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MVP Discussion
Agenda – Day 2 Note the agenda for day 2 was largely conducted as shown with the addition of another session on security in the morning. Test/QA (9am) DevOps/Build/CI (10am) System Management (11am) Productization (1pm) Deployment, delivery, documentation – how to provide smoother setup for end users California and beyond roadmap discussions (2pm) High level goals and objectives of next few releases Discussion of DevOp or other related issues with US LF DevOps team (3pm to accommodate US call ins) Review MVP for LF Discussion questions/open items/issues Misc/Wrap (Keith/Jim led - 4pm)
QA & DevOps Committee Andy Foster
QA & DevOps Committee At Boston meeting two WGs proposed:
QA andTest WG Develop Test Harness/Framework Provide means to measure performance, footprint, etc. DevOps WG Improve EdgeX installation TSC has decided in the short term that these groups should be combined into a QA and DevOps committee that reports to the Core WG
QA & DevOps Committee Andy Foster
DevOps/Build MVP MVP Stretch
Move to a more Agile development process Automate build of code and docker microservices (check with LF DevOps) LF DevOps question – how easy to provide Maven Repos or Maven style access to Nexus? Automate unit (white box), functional (black box) – [single micro service API tests] and integration (black box) tests [micro service to micro service tests] Automate CI pipeline Define check in process (e.g. Define branch model (e.g. Define versioning scheme (see Tech committee review and provide comments on these by July 31st (Andy to finalize list for review) Identify maintainers and committers (see Request dev community ( by Dell) to review policies/procedures – first week in Aug Meeting in a couple week adopt / educate shortly there after Stretch Automate build of API documentation (Javadoc, raml-doc ?) Research project for the future – let the community help guide, think about possible funding for better assistance/tools Make part of development rules as far as standards/styles to support WGs should adopt Agile development process (i.e. Scrum or XP or DSDM etc.)
Continuous Integration (CI)
Developers Testers Source Control Server Integration Test Script Functional Test Script Source Code and Unit Test Script CI Server Build Server Code Analysis (Optional) Compile Unit Test (White Box) Private Docker Registry Server Docker Build for Testing Functional Testing Server Execute Functional Test (Black Box) Initialize Test Env. Integration Testing Server Execute Integration Test File Server Copy Artifacts Public Docker Registry Server Docker Build for Production Trigger Return Reports Download Files Other Actions 1 2 3 4 6 5 Continuous Integration (CI) is the process of automating the build and testing of code every time a team member commits changes to version control. CI encourages developers to share their code and unit tests by merging their changes into a shared version control repository after every small task completion. Committing code triggers an automated build system to grab the latest code from the shared repository and to build, test, and validate the full master branch (also known as the trunk or main). Start LF DevOps discussion IoTech fill out some details and provide want/need list for DevOps/LF
QA & Testing Barcelona MVP Testing Stretch California
Unit tests (white box) Create black box test framework to support: Functional tests – docker based micro service test framework that allows for the testing of individual service implementations via their external (EdgeX defined) APIs Integration tests – as above, but involves running a complete suite of integration tests all services should be running each time the tests execute Performance tests (latency, throughout) and footprint Platform tests (different OS on Intel) - Linux (Unbuntu Classic, Unbuntu Core 16, Debian 9, Alpine (latest)), Windows (10, 10 IoT 2016) Stretch Scalability, soak/stability, automated code reviews/coverage California Platform – testing on ARM Test lab with more representative set of devices
QA & Testing Barcelona MVP QA
how to manage bug tracking/issues – reporting (e.g. and prioritizing (e.g. coding standards – adopt Google Code Standards (link to be provided) to be double checked by Dell teams Build check style into CI build process – talk to LF DevOps testing guidelines (e.g. – IoTech to research and provide recommendation Product release process and approval
Resources Barcelona MVP Resources Stretch
Appoint Build/Bug Czar to monitor builds and scoreboards + monitor incoming bugs and prioritize Dell EMC is RocketChat / Support Czar IoTech Bug/Build Czar CI Server – Jenkins Code repository – GitHub Bug/Issue tracking – GitHub Issues (could JIRA be used instead?? LF question) Black box testing framework (IOTech) Integration tests (IOTech) Potential research, funding for plugins , etc. Performance and footprint tests (IOTech) Supporting services unit and functional tests (Dell and WG leads for various areas) Apply standards to tests (Kubernetes template/pattern) as determined/recommended by IoTech Stretch Test lab setup
Other TSC review and approval of the following templates:
Project Principles: Project Incubation Exit Criteria: Project Lifecycle: Proposal Template for EdgeX Project: Release Taxonomy: Technical Work in the EdgeX Foundry Project: Working Group Charter Template: Andy/Team final review – provide to Jim / Brett – send tech community review (July 31) Larger community review/comments Educ session August
Additional Security Discussion
Boran & Riaz
Security Segway Code signing – how do we insure integrity of code artifacts for Barcelona Hashes of artifacts – Docker hash Walk before we run Users do manual verification if they so choose Post Barcelona – topic for core working group with security WG representation (Jim to schedule separate meetings closer to Oct) Cross sign Cas Need Security WG proposals/requirements/business and developer impact
Salim AbiEzzi / Jim White
System Management MVP Salim AbiEzzi / Jim White
Sys Mgmt MVP for Barcelona
Define the EdgeX system management story but postpone a lot of implementation to California WG to agree on requirements WG to agree on what features are going to be in EdgeX and what is reserved for OS, 3rd party systems, other open source systems, etc. WG to define what system management services need to be implemented as part of EdgeX (if any) WG to define what system management hooks need to be implemented WG to define any system management standards that will be followed/used in system management implementations (ex: LWM2M)
Sys Mgmt Stretch Goals Add some simple system manage hooks/capability into BaseService of EdgeX micro services Dell has already done some POC work with things like start, stop, …
Productization Keith Steele
“Productization” How do we make deployment of EdgeX easier for end users? What will end users need to more easily adopt EdgeX? What will “delight” users? Make them claim EdgeX is easy to use Make them claim EdgeX is easy to develop for Are there MVP in this area for Barcelona?
What is desired EdgeX must be easy to access
May be for multiple uses: developers, and end users as examples Must have decent documentation Must have good tutorials and examples Release notes
Problems are faced by 2 different communities
By developers (our focus first since Barcelona release is not really being sold) Device / silicon providers looking to build device services System integrators Micro service developers IoT application providers (IBM, Foghorns, etc.) Open source community individual contributors and hobbiest Educational uses (future??) End users of EdgeX (want to run EdgeX but may be non-coders) Decision makers May include some coders that want to explore EdgeX, but not yet get into the details of the code
What are the precise issues (highlighted priority issues)
How do I download, install and eval from a higher level before I develop (this could be a commonly shared need across Developers and End Users) How do I get/use Docker before doing development Git pull for all packages in order to focus on specific service Getting all the code (Boran – chair, Tyler, Tony on point to provide mid August recommendations) Getting the SDK (for device service developers) Map(s) of start here, figure out where to start Moving between state of code in git repos versus docker images and using both Documentation is inconsistent (in flow and content) (Andy – Chair, Jim, and 3rd person TBD on point to provide mid August recommendations) Template?? Manual sleeps between states (better orchestration) Code examples to how to build various elements/micro services Explanation of some of the basic concept (ex: device discovery, scheduling, service discovery) Wiki not up to date or accurate (ex: device virtual service – some older than others) (combined with Andy’s task) Instructions on how to connect connect Make sure review process take care of documentation as well as code Address format/delivery Incorporate documentation output to build process Wiki is produced from code repository??
California and Beyond Road Mapping
Keith Steele
California MVP Strawman
These items are not set in stone To be determined by the technical committee(s) Themes and MVP are WIP Some ideas to foster discussion, directions and strategy
California – Themes Deliver on system management & security implementations Deliver on mission critical / reliable platform promise Not RTOS level critical, but more near real time performance Improve overall performance and deliver to target performance #’s Replace core services with Go services Additional connectivity Some additional north side connectors Some additional device services An additional Device Service SDK in 2nd language Demonstrate EdgeX in real world POC/Test Bed Potentially via Test bed group like IIC When and where are these tackled: Use Cases???? Relationship to OMG, IIC, …
California – General MVP
Expand OS support Mac? Other flavors of Linux? Support Arm Provide EdgeX UI
California Core Services MVP
Meet all performance targets Go services for core Stretch – Go services for supporting services More dynamic configuration Address use of Consul as config/registry? Implement security & system management API hooks
California Application Services MVP
Define and meet performance metrics Number of clients Number of messages exported/sec Support additional cloud integration(s) Ex: Watson, Greengrass, … Support additional export feature(s) Additional formats (Ex: Haystack, OPC-UA, …) Additional endpoint types (Ex: DDS, AMQP, …) Potential use of hyperledger Implement security & system management API hooks Additional export capability Enrichment services How best to facilitate client command requests/actuation
California DS/SDK MVP Alternate language DS SDK
SDK Tool plugins to facility developers Ex: Eclipse plugin SDK download (non-github oriented) New and/or updated Device Services Real BACnet or BLE Additional DS (i.e. Zigbee, OPC-UA, CANBus, …) Reduce/optimize Java DS (remove Spring Framework, etc.) Updates to SDK get propagated back out to existing DS Via common shared libraries Implement security & system management API hooks
California Security & Sys Management MVP
The first implementation of Ref Impl security micro services Demonstrate EdgeX management via System Management app of choice Ex: Pulse IoT Center, System Center, … Secty and Sys Mngmt API hooks in other micro services Security testing framework Demonstrate EdgeX software updates Updates to non-EdgeX components (drivers, end-devices) Root of trust – what defines and how to implement Code signing – how to certify integrity of the system
Post California Release Objectives
Real time device services/core Message or alternate communication infrastructure (non-REST) between services Micro service certification process Validate a replacement micro service satisfies APIs Validate a replacement micro service conforms to adopted deployment/delivery facilities … Facilitate East/West capability Failover, scalability Device from EdgeX A triggers action on device on EdgeX B Privacy Concerns EU laws and affirmation about data use/storage/etc.
Timing and Venues Do we agree on 2 releases a year? YES
Individual micro services may release outside of 2 releases With approval of TSC What is the general timing of the next few releases? What events are the targets for the next future releases? To be discussed with TSC – better structure
Miscellaneous & Wrap up
Keith Steele
Barcelona MVP Agreement
Unanimously agreed upon MVP by the technical committed As of July 20, 2017 London meeting To be completed by Oct 1, 2017
General MVP Barcelona supported OS Barcelona supported hardware: Intel
Windows 10 (latest 2016 version – which is?) Linux, Ubuntu classic (but does not enforce secure boot) EdgeX supports and welcomes other OS providers to test and validate EdgeX works on their OS Example, Canonical plans to test/validate EdgeX on Ubuntu Core 16 Barcelona supported hardware: Intel EdgeX welcomes and will support 3rd party provided Arm support Performance targets stand, but may not be achieved in this release EdgeX to develop performance tests to show current performance metrics No significant performance-specific work will be accomplished in this release (unless it is easy to achieve with no other impacts) EdgeX will provide early Go performance numbers to show intended path to achieve performance targets EdgeX will use current scalability metrics on devices, collection, etc. as scale guidance More formal scalability concerns to be addressed in future releases
Barcelona Service Hardening MVP (owner WG leads)
Works properly for the intended use case It may not be 100% complete implementations for all use cases or parts of a protocol for example, but it provides enough implementation to sustain the demo use cases for Barcelona and could support extension to the full needs or protocol in the future Handles errors and exceptions gracefully Contains proper unit and integration tests Follows good coding standards, and is well documented Following some prescribed standard (like Oracle, Google or Twitter guides for Java) Performs within the target measures established for Barcelona Code base is not exploitable API set is solid – WG issue for now; may need to be cross WG issue
Application MVP – Owner Janko
Harden as defined above Azure IoT Hub integration (improve/clean up) Provide routing to endpoints by device id Support MQTTS and HTTPS for endpoint distribution No additional formats/transformations/filters/etc. Provide guidance on number of simultaneous clients that can be supported Stretch: binary message format distribution (picking one to start)
Core & Supporting MVP - owner Jim
Harden as defined above Fix known bugs (logging OOM, …) Remove/clean up unfinished features (Device Manager) Stretch Core services in Go (at least enough to provide performance plan/story)
DS/DS SDK MVP – owner Tony
Harden as defined above Provide Dell 7 DS as MVP (Jim owner to get DS in open source ASAP) Clean up SDK (and DSs) Improve documentation Be more developer friendly (see improve tooling - stretch) Merge device-sdk into SDK tools Cleanup scheduler Apply cleanup back to DS (with exception of BACnet and BLE) Stretch Improve tooling (Eclipse Plugin) Real stretch - Remove redundant code from Device Services/SDK to shared libraries Investigate Go base device service
Security MVP – owner John
No implementation as MVP Build longer term roadmap – the EdgeX security story Agreement on what security features are going to be in EdgeX and what’s going to be provided by the platform that EdgeX runs on (example: the underlying platform must have a keystore) Agreement on security requirements Define what EdgeX security service(s) need to be eventually implemented Define what security hooks need to be added to the existing micro services Define what standards, protocols, etc. are going to be adhered to and followed by EdgeX (ex: IIC specs, OAuth tokens, etc.) Provide guidance on how security features can/should be tested
Test/QA MVP – owner Andy
Unit and integration tests for all micro services (all public methods) Unit and Integration tests to be provided by developers for all micro services Implement Blackbox testing IoTech working to select and implement black box test framework Will also allow performance tests to be run so that metrics on performance can be measured Testing must occur on all supported MVP platforms Have check styles in build process IoTech to work with LF to build check styles into build process Based on call with LF, already there but need to be turned on Setup Bug tracking system IoTech will take role of Bug Czar (at least until end of year) Work with LF to implement bug tracker (leaning toward JIRA – depends on pricing) Dell will continue to take role of answering Rocket Chat and list questions until the end of year. Will funnel real bugs that come in to Bug Czar
DevOps/Build MVP – owner Andy
Automate build of code and docker microservices (LF DevOps indicated should be done by end of July) Implement standards on code commenting, branching, versions, … Andy and IoTech researching existing LF work and options on code comment styles/ check in / branching/ versioning processes. Providing recommendations for adoption to tech committee by July 31st Keith/Brett/Jim will tech committee to review and comment first week in August Adoption shortly thereafter – along with meeting to provide education EdgeX hereby adopts the Google code standards (aka Style Guides) for all code. Stretch Automate build of API documentation (Javadoc, raml-doc ?) IoTech and others researching WG allowed to setup their processes (Agile, Scrum, etc.) as they see fit (no community wide process for now)
Continuous Integration (CI)
Developers Testers Source Control Server Integration Test Script Functional Test Script Source Code and Unit Test Script CI Server Build Server Code Analysis (Optional) Compile Unit Test (White Box) Private Docker Registry Server Docker Build for Testing Functional Testing Server Execute Functional Test (Black Box) Initialize Test Env. Integration Testing Server Execute Integration Test File Server Copy Artifacts Public Docker Registry Server Docker Build for Production Trigger Return Reports Download Files Other Actions 1 2 3 4 6 5 IoTech to fill out some details and provide want/need list for DevOps/LF within the next couple of weeks
System Management MVP – owner Salim
Agree on requirements Agree on what features are going to be in EdgeX and what is reserved for OS, 3rd party systems, other open source systems, etc. Define what system management services need to be implemented as part of EdgeX (if any) Define what system management hooks need to be implemented Define any system management standards that will be followed/used in system management implementations (ex: LWM2M) Stretch goal Add some simple system manage hooks/capability into BaseService of EdgeX micro services – based on Dell Fuse work (for service start, stop …)
Additional Action Items
Tony, Janko, Andy, Jim and any other working group leads to identify resource issues by July 31st Otherwise assumed that they have or can find resources to complete the MVP assigned to their WG Jim to provide Kura/EdgeX feature comparison Metric comparison not part of this study Let Go services address EdgeX performance concerns and planning Jim, Andy, Janko and others to stay in touch with marketing and event planning working groups Provide cautionary guidance about demo needs that exceed tech community ability to deliver Report to working groups on demo plans and technical needs
Action Items II Jim to find out from Jason about Test Bed commitments
Why orgs chosen and what commitments have been made? Keith to work with TSC board to develop marketing and messaging around EdgeX event demos July deadline for guidance Keith to work with TSC board to determine time/place for next tech meeting Concerns about coinciding with IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona Too many people will have competing work with demos/booth staffing/etc. Extending the trip at either end could be expensive/problematic
Action Items III Keith to check on getting someone to sign up for Arm work Keith/Jim work with Jason to get vendors to load/provide device hardware to blackbox testers (IoTech) and potentially test labs Andy and Jim will work to set up maintainers and committers (by work group) within the next few weeks
Considered But Rejected MVP and Misc. Discussions during 2 days
Background Considered But Rejected MVP and Misc. Discussions during 2 days
General MVP discussion items
No UI unless demo requirements dictate otherwise “Support” requires formal testing on that OS/hardware (IoTech owner) No Mac support, other Linux support or other version support by the working groups for this release Support to 3rd parties and larger community if they can address these needs Formal support in future releases Current Dell Enlighted Demo numbers to be used to address scale (Dell owner) California release to look at fault tolerance and security “hardening” No currently planned EdgeX demos Work with marketing and event planning groups to stay in front of demo needs Considered but rejected doing performance testing on J9, Java 9, versus Kura, etc. Go services is the answer – to be supported with some early performance #’s
Core/Supporting MVP discussion items
Model changes discussed but rejected Implement dynamic configuration change callbacks rejected for MVP
Application MVP discussed items
How many and what cloud integration to provide Went with path of least resistance for this first release Support groups like IBM that might develop additional alternates Changing default configuration was rejected for MVP Like making Rules Engine direct recipient of data versus client of export distro Additional formats, transformations, etc. considered but rejected Drools change considered but rejected for MVP Additional analytics considered but rejected for MVP Hyperledger discussed but rejected for MVP
DS/DS SDK MVP discussion items
Considered but rejected additional DS for MVP Considered but rejected additional SDK for MVP Considered but rejected replacement of current DS/DS SDK tech like Spring Framework for MVP
Security MVP discussion items
Docker as a means to secure or contributing to security issues Security certification
LF DevOps discussion GitHub Issues is currently in place
LF DevOps has 10 people to support the LF projects Regarding build to Docker Work to complete internal project to better define / setup the projects Using Packer templates Done next week; then start working on EdgeX Docker builds EdgeX can help by defining the image that pulls the JAR file from the Maven Repos (use Maven dependency copy) Automated testing outside of Linux will be difficult LF based on 100% cloud solutions Will need a hardware lab (look at Automotive Break project) Code analysis/Static analysis We may want to look at Sonar Requires funding Coverity allows a number of free checks per month but then gets expensive They have no license checking tool for the code itself They do have CLM Scan to do basic license check GitHub Issues is currently in place It is more clean/simple JIRA costs for resoruces (not licensed per user) JIRA also requires Linux ID or GitHub ID to access (already set up with Rocket Chat) LF taking tech committee members through +/- of both at a later meeting. Jenkins plugins must be part of Jenkins upstream system No 3rd party Jenkins plugins allowed
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