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Presentation on theme: "PERFORMANCE INDICATORS"— Presentation transcript:

Josefina T. Naguit Planning Officer III Schools Division of Bataan

2 What is an indicator? A tool used to evaluate the performance of the education system. A tool used to report the status of the education system to the community, to the whole country and to the global community.

3 What are the functions of an indicator?
Measures how far or how close one is from an objective Identifies problematic or unacceptable situation Meets policy concern Compares its value to a reference value, to a standard or to itself

1. Gross Enrolment Ratio in Early Childhood Development Programs (GER-ECD) - measures the general level of participation in early childhood development programs - indicates the capacity of the education system to prepare young children for elementary education

5 Gross Enrolment Ratio in ECD
Preschool Enrolment x 100 Population Ages 4-5

6 Cont. 2. Percentage of Grade 1 Pupils with Early Childhood Development Programs (%G1-ECD Exp.) - measures the level of grade 1 pupils in ECD programs G1 Enrolment with ECD x 100 G1 Enrolment

7 Cont. 3. Apparent/Gross Intake Rate (AIR/GIR)
- reflects the general level of access to primary education - indicates the capacity of the education system to provide access to grade 1 for the official school-entrance age population G1 Enrolment x 100 Population Age 6

8 Cont. 4. Net Intake Rate (NIR)
- gives a more precise measurement of access to primary education of the eligible, primary school-entrance age population than the AIR/GIR G1 Enrolment Age 6 x 100 Population Age 6

9 Cont. 5. Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)
- shows the general level of participation in a given level of education - can be used together with the NER to measure the extent of over-aged and under-aged enrolment - can also be used in place of the NER when data on enrolment by single years of age is not available

10 Gross Enrolment Ratio Elementary: Total Enrolment (Grades 1-6)
x 100 Population 6-11years old Secondary: Total Enrolment (Years I-IV) x 100 Population years old

11 Cont. 6. Net Enrolment Ratio (NER) or Participation Rate (PR)
- provides a more precise measurement of the extent of participation in a given level of education belonging to the official school age

12 Net Enrolment Ratio or Participation Rate
Elementary: Enrolment (6-11) x 100 Population (6-11) Secondary: Enrolment (12-15) x 100 Population (12-15)

13 Cont. 7. Cohort Survival Rate (CSR)
- computes the percentage of a cohort of pupils/students who are able to reach grade 6/year 4 - assesses the internal efficiency and “wastage” in education - is vulnerable to migration and caution should be used in computing at the school level

14 Simple Cohort Survival Rate
Elementary: G6 Enrolment (current SY) x 100 G1 Enrolment (5 years ago) Secondary: Y4 Enrolment (current SY) x 100 Y1 Enrolment (3 years ago)

15 Cont. 9. Years Input Per Graduate (YIPG)
- assesses the number of years it takes for an average pupil/student to graduate from elementary/secondary level

16 Years Input Per Graduate
Elementary: Pupil-Years (grades 1-6) Total G6 Promotees (including repeaters) Secondary: Student-Years (years 1-4) Total Y4 Promotees (including repeaters)

17 Cont. 10. Promotion Rate (PromR) - assesses the extent of pupils/ students who are promoted to the next grade/year level Promotees (current year) x 100 Enrolment (previous year)

18 Cont. 11. Graduation Rate (GR)
- The G6/Y4 promotion rate is the graduation rate for the elementary/ secondary level. G6 or Y4 Graduates x 100 G6 or Y4 Enrolment

19 Cont. 12. Repetition Rate (RepR)
- determines the magnitude of pupils/students who repeat a grade/year level Repeaters (current year) x 100 Enrolment (previous year)

20 Cont. 13. School Leaver Rate (SLR) - covers both pupils/students who do not finish a particular grade/year level as well as those who finish but fail to enroll in the next grade/year level the following school year - should be computed for every grade/year except for G1 of the elementary level and Y1 of the secondary level

21 School Leaver Rate Elementary:
SLR = 1 - Promotion Rate - Repetition Rate or Elementary: G1 Enrolment (previous SY)-[G2 Enrolment-G2 Repeaters (current year)] G2 SLR = x 100 Grade 1 Enrolment (previous SY) Secondary: Y1 Enrolment (previous SY)-[Y2 Enrolment-Y2 Repeaters (current year)] Y2 SLR = x 100 Year 1 Enrolment (previous SY)

22 Cont. 14. Simple Dropout Rate (SDR)
- calculates the percentage of pupils/students who do not finish a particular grade/year level - does not capture pupils/students who finish a grade/year but do not enroll in the next grade/year of the following school year

23 Simple Dropout Rate Dropouts (current year)
x 100 Enrolment (previous year)

24 Cont. 15. Transition Rate (TR)
- assesses the extent by which pupils are able to move to the next higher level of education (i.e. primary to intermediate and elementary to secondary)

25 Transition Rate Primary to Intermediate: G5 Enrolment (current year)
x 100 G4 Enrolment (previous year) Intermediate to Secondary: Y1 Enrolment (current year) x 100 G6 Enrolment (previous year)

26 Cont. 16. Completion Rate (CR)
- measures the percentage of grade 1/year 1entrants who graduate in elementary/ secondary education - can be used interchangeably with survival rate and retention rate

27 Completion Rate Elementary: G6 Graduates (current year)
x 100 G1 Enrolment (5 years ago) Secondary: Y4 Graduates (current year) x 100 Y1 Enrolment (3 years ago)

28 Cont. 17. Failure Rate (FR) - evaluates the extent of pupils/students who failed a given grade/year G1 Failures (current year) x 100 G1 Enrolment (previous year)

29 Cont. 18. Retention Rate (RR)
- determines the degree of pupils/students in a particular school year who continue to be in school in succeeding year - is also vulnerable to migration and is not advisable to compute at the school level

30 Retention Rate Elementary: G2-6 Enrolment (current year)
x 100 G1-5 Enrolment (previous year) Secondary: Y2-4 Enrolment (current year) Y1-3 Enrolment (previous year)

31 Cont. 19. Basic/Simple Literacy Rate
- is the percentage of population 10 years old and over, who can read, write and understand simple messages in any language or dialect Number of literates (ages 10 & over) x 100 Population (ages 10 & over)

32 Cont. 20. Pupil/Student – Teacher Ratio
- is the average number of pupils/students per teacher in elementary/secondary education in a given school year Enrolment Total Number of Teachers

33 Cont. 21. Pupil/Student-Classroom Ratio
- is the average number of pupils/students per classroom in elementary/secondary education in a given school year Enrolment Total Number of Classrooms

34 Cont. 22. Pupil/Student-Armchair Ratio
- is the average number of pupils/students per armchair in elementary/secondary education in a given school year Enrolment Total Number of Armchairs

35 Cont. 23. Textbook-Pupil/Student Ratio
- is the average number of usable textbooks per pupil/student in elementary/secondary level in a given subject in a given school year Number of Usable Textbooks Enrolment

36 Cont. 24. Per Pupil/Student Cost
- is the ratio of the total education expenditures to the total enrolment in a given year Total Expenditures (PS + MOOE) Total Enrolment

37 Cont. 25. National Achievement Rate (NAT)
- is being measured by Mean Point Score (MPS) by subject area > Mathematics > English > Science > Filipino > Hekasi/Araling Panlipunan

38 Thank you!


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