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Education Counselors’

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1 Education Counselors’
Materials/Resources CATALOG 2017

2 DANTES 2017 Ordering Procedures
Dear Education Professional: This is “open season” for ordering DANTES publications and materials. Our goal is to identify needs before the procurement process to help eliminate waste and devote resources to items in demand as determined by the field. Please help us allocate resources wisely by projecting what you will need for an entire year and follow these step-by-step procedures: Each item was vetted by military counselors through input to DESAG representatives. For further information on DESAG go to: DANTES December 2015 issue of the DIB STEP 1: Review the Counselor Resource Catalog Information is provided for each item as well as where to request additional information (if applicable). Limit is one item per counselor, per location. STEP 2: Review the Customer Handout Catalog Information is provided for each item as well as online links (if applicable). These are customer handouts.  DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

3 DANTES 2017 Ordering Procedures
Continued STEP 3: Complete the order form You will be directed to an online ordering process/form delivered via or contact: STEP 4: Submit your annual order Submission instructions accompany the online ordering form. Please note the ordering deadline is: 13 March 2017 STEP 5: Use DANTES materials and publications to help Service members succeed in their Academic Endeavors! OUT-OF-CYCLE REQUESTS: Contact if unexpected needs arise. Extra copies for out-of-cycle requests are limited and may not be available. NOTE: DANTES Exams marketing materials are a separate ordering process – contact for more information. Questions? Contact DANTES, Code N4, FAX Commercial ; DSN ; or DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

4 Military Bill of Rights
The Military Student Bill of Rights spells out ten specific “rights” that military students should have as they explore, enroll, and work toward degrees or certificates at SOC DNS colleges and universities. DANTES Stock #2110 2015 Edition Poster (11˝ x 17˝) Publisher: SOC Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 Online Edition DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

5 Stock #2420 College Handbook
The only guide to all accredited four-year and two-year colleges and technical schools in one volume. This perennial best-seller includes: Comprehensive college descriptions listed alphabetically by state; separate sections for two- and four-year schools; more than 40 indexes to help you find and compare schools by key features, such as size, type, and selectivity; tables of early decision and waitlist outcomes; and more. Retails for $31.99 DANTES Stock #2420 ISBN 2017 Edition 2336 Pages (Soft Cover Book) Publisher: CollegeBoard Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

6 College Placement Skills Training (CPST)
CD This is the offline version of the CPST to allow service members to take the course when they do not have access to an internet connection. The service member can then upload their progress when they have an internet connection and the results can be reviewed by a CPST administrator. The CD contains the files needed to install the offline course on a computer, PC based or MAC. Once installed, the CD is no longer needed on that computer to take the course and can be used to load the course on other computers. 2017 Edition CD Publisher: Peterson’s DANTES Stock #2426 2017 Edition CD Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 Online DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

7 Online Academic Skills Course(OASC)
CD This is the offline version of the OASC to allow service members to take the course when they do not have access to an internet connection. The service member can then upload their progress when they have an internet connection and the results can be reviewed by a OASC administrator. The CD contains the files needed to install the offline course on a computer, PC based or MAC. Once installed, the CD is no longer needed on that computer to take the course and can be used to load the course on other computers. 2017 Edition CD Publisher: Peterson’s DANTES Stock #2427 Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 Online DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

8 Scholarships, Grants and Prizes
 Provides up-to-date information on millions of privately funded awards available to college students. It contains detailed profiles of awards based on ethnic heritage, talent, employment experience, military service, and other categories that are available from such private sources as foundations, corporations, and religious and civic organizations. DANTES Stock #2429 Retails for $33.95 ISBN 2017 Edition 896 Pages (Soft Cover Book) Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

9 Stock #2437 Two-Year Colleges
 This is a comprehensive guide featuring more than 1,950 accredited two-year colleges in the United States and abroad. Detailed profiles give students a complete picture of their choices and describe academic majors, standardized testing requirements, and more. DANTES Stock #2437 Retails for $29.95 ISBN 2017 Edition 448 Pages (Soft Cover Book) Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

10 Stock #2438 Four-Year Colleges
 This detailed field guide includes information on every accredited four-year institution in the U.S. and Canada (and many international schools)—more than 2,900 institutions in all. It also includes detailed two-page descriptions written by admissions personnel at more than 200 colleges. Additional highlights include the Advice Center which provides insider info on specialized college options; comprehensive indexes that make it easy to search for schools; college profiles with additional details about campus setting, enrollment, academic programs, expenses, application deadlines, and more. Retails for $32.95 DANTES Stock #2438 ISBN 2017 Edition 1952 Pages (Soft Cover Book) Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

11 Book of Majors The Book of Majors helps students answer these questions: What's the major for me? Where can I study it? What can I do with it after graduation? Completely updated in 2016, this book covers all 1200 majors identified by the U.S. Department of Education. In depth descriptions of 201 of the most popular majors are followed by complete listings of every major offered at more than 3,800 colleges, including four-year and two-year colleges and technical schools Retails for $28.99 DANTES Stock #2443 ISBN 2017 Edition 1400 Pages (Soft Cover Book) Publisher: CollegeBoard Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

12 Stock #2460 Master the ASVAB
Master the ASVAB provides four full-length ASVAB practice tests, including a diagnostic test, along with profiles of more than 125 military careers. This guide also provides extensive detail on the AFQT sections (Armed Forces Qualification Test, comprised of two verbal and two math sections) and coverage of all ASVAB test subjects, with dedicated sections for each subtest. DANTES Stock #2460 Retails for $26.95 ISBN 2014 Edition (or most current edition) 608 Pages Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

13 150 Best Jobs for the Military to Civilian Transition
This one-of-a-kind book—based on a survey representing 1.5 million recent veterans—helps today’s returning military find the best job matches for their training, interests, personality, gender, and more. With 46 best jobs lists and 150 detailed job descriptions, the book covers the best-paying and fastest-growing occupations held by recent veterans. DANTES Retails for $20.95 Stock #2462 ISBN 2013 Edition 368 Pages – Soft Cover Book Publisher: JIST Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

14 Financial Aid for Veterans, Military Personnel and Their Families
Provides a complete listing of not only federal and state financial benefits but the hundreds of privately-funded programs as well (more than 1,400 in all). Here are some examples: $1,000 a year to college students whose parents have served overseas; $1,000 for veterans who served in the U.S. Marine Corps; $400 a month for reservists going to college; $8,000 to Eagle Scouts with parents in the American Legion; up to $150,000 in loans for businesses owned by disabled veterans; income and property exemptions for veterans in selected states. Retails for $40.00 ISBN Edition 488 Pages (Hard Cover Book) (or most current edition) Publisher: Reference Services Press DANTES Stock #2464 Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

15 Stock #2482 Marketing Items NO GRAPHIC Available at this time
Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) & College Placement Skills Training (CPST) NO GRAPHIC Available at this time Poster on OASC and CPST programs. DANTES Stock #2482 Poster (18˝ x 24) Publisher: Peterson’s Limits MAX: 20 Increments: 1 Other Online OASC/CPST Marketing Materials DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

To enhance demand-driven and customer-responsive procurement and efficient distribution of DANTES materials and publications; DANTES adopts the following processes: 1. Annual Catalog. DANTES provides authorized ordering centers (Military Ed Centers with DANTES ID#, TCOs, SFACs, etc.) access to a catalog of products. The catalog lists the item name, a brief description, the DANTES Stock #, link to electronic sources (if available), and other pertinent information. 2. Acknowledge Requirements. Once a year, ordering centers are prompted by DANTES to project their annual material and publication requirements and place an order based on this projection. Negative replies are also required. 3. Procurement Analysis. DANTES collects orders and analyzes them based on budget restraints. Adjustments to quantities requested may be required. 4. Procurement. DANTES orders requested materials and publications from source providers, publishers, and vendors, and awaits delivery to the DANTES Distribution Center. 5. Distribution. As materials arrive, they are distributed according to orders. Ordering centers must plan ahead to ensure adequate storage space is available for quantities ordered. 6. Out-of-Cycle Orders. Ordering centers should contact DANTES if a need for materials outside the annual ordering window arises. Extra materials are stocked on a limited basis and may not be available out-of-cycle. DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

17 Check out the Customer Handout Catalog
Information on Publications CONTACT DANTES Publications Program Manager: DSN 459 Or All items in this catalog are provided at NO COST to eligible military organizations providing educational counseling to the military members (i.e. Military Education Centers, TCOs, SFACs) RETAIL COSTS are FYI only DANTES Counselor Resources Material Catalog

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