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The Blues Plans, Private Insurance, and Managed Care Plans

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1 The Blues Plans, Private Insurance, and Managed Care Plans
Chapter 11 The Blues Plans, Private Insurance, and Managed Care Plans


3 Blue Cross Blue Shield Independently owned in each state
Spider-web network ID card Type of policy 1-3 alpha characters; 9-12 numbers PPO/POS/IPA/HMO/Medicare HMO BCBS Association Corporation administering rules/regs for regional plans For-profit status

4 Blue Cross and Blue Shield cont’d
Billing Concerns Local or Blue Card filing Appeal procedures/forms Where to call – benefits/authorization/claim status Contracts Contract only good for state – not out of state Group vs individual provider enrollment


6 Managed Care Plans Indemnity plans Managed Care HMO
Insured pays monthly premium; ded must be met before ins pays any claims Managed Care Insured pays premium in exchange for specific medical benefits Use PCP as gatekeeper HMO Prepaid group practice sponsored by govt, med schools, clinics, foundations, hospitals, employers, labor unions, community/consumer groups, ins co, hospital med plans, VA Prepaid Group Practice Health Plans Ex: Cigna; Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Centers

7 Managed Care Systems HMO EPO FMC IPA PPO Silent PPO POS

8 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)
Advantages Low cost for benefits Preventive health care Fixed, low copayments Low monthly premium Less out-of-pocket expense Disadvantages Restricted access to providers, other services

9 HMO Models Prepaid Group Practice Model Staff Model Network HMO
Delivers service at one or more locations through a group of physicians who contract with the HMO to provide care or through its own physicians who are employees of the HMO Staff Model Health plan hires the physicians directly and pays them a salary instead of contracting with a medical group Network HMO Contracts with 2 or more group practices to provide health services Direct Contract Model Open-panel HMO; contracts directly with private practice physicians

10 Exclusive Provider Organizations (EPO)
Combines features of HMOs and PPOs Employers agree not to contract with any other plan Providers give negotiated discounts No out-of-network benefits Patient must use a gatekeeper

11 Foundations for Medical Care (FMC)
Sponsored by state or local medical association Concerned w/ development/delivery of medical services and cost of health care Two types: Comprehensive – designs/sponsors prepaid health programs or sets minimum benefits of coverage Claims review – provides evaluation of the quality and efficiency of services by a panel of physicians to fiscal intermediaries Dedicated to incentive reimbursement Patient may see any member or non-member physician he chooses

12 Independent Practice Associations (IPA)
Physicians paid for services on a capitation or fee-for-service basis “Withhold” fees

13 Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
More flexible than an HMO Doesn’t‘ require a gatekeeper Patients can choose network or non-network providers Higher out-of-network costs Providers give negotiated discounts Reduced drug costs Preventive services may not be covered Copay/coinsurance/deductibles apply

14 Silent PPO Happens when PPO payer buys another existing PPO without telling the provider of the change Billing issues Determining the PPO Contacting payer Claim submission Payment Carefully review the insurance card Carefully review the EOB

15 Point of Service (POS) Combines elements of HMO & PPO
Patients free to choose physician Higher benefit level in-network


17 Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)
Contract with CMS to review medical necessity, reasonableness, appropriateness, and adequacy of inpatient hospital care Evaluates the quality and efficiency of services rendered by the physician

18 Utilization Review/Utilization Management
Assessment of the cost and use of components of health care systems Reviews individual cases to determine medical necessity for tests and procedures



21 Contracts and Carve-Outs
Contract – agreement between provider and insurance that outlines payment, billing, utilization review, medical review, and fee schedules Carve-out Medical services not included in standard contract Higher than standard reimbursement for certain procedures

22 In the Office Patient responsibility Financial Class assignments
Appointments Encounter form Preauthorization/Pre-notification Referrals Diagnostic tests

23 Bankruptcy MCO is obligated to pay all bills incurred before the filing


25 Transition Rural – urban Generalist – specialist Solo – group practice
Fee-for-service – capitation

26 Necessary Evil Uninsured Americans Escalating health care premiums
Government need to reduce the deficit by reducing increases in the Medicare/Medicaid programs Increase in physician/facility costs Medications Equipment Patients spend more money for less care Overuse of services by patients

27 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010
Forbids insurers from canceling ins coverage Requires insurers to use a high percentage of premiums for benefits instead of profits or overhead Gives tax credits to small businesses that offer coverage By 2014 almost everyone required to be insured or pay a fine Small businesses, self-employed, uninsured may choose from plans offered through state-based purchasing pools

28 PPACA cont’d Eliminates pre-existing condition exclusions
Ends lifetime limits on benefits Provides temporary insurance until 2014 for people who have been denied because of health status Allows young people to remain on their parents insurance until age 26 Makes preventive measures free to Medicare beneficiaries


30 Recap Managed care plans are prepaid health care programs in which a specified set of health benefits are provided in exchange for a yearly fee Primary care providers act as gatekeepers who control patient access to specialists and diagnostic services Types of managed care plans include EPO, FMC, PPO, silent PPO, and POS

31 Recap The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was established in response to the overarching need for health care reform Includes provisions for coverage, benefits, and insurability

Part I Fill in the Blank All questions Part II Multiple Choice Part III True/False

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