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4 ¿Cómo es tu familia?.

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Presentation on theme: "4 ¿Cómo es tu familia?."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 ¿Cómo es tu familia?

2 Talking about daily routines
Reflexive verbs and pronouns pp. 145–146

3 yo me lavo tú te lavas Ud., él, ella se lava nosotros/as nos lavamos
Reflexive constructions in Spanish are generally used to express what people do to or for themselves: Notice that we often indicate that a verb is to be used reflexively by attaching se to the infinitive. lavarse (to wash oneself) yo me lavo te lavas Ud., él, ella se lava nosotros/as nos lavamos vosotros/as os laváis Uds., ellos/as se lavan

4 Reflexive: Tú te lavas la cara. You wash your face. Non-Reflexive: Tú lavas el auto. You wash the car.

5 One useful function of reflexive constructions is to describe daily personal activities.
El despertador suena a las 6:00. (Yo) me levanto temprano. The subject pronoun, yo, is in parentheses since it is optional in this case; the object pronoun me is used to show who is being gotten up—in this case, the same person as the subject, indicating that I am getting myself up. Whenever the subject and the object of a verb are the same person, the verb is being used reflexively.

6 The reflexive pronouns
me te se nos os se Note that se serves for both singular and plural forms in the third person.

7 Rafael se baña y se afeita antes de vestirse.
Reflexive pronouns are placed either before the conjugated verb . . . . . . or after and attached to an infinitive or gerund.

8 Todos nos acostamos temprano para poder levantarnos a tiempo el día siguiente.

9 Clara se pone la ropa antes de maquillarse.
When referring to parts of the body and articles of clothing, use the definite article rather than possessive adjectives with reflexive verbs. Clara se pone la ropa antes de maquillarse. Su novio se afeita la cara antes de vestirse.

10 Some verbs change meaning when used reflexively
dormir to sleep dormirse to fall sleep levantar to lift, to raise levantarse to get up llamar to call llamarse to be called poner to put, to place ponerse to put on quitarse to take off quitar to take away

11 Other common reflexive verbs
acostarse (ue) to go to bed afeitarse to shave (oneself) bañarse to take a bath casarse to get married conectarse a to connect to despertarse (ie) to wake up ducharse to take a shower

12 Other common reflexive verbs
lavarse to wash (oneself) maquillarse to put on makeup peinarse to comb (one’s hair) secarse to dry (oneself) sentarse (ie) to sit down sentirse (ie) to feel vestirse (i) to get dressed

13 ¡A practicar!

14 ¿A qué hora te duchas? Me ducho a las cinco de la mañana. 12 1 2 3 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 4 Me ducho a las cinco de la mañana.

15 ¿Qué haces después de ducharte?
Me seco después de ducharme.

16 ¿Qué hace tu hermana? Se peina el pelo.

17 ¿Que hace tu hermano menor por la noche?
Se acuesta por la noche.

18 FIN

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