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Tips For traveling woman

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1 Tips For traveling woman
Abeer Almoosa -Tips for traveling woman . -To inform my audience about the necessary tips that a woman should know when traveling. -its an informative essay.

2 Every woman’s dream is to travel alone, though in our society it’s a little beat strict where we are taught that a woman traveling alone can be a very dangerous thing due to unwanted and unnecessary risks when she is not traveling or accompanied by a man . despite of the challenges they face. My advice to some of these challenges are:

3 Last week, a woman and mother of two from New York City was found murdered in Turkey. She was there on a solo three week trip, trying to hone her new found interest and skill in photography. It is a horrible story of untimely death.

4 Stay safe in your hotel:
First I would like to talk about the safetyness of the hotel your about to visit .it's advisable to book for a room near the elevator to enable not to walk down long. also make sure the clerk write your room and number instead of saying or shouting it loud .this will prevent anyone in the area to know your room number or where to find you .further more try to book a room near or next to the exit door or you can ask the hotel attendance to show you the exist in case of emergency.

5 The best advice is to register at a hotel and learn about the the country you are about to visit before traveling so as to avoid some challenges or difficulties in your visit. Always make sure your documents /money are in a safe place. It's advisable to photocopy all you traveling documents in case of anything.

6 When your out : -Think about how you're clothing will fit in with local costumes' (what are local women wearing?) -Don’t wear expensive jewellery -Don’t tell strangers where you are staying or give too many details about your travel plans -Never accept car rides from strangers.

7 Lastly making /meeting new friends with other travelers as a woman can be brilliant. But in the off chance you want to go somewhere and you would like company, having friends is more advantages because sometimes friends often watch others back and sometimes this is the best insurance of all Travelling Alone or with a couple of female friends can be a great experience unfortunately women travelers can be targeted by criminals.

8 References By Mei-Ling McNamara On February 28, 2008

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