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Palabras 2 Unidad 2 La rutina diaria.

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Presentation on theme: "Palabras 2 Unidad 2 La rutina diaria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Palabras 2 Unidad 2 La rutina diaria

2 dormirse (o –› ue) to fall asleep

3 vestirse (e–›i) to get dressed ponerse to put (something) on

4 (something on) oneself
cepillarse to brush (something on) oneself

5 levantarse to get up, stand up

6 bañarse to take a bath

7 cortar to cut

8 (something on) oneself
cortarse to cut (something on) oneself

9 afeitar to shave

10 mirarse to look at oneself

11 el cepillo de dientes the toothbrush

12 acostar (o –› ue) to put to bed

13 acostarse (o –› ue) to go to bed

14 lavar to wash

15 el cepillo the brush

16 bañar to bath

17 despertar (e –› ie) to wake (someone) up

18 despertarse (e –› ie) to wake up

19 the soap el jabón la pastilla, la barra the bar

20 peinar to comb

21 levantar to lift, raise up

22 llamarse to be called, named

23 (something on) oneself
afeitarse to shave (something on) oneself

24 (something on) oneself
lavarse to wash (something on) oneself

25 la ducha the shower

26 dormir (o –› ue) to sleep

27 the shampoo el champú

28 cepillar to brush

29 el tubo de pasta dentífrica
the tube of toothpaste

30 maquillar to put makeup on (someone)

31 quitar to take away

32 la navaja the razor, shaver

33 el peine the comb

34 to dry (something on) oneself
secarse to dry (something on) oneself

35 el rollo de papel higiénico The roll of toilet paper

36 maquillarse to put makeup on (oneself)

37 mirar to watch, look at

38 (something on) oneself
peinarse to comb (something on) oneself

39 poner to put, place, set

40 el desodorante the deodorant

41 vestir (e –› i) to dress

42 la crema de afeitar the shaving cream

43 quitarse to take (something) off

44 secar to dry

45 llamar to call

46 el espejo the mirror

47 sentarse (e–›ie) to sit down

48 el jugo (zumo) de naranja the orange juice

49 la botella the bottle

50 to have/eat (something for) breakfast
desayunarse to have/eat (something for) breakfast

51 el pan tostado the toast

52 la toalla the towel

53 el cereal the cereal

54 el cuarto (la sala) de baño the bathroom

55 el agua mineral the mineral water

56 el maquillaje the makeup

57 la cara the face

58 los dientes the teeth

59 el vaso the glass

60 el pelo, cabello the hair

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