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Portuguese early explorers- list accomplishments for each:

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1 Portuguese early explorers- list accomplishments for each:
Prince Henry: Established navigation schools, established posts in West Africa Bartolomeu Dias: Explored around the Southern tip of Africa- Cape of Good Hope (Cape of Storms) Vasco da Gama: Explored around Africa and up to India- “discovering” important trade routes

2 Ferdinand Magellan Sailed around the world- (well his crew did)!

3 Define: conquistador Spanish explorer/ conqueror

4 What civilization did Cortes take over?
Aztecs In Mexico

5 What civilization did Pizarro take over?
Incas Along the West coast of South America

6 Christopher Columbus Sailed for Spain
“Discovered” Caribbean, Cuba, San Salvador, Haiti

7 Line of demarcation Imaginary line from north to south
Portugal had claim to land east of the line Spain had claim to land west of the line

8 Treaty of Tordesillas Signed by Spain and Portugal
Moved the line of demarcation further west (so Portugal had claim to Brazil)

9 Northwest Passage English, Dutch & French were looking for an alternative route to Asia

10 Viceroyalty Spanish colonies divided into towns called viceroyalties
Mexico… New Spain Peru… New Castile

11 The Social Groups Spaniards (peninsulares) Creoles Mestizos
Native Americans slaves

12 Define: Indentured Servant
Many people in England could not afford to sail to the Americas- so they became indentured servants Someone paid for their trip and they became a servant in the Americas for 4-7 years. Then they were free…

13 What areas or regions did the English take over in the “New World”?
Jamestown Plymouth Mass Bay, Pennsylvania, Maryland Eventually the entire east coast of North America

14 Favorable Balance of Trade
Sell more goods (to other countries) than you buy (from other countries)

15 Explain one important fact about:
Roanoke: First attempt 1585 a group of colonist sailed to North America Founded a colony on Roanoke Island. After 6 years the colony disappeared – known as the “Lost Colony” Jamestown: English colony- first permanent settlement Plymouth: 1620 group of people fled England and came to Plymouth Pilgrims set up a civil Government in the “MayFlower Compact”

16 Regions the French took over the “New World?”
Canada Louisiana

17 What regions did the Dutch take over?
Australia Cape of Good Hope (Africa) Manhattan

18 French and Indian War War between English and France
France lost- they signed the Treaty of Paris Lost all of their land in North America

19 Treaty of Paris France lost territory in North America (to England)

20 Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade
Triangular Trade Europe Raw materials Manufactured Goods Americas Middle Passage Slaves Africa

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