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Language assistants program

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1 Language assistants program 2016-2017

2 In this presentation we are going to talk about
Language assistants’ handbook Your role as an assistant Payment Medical insurance Immigration paperwork Help

3 You should read it attentively.
The contents of this presentation are included and extended in the Language Assistants’ Handbook on the URL You should read it attentively.

4 1. Your role as an assistant

Teach aspects of your culture Create an interest in your language and your culture Encourage an open attitude towards a multilingual environment HELP IMPROVE COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE Help students practice their listening and speaking skills Help the teacher in the creation of activities and in the classroom

6 Where you will teach: types of schools
Primary school CEIP (Centro de educación infantil y primaria) Public primary school CC (Centros concertados) Partly state subsidized schools

7 Where you will teach: types of schools
Secondary school and adult education IES (Educación secundaria) Public secondary school CC (Centros concertados) Partly state subsidized schools. EOI (School of languages for adults) CEPA (Adult education)

8 First days at school Introductions
You will go to school and your tutor will introduce you to the rest of the teachers and school staff The headmaster/tutor will give you your weekly schedule. 11 lessons and 1 hour for coordination with the teachers

9 First days at school During the first days you will probably go to the classes to observe. During this time, your objective is to get acquainted with: Knowledge of students (pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary) Teaching methodology Classroom management Attitude of students Form to carry out observations

10 Rest of the year Before the class Coordinate with your teachers (in the hour provided in your schedule to this effect) to find out what is expected of you in the next class or classes. Your role in the class could be: Prepare an oral language oriented activity to present to the students Prepare an activity related to your culture Help with pronunciation and vocabulary in oral activities

11 Rest of the year Regular meetings should be held with your tutors/teachers to check areas of success and improvement, voice concerns, pose questions, etc. Always talk to your tutor if you have concerns or suggestions.

12 Your role should not be Teach on your own Write the syllabus
Mark and grade Prepare or correct exams Watch over students

13 Attitude that is expected of you in your role as an assistant
Be punctual Prepare the activities you have been assigned Collaborate with your tutor/other teachers Do your job as well as you can. It is a job Provide medical certificates for absences

14 2. Payment

15 Assistants from the MECD
You will get paid 700 euros/month The Ministry of Education is in charge of payment You will get paid via bank transfer from Madrid. You need to fill in the questionnaire in the guide mecd/catalogo/general/educacion/998188/ficha/ /Guia- AACC Web.pdf You will receive the money at the beginning of the month

16 Assistants from the CAIB
You will get paid 700 euros/month from October to May The Balearic government is in charge of payment You will receive a cheque or a transfer from the school (find out who is in charge of this at your school and the method of payment from your tutor) and you need to sign a certificate of payment at the school every month You will receive the money the last working day of the month or first day of the following month

17 3. Medical insurance

18 MECD assistants A European Health Insurance card. balears Private medical insurance provided by Balearic Government from 1st October to 31st May

19 Assistants from Balearic Government
UE assistants European Health Insurance card. Hospitals or health care centres Private medical insurance provided by Balearic Government from 1st October to 31st May. Non UE Assistants

20 3. Medical insurance The medical assistance is provided by
If you need assistance, you will have to Emergencies: Health questions: ) Visits to the doctor need to be booked through

21 4. Immigration paperwork

22 If you are a EU member you need to get two documents
NIE (Número de identificación de extranjero) Passport and copy Duplicate of EX-15 Fill in a tax form to be paid at the bank Certificate of registration as a European Citizen Ex -18 ID card Letter of acceptance You have to send your NIE number to or to

23 If you are not a EU member you need to get two documents
NIE (Número de identidad de extranjero). If it is not on your visa Passport and copy Duplicate of EX-15 Letter of acceptance Fill in a tax form to be paid at the bank TIE (Tarjeta de identidad de extranjero) Ex-17 Photograph Passport and copy Lettter of acceptance Tax paid at the bank You have to send your NIE number to or to if you are paid from Madrid

24 Useful addresses 5.

25 For matters related to the program
Tutor or Headmaster/headmistress For matters related to the program Regional assistants or s_conversa_estrangers_cec_1516.html For matters related to the program M.O.E. assistants or

26 Aquí va l’anterior diapositiva Mapfre Policías
Useful addresses Aquí va l’anterior diapositiva Mapfre Policías Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte Subdirección General de Promoción Exterior Educativa Paseo del Prado, 28-5ª planta · Madrid Tel.: Fax:

27 Good luck!

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