder: proposed by EU Water-Cooled Ceramic Breeder (WCCB) concept ,using RA-F/MS structures, water-coolant, Be-multiplier, and Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder: proposed by Japan Helium-Cooled Ceramic Breeder (HCCB) concept, using RA-F/MS structures, He-coolant, Be-multiplier, and Li4SiO4 ceramic breeder: proposed by China Helium-Cooled Ceramic Reflector (HCCR) concept, using RA-F/MS structures, He-coolant, Be-multiplier, Li4SiO4 ceramic breeder and C-pebbles reflector: proposed by Korea Helium-Cooled Lithium-Lead (HCLL) concept, using RA-F/MS structures, He-coolant , and Pb-16Li breeder & multiplier: proposed by EU Lithium-Lead Ceramic Breeder (LLCB) concepts using RA-F/MS structures, He-coolant , Pb-16Li breeder & multiplier & coolant, and Li2TiO3 ceramic breeder : proposed by India LIQUID Breeder
Components Classifications
ITER has been defined as a French Nuclear Facility (INB-174). This has a strong impact on the TBS components design, manufacturing, installation and operations. It is the first fusion facility falling under this definition. For the six TBSs there are in total more than 500 components (excluding I&C systems) located in various rooms of the Tokamak Complex buildings. Each component has its own classifications. Main component classifications to be defined are the following: Protection Important Component (PIC) ESP/ESPN (Pressure Equipment / Nuclear Pressure Equipment) Quality class Seismic, Tritium, Remote Handling Each classification has an impact on the required design and fabrication procedure, on the component credit for safety assessment, on the installation/inspection procedure, on cost, on acceptance tests, etc… The classification of each component has therefore to be fully defined before finalising their design and starting their procurements
Main challenges for the overall TBM Program
ITER Members perspective TBM RAFM structural material + all functional materials: data base and technologies TBS components performance TBS components compactness TBS testing objectives achievement Instrumentation R&D Tritium balance Common ESP/ESPN certification for various components Safety, in particular maximum dose rates in TBM Port cells Components reliability Licensing IO-CT perspective Integration in ITER TBM Port Plugs sealing Tritium management in Port Cells Interfaces with other ITER systems Impact on plasma performance Port Cell maintenance
Blanket Structural Material
Must have very good radiation (14 MeV neutron) resistance as well as low activation properties. Must be compatible with high temperature coolant Selection based on safety, waste disposal, and performance Candidates: Ferritic Steel, Vanadium Alloys, SiC/SiC Composites T ~ 550°C, ~ 35% T ~ 700°C, ~ 40% T ~ 1,000°C, > 50%
Overall View of the 6 Test Blanket Systems
Level 4: 4 CSs Level 3: 2 CSs Level 2: 6 TESs #2 #18 #16 Ancillary Systems in Tokamak Complex for 6 Test Blanket Systems formed by > 600 components: 6 independent Cooling Systems (CSs) 6 independent Tritium Extraction Systems (TESs) 6 independent Instrumentation & Control Systems
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