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UID16: Data models A B A B Kilder
UID: Soren Lauesen: User interface design - A software engineering perspective. Addison-Wesley, Fra kapitel 16. SR: En enkelt slide er fra Soren Lauesen: Software requirements - Styles and techniques. Addison-Wesley, 2002. © 2002, 2005, Pearson Education retains the copyright to the slides from the books, but allows restricted copying for teaching purposes only. It is a condition that the source and copyright notice is preserved on all the material. Bits and pieces for making E/R slides: And reports: A B stayID, paymethod stayID, paymethod D6. Stay A B
3. UID16.1 E/R data model for a hotel
Boxes with index cards Guest Stay Room 1:m One-to-many relationship m:m Many-to-many relationship A class contains: objects = entities records = rows Class = entity class table Entity-relationship data model Guests All guests in the database One guest may have several stays. One stay has only one guest Stays One stay may com-prise many rooms. One room may be used for many stays. Rooms
Lists forbidden on a card
4. Extra: Some index cards Guest Name: Address: Phone: Passport: John Simpson 456 Orange … … Guest Stay Room 1:m One-to-many relationship m:m Many-to-many relationship A class contains: objects = entities records Class = entity class table Entity-relationship data model Stay Pay by: Date Room 9802 23/8 12 24/8 12 24/8 11 visa E/R model: Lists forbidden on a card Room roomID: bedCount: Type: Price 1: Price 2: 12 2 Double 80 60 Put the date here?
5. UID16.2 With attributes and domain keys
Fields = attributes Guests name, address, phone, passport Guest Stay Room Key field: Underscore Unique identification stayID, paymethod, Stays date Rooms roomID, bedCount, type price1, price2
state (booked | occ | repair)
6. UID16.3A Resolve m:m with connection class Guests Rooms Stays RoomStates name, address, phone, passport Guest Stay RoomState Room stayID, paymethod date personCount, state (booked | occ | repair) enumeration field roomID, bedCount, type price1, price2
state (booked | occ | repair)
7. UID16.3B Final E/R model name, address, phone, passport Guest Stay RoomState Room stayID, paymethod date personCount, state (booked | occ | repair) roomID, bedCount, type price1, price2
8. UID16.3C Full hotel data model
Guest E.g. Full breakfast 6$, Continental 4$, Golf name, price Service Type Stay Stay Room State Service Received Type date, personCount, state (booked | occupied | repair) name, address1, address2, address3, phone, passport roomID, bedCount, type price1, price2 name, price date, quantity Guest stayID, paymethod, state (booked | in | out | canceled) Add to ServiceReceived: serviceType (fullBreakfast | continental | ) Remove this class?
9. UID16.4 Relational data model - design level
Guest guestID name address 32 John Si Orange Gr 33 Lise Ha... Dysseg... 57 38 Yun Chen Kirch... 6 Primary key - artificial - natural Guest Foreign key, reference Table (relation) Stay stayID guestID paymethod . . . Cash Visa Stay Using the database Who stays in room 11 today 24/8? Which rooms has John Simpson today? Guest Thomson books, what happens? Guest 38 is to be deleted - how? Total amount for room 13? Record = Row Composite key RoomState stayID roomID date state . . . /8 occ /8 occ /8 booked /8 occ RoomState Room roomID price 11 80 12 60 13 80 Room
10. UID16.5 Data sources Official source text
When a car is registrated it gets a license number (shown on the license plate). The Vehicle Office also records the owner’s name and address, civil registration number or company tax file number, the make (producer and model), chassis number, fuel type (gas, diesel, ...) and the registration date. The vehicle office sends a registration certificate to the primary owner or user, but it doesn’t show the civil registration number or the company registration number. More than one owner and user may be recorded. Car Owner ? A domain word may become: an entity an attribute a relationship something outside the model printout/computation “noise”
11. UID16.6 Data dictionary D1: Class: Guest [Notes a, b ... refer to guidelines] The guest is the person or company who has to pay the bill. A person has one or more stay records. A company may have none [b, c]. “Customer” is a synonym for guest, but in the database we only use “guest” [a]. The persons staying in the rooms are also called guests, but are not guests in database terms [a]. Examples E1. A guest who stays one night. E2. A company with employees staying now and then, each of them with his own stay record where his name is recorded [d]. E3. A guest with several rooms within the same stay. Attributes 1. name: Text, 50 chars [h] 2. passport: Text, 16 chars [h] Attribute missing in data model Guidelines for classes. Explain: a) Name in the system vs. name in domain b) Relationships to other classes c) Cases where connections are missing d) Concerns when creating or deleting an entity e) Typical and unusual examples
12. UID16.6 Data dictionary (cont.)
D1: Class: Guest [Notes a, b ... refer to guidelines] The guest is the person or company who has to pay the bill. A person has one or more stay records. A company may have none [b, c]. “Customer” is a synonym for guest, but in the database we only use “guest” [a]. The persons staying in the rooms are also called guests, but are not guests in database terms [a]. Examples E1. A guest who stays one night. E2. A company with employees staying now and then, each of them with his own stay record where his name is recorded [d]. E3. A guest with several rooms within the same stay. Attributes 1. name: Text, 50 chars [h] 2. passport: Text, 16 chars [h] Guidelines for attributes. Explain: f) From where in the domain do we get the values? g) What are they used for in the domain? h) Possible values i) Special values, e.g. blanks, and when j) Typical and unusual examples The name stated by the guest [f]. For companies the official name since the bill is sent there [g]. Longer names exist, but better truncate at registration time than at print out time [g, j]. Recorded for guests who are obviously foreigners [f, i]. Used for police reports in case the guest doesn’t pay [g] . . .
13. UID16.7 Network model: Flight routes
Chicago NewYork Route: AA331. Mon, Wed Arr Dep Chicago 10:45 Columbus 11:40 12:20 Washington 13:30 14:15 New York 15:10 AA331 Columbus Washington Leg Route City Route Leg City attributes? From To Next 1:1 relation
14. UID16.8 Example: Text processor
Document font, underline . . . fileName, zoom Section Style ?? Picture Shape margin, paperSize, headers, columns Paragraph alignment, indentation, spacing . . . Character
15. UID16.9 Hierarchies D1 D1.1 D1.2 D1.3 D1.1.1 D1.1.2 D1.3.1 D1.3.2
HeadQt Dept SubDept Project projID, name, (headqtID, deptID, sDeptID) headqtID, name deptID, name, (headqtID) sDeptID, name, (deptID)
16. UID16.9 Hierarchies (cont.)
Dept deptID name belongsTo D1 HeadQt D1.1 Sales D1 D1.2 Personnel D1 D1.3 Development D1 D1.1.1 Sydney D1.1 D1.1.2 Melbourne D1.1 D1.3.1 Hardware D1.3 D1.3.2 Software D1.3 Dept Project has belongs ? projID, name
17. UID16.10 Network model: road map
?? Section ?? Point Copyright Melway Publishing Pty Ltd. Reproduced from Melway Edition 31 with permission.
18. UID16.11 Sub-classes: Internet car broker
announce Attributes in UML way Class Customer custID phone1 phone2 Advertisement fromDate toDate make year miles color state price text see? Dealer name address . . . Private userID cardID expiry Sub-classes File card extensions E/R solution 1: Constraint - Priv or Dealer Customer Dealer Private custID, phone subClass (priv|dealer) custID, userID . . . custID, name . . . Customer custID phone1 phone2 userID . . . name E/R solution 0: Include all fields. Allow nulls. Which combinations?
19. UID16.11 Sub-classes (cont.)
announce Attributes in UML way Class Customer custID phone1 phone2 Advertisement fromDate toDate make year miles color state price text see? Private userID cardID expiry Dealer name address . . . E/R solution 3: Customer may have several roles. All possible attributes. Many null - depending on role. Customer Role role (private | dealer | reader), userID, name, address, cardID, expiry, custID Cust&Priv Dealer E/R solution 2: Always space for Private
20. Extra: Two kinds of abstraction: Sub-class and type
Hotel Employee Super-class Sub-class Receptionist Waiter Maid Boss Room Room Type Item Type Type room number type name, price Copy Version Book item bar code year, ISBN + barcode author, title
21. UID16.12A Notational variations
Cardinality: 1:m variants: Each A has zero or more Bs Each B has one A Referential integrity A B owns Each A owns one or more Bs Each B belongs to one A A B belongs Each A has one or more Bs Each B has zero or one A A B Main rule: Don't use | and o. Noise! Only to emphasize something A B 1:1 variant: Each A has a B (don’t know about zero) Each B has zero or one A m:m variant Each A has one or more Bs Each B has zero or more As
22. UID16.12A Notational variations (cont.)
UML notation Each A has one or more Bs Each B has one A 1:1 1: A B 0:1 1:99 Each A has one to 99 Bs Each B has zero or one A A B Stay RoomState 1:m: Move attributes to RoomState and make a 1:m crow’s foot. date, state Room #persons Diamond notation m:m: Make diamond a connection class m 1
23. SR2.2F Transformation rules
B C Two feet facing the same way make one long foot A C A B C Two feet facing opposite ways make many-to-many A C Stay Room Resolve many- to-many with a connection box Room state Stay Room
24. UID16.12B UML and broken connectors
0: Building wish 1:1 Contract period Activity Building 0:1 0: 0: 1:1 1:1 0: 1: 0: 1:1 1:1 0: 0:1 Class activity 0: 1: Request hour Room hour 1: Line Request Room 0:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 0: 1:1 1: 0: 1:1 1:1 0: 1:1 0: Room wish 0: Room property Class 0: 1:1 1:1 0: 1: 1:1 0: Class hours Property wish Property 0: 1:1 1: 1:1 0:1 1:1 Time table 0:1 0: User authoriz 1:1 Authoriz type User 0: 1:1 0:
25. UID16.12B Room allocation system in E/R notation
Building wish Contract period Activity Building Class activity Request hour Room hour Line Request Room Room wish Room property Class Class hours Property wish Property Time table User authoriz Authoriz type User
Several records for same key
26. UID16.14A Normalization and first normal form Purpose: Avoid redundancy (same data several places) Find the “true” objects Ensure “table format” First normal form: For each primary key, there must be a fixed number of fields of fixed length. Employee qualifications empID name deptID deptName Courses 100 Thomson 5 Sales Windows, Word, Access 101 Smith 7 Accounting Word 102 Bunting 5 Sales Word, Access List attribute Course list Employee qualifications empID name deptID deptName courseID courseName year 100 Thomson 5 Sales 1 Windows 1996 100 Thomson 5 Sales 2 Word 1996 100 Thomson 5 Sales 3 Access 1997 101 Smith 7 Accounting 2 Word 1996 102 Bunting 5 Sales 2 Word 2000 102 Bunting 5 Sales 3 Access 2001 Fixed length attributes Key repeated Redundancy Several records for same key
27. UID16.14A Normalization and first normal form (cont.)
Cure: Move variable-length stuff to a separate table. CoursesTaken empID courseID courseName year 100 1 Windows 1996 100 2 Word 1996 100 3 Access 1997 101 2 Word 1996 102 2 Word 2000 102 3 Access 2001 Employees empID name deptID deptName 100 Thomson 5 Sales 101 Smith 7 Accounting 102 Bunting 5 Sales Employee CourseTaken
28. UID16.14B Second normal form
Doesn’t depend on empID Second normal form: First normal form + Non-key fields must depend on entire key. CoursesTaken empID courseID courseName year 100 1 Windows 1996 100 2 Word 1996 100 3 Access 1997 101 2 Word 1996 102 2 Word 2000 102 3 Access 2001 Cure: Move fields depending on a partial key to a separate table. CoursesTaken empID courseID year Courses courseID courseName 1 Windows 2 Word 3 Access Course CourseTaken
29. UID16.14C Third normal form & final model
Depends only on deptID Third normal form: Second normal form + Non-key fields must be independent. Employees empID name deptID deptName 100 Thomson 5 Sales 101 Smith 7 Accounting 102 Bunting 5 Sales Cure: Move interdependent fields to a separate table. Department Employee Employees empID name deptID 100 Thomson 5 101 Smith 7 102 Bunting 5 Departments deptID deptName 5 Sales 7 Accounting Course CourseTaken name year deptName courseName Omit deptID and use deptName as the key? The "true" objects
30. UID16.14D Hotel system normalization
Depend only on type Rooms roomID type bedCount price1 price2 011 Double, bath 012 Single, toilet 1 60 013 Double, bath 014 Single, toilet 1 60 015 Double, bath 016 Single, bath 1 70 . . . Hard to change prices for 400 rooms Rooms roomID roomType 011 1 012 3 013 1 014 3 015 1 016 4 . . . RoomTypes roomType description bedCount price1 price2 1 Double, bath 2 Double, toilet 3 Single, toilet 1 60 4 Single, bath 1 70 Third normal form: Easy to change prices for 8 room types
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