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“ Thank you for all that you do. These screenings are really so important. ” Katie does not fit the standard definition of “high risk” for cardiovascular.

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Presentation on theme: "“ Thank you for all that you do. These screenings are really so important. ” Katie does not fit the standard definition of “high risk” for cardiovascular."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thank you for all that you do. These screenings are really so important. Katie does not fit the standard definition of “high risk” for cardiovascular disease. She is 45, with no previous medical history, eats well, exercises and maintains a healthy weight. High blood pressure didn’t seem like a possibility for her. However, her blood pressure at a Health Advocate biometric screening was high. Consequently, she was urged to follow up with a physician so she went “for the heck of it.” Katie’s doctor was concerned, and after numerous tests with negative results, checked her carotid artery. Low and behold she had a 95% blockage and needed surgery immediately. Katie is now doing great. “If I didn’t have my screening who knows where I would be right now. Thank you for discovering my blood pressure issue and encouraging me to find answers.”

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