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1,2,4,5 University of Debrecen(*), Hungary,

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2 1,2,4,5 University of Debrecen(*), Hungary,
Agroforesterie Formation en Europe FR1-LEO Collaborative working environment and Knowledge Databank for agroforestry training and education László Várallyai 1; Miklós Herdon 2; Charles Burriel 3; János Tamás 4; János Pancsira 5 1,2,4,5 University of Debrecen(*), Hungary, 3 Agrosup Dijon, France

3 Contents Introduction – About Agroforestry – Partners in the project
The objectives Results Moodle Mooc and Videotorium Hungarian specialities Developing Agroforestry in Agri-Environment course The Agricultural Informatics International conferences Field study Knowledge Database Facebook Conclusions

4 What is agroforestry Agroforestry: ecologically mixed landuse, where woody plants (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos etc.) are consciously combined with arable crops and/or livestock farming on the same land use The integration of agriculture and/or farming with forestry so the land can simultaneously be used for more than one purpose. This practice is meant to have both environmental and financial benefits. The presence of trees can provide benefits such as sheltering livestock from the elements and improving the soil so that crops will be more productive. The agroforestry system can also provide a more even income for landowners since all of their income is not tied to a few crops or a single season. Agroforestry can also make it easier for farmers to transition from one type of crop to another as market demand for their products changes.

5 Agroforestry systems Agroforestry practices helps to conserve and protect natural resources by low carbon and high biomass productive agriculture It provides many specific ecosystem services: carbon lock up, flood mitigation, reduction of diffuse pollution and soil erosion, protection of crops and livestock against climatic hazards due to climate change, synergetic production of crops and tree products, integrated habitat network high biodiversity value…

6 Agroforestry systems The ecological problem of these practices is the partly missing of network function without connecting ecological green corridors, which are determining in the case of an agroforestry landuse system. The main economical problem is verifiability for the agroforestry payment system, monitoring the arable lands and plantations. Remote sensing methods are currently used to supervise European Union payments for vineyards and olive groves.

7 9 Partners + other associated partners
AGROSUP Dijon, FR EURAF – European Agroforestry Federation, FR EPLEFPA – Etablissement Public Local d’Enseignement Agricole de l’Aube, FR Abacus Organic Associates Ltd, UK Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague, CZ ONG mare nostrum, RO University of Debrecen, HU AFAF – Association Française d’Agroforesterie, FR AWAF – Association pour la promotion de l’agroforesterie en région wallone et bruxelloise, BE

8 Objectives Since there is a lack of training and teaching in agroforestry and the general knowledge about agroforestry is low, the overall objective of the project is to develop a teaching system for agroforestry formation and promotion in Europe. The project aims to build an innovative training system: conceptual, module trainings, with use of ICT and with professional’s participation. One of the innovations of the project is a strong participation of professionals in trainings and in qualification process. Significant importance is to give training in context of professional situations, “on the field”.

9 Specific objectives To produce professional book of references as a support for transfers in training with a common framework and adaptation to local or national context. To create knowledge database which will be used for tools and training resources and which will also integrate existing resources. To implement experimentation in initial training in individual countries. To develop a certification system for all levels (L4, L5, L6) of education adapted to particular country education systems and needs.

10 AGROFE Agroforestry Moodle Folders
Training Materials pictures photographs Presentations Power point Posters Documents Articles Reports Press articles Research Papers Proposals Audio visual Videos Radio interviews You tube Case studies Farms Video Research sites Policy EU policy information Current policy documents Old policy documents Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) documents Country documents Local practice France Belgium UK Hungary Romania Czech Rep Germany USA Quality management Assessment documents Questionnaires Quality control documents Feedback forms Assessment forms Test/exam forms


12 Moodle as collaborative tools and LMS https://moodle. agr. unideb

13 Agroforestry subject on BSc at University of Debrecen

14 AgroFe FORUM

15 AgroFe Calendar

16 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) evaluation
Online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community. Evolution of MOOC

17 Videotorium (

18 Videotorium as Repository for AgroFE

19 Hungarian specialities
Developing Agroforestry in Agri-Environment course The Agricultural Informatics International conferences (2013 and 2014) Field study Knowledge Database Facebook

20 Developing Agroforestry in Agri-Environment course
The project participants are involved in to developing curricula for more training levels. Up to now we have developed subjects for BSc and MSc level in “Agroforestry” which accepted the faculty board. The documentation of the course was prepared for Faculty Council of University of Debrecen to accept it, which was supported unanimously. The declaration of the course was carried out in the digital educational system in order to the students could start the registry from the September 2014.

21 The Agricultural Informatics International conferences
On the Agricultural Informatics 2013 (AI2013) Conference on 8 of November at the plenary session held a presentation by Prof. Charles Burriel. There were 150 participants from 7 countries. Leading domestic and international professionals gave 11 plenary lectures on the site of the Conference. In the sessions 46 lectures were given by some 100 authors and co-authors. On the second day of the conference, we organized a workshop with the primary purpose of the tasks discussion in the AgroFe Leonardo Project and clarify and refine the tasks of the Hungarian partner and review of expectable proposals and opportunities in the field of Agricultural Informatics between

22 The Agricultural Informatics International conferences
On the Agricultural Informatics 2014 (AI2014) on 13 of November at the plenary session, which was followed parallel sessions. The main objective of the conference is to promote the exchange of experiences among non-profit, research and business professionals, as well as the development of the international relations. The meeting covers a broad range of topics, as follows: Big data, Information systems, Bioinformatics, Cloud computing and services, Collaborative working environment, Decision Support Systems, Modelling and simulation, , Ecological modelling, Education / Training programs and development, E-learning, Food safety and traceability, Future Internet in the agri-food sector, Mobile technology applications, Precision agriculture, GIS, RS, Wireless sensor networks.

23 Field study In the framework of transnational meeting was organised an agroforestry field study at the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre, Forest Research Institute, which is located 50 km from Debrecen. The field study was a half day programme there, where Csiha Imre director took a general introduction about agroforestry. This follow three different practical exhibition: Dendrology - measuring tree height, estimation of tree mass Hidrology and soil science in agroforestry Landscape management - Ágota-puszta, Hortobágyi National Park.

24 The Knowledge Data Bank (repository)
The knowledge data bank, (acronym KDB), is to enable the sharing, access and consultation in the use of certain resources for training. These resources are under different forms: Mono document object, like a photo, a text, a diagram, Composite materials, for example a html web page with images, a pdf file with pictures and diagrams, a video clip, with images and sounds ... Under the project, these documents are identified, selected, proposed by partners and included into the KDB for the evaluation of their potential use in training, by one or more partners. At the end of the evaluation phase, the KDB can be extended to other contributors, for other uses, such as exchange supports between different actors of Agroforestry. The word '' bank '' is explicitly used here, not the word base. This is absolutely not the case in a databank in which we store structured tables of numbers as well as illustrated text or video or s, external knowledge or those from the project, in their various forms. But it should be noted that the knowledge data bank in the prototype of the AgroFE project is based on a software, RUBEDO, developed in PHP and RUBEDO is built on different components: A data base management software (DBMS-SGBD), type 'NoSQL', MongoDB, And the user interface uses the ElasticSearch search engine.

25 Knowledge Database and Service Architecture

26 Rubedo system

27 Back office of Rubedo

28 Opening page

29 Digital Assets Manager

30 Searching page

31 AgroFE Facebook

32 AgroF-MM project The Agrof-MM Erasmus+ project reinforces the AgroFE project that ended in December The objective of the Agrof-MM project is to train European agricultural stakeholders in agroforestry practices. The project will give them the opportunity to familiarise themselves with agroforestry, and to improve their knowledge of it, in order to work towards the development of agroforestry in the Mediterranean and mountain regions of Europe. It thus widens the geographical scope and improves the level of training of the AgroFE project, as well as addressing new stakeholders from 15 partners.

33 Conclusion The project participants are involved in to developing curricula for more training levels on different (L4/L5/L6) levels. The latest version of the Moodle system has been implemented for collaborative space. All the virtual meetings have been recorded in the Videotorium system. Analyzing the open source tools we have created the architecture of the knowledge database and service system for harvesting materials, building knowledge base and information service, implement e-learning service in agroforestry.

34 Partners

35 AgroF-MM website

36 AgroF-MM facebook

37 Acknowledgements This publications was supported by EU Leonardo Innovations Transfer “Agroforesterie Formation en Europe - AgroFE” Ref. Number: FR1-LEO project. and Project Partners

38 Thank you for your kind attention!

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