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Moving Pakistan into the Global Community via Networking

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1 Moving Pakistan into the Global Community via Networking
Arshad Ali Nationaol University of Sciences & Technology (NUST) Pakistan With Slide Compliments from HEC Pakistan Arshad Ali (NUST) 16 April 2007

2 Pakistan-China silk trade route
2002 Iran Afghanistan India China China Pakistan-China silk trade route Afghanistan Kashmir Islamabad Dr Abdus Salam Nobel Laureate, Founder of ICTP Trieste, Italy Lahore Quetta Multan Iran India 2nd Highest peak K-2 Oldest Indus Civilization Karachi Arabian Sea

3 Pakistan (little known facts)
Capital – Islamabad Languages : English (official) Urdu (national) 167 million people Universities – Over 120 Education budget being doubled since 2001 World highest telecom growth sector Over Twelve million internet users

4 Living in a Changing World
Science and Technology are the great dividers ---the rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer World is inflicted with poverty, hunger, disease, conflicts, violence, & economic uncertainty



7 Why Science and Technology?
Science can help feed the hungry, heal the sick, contribute to poverty alleviation, protect the environment, provide dignity of labour, and unleash the creative talents of our youth by fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, resulting in a satisfying and joyful life

8 Challenges of a Changing World----- Innovation Determines Progress
New biology is decoding the blue print of life, learning to manage the placement and expression of genes and mobilizing microorganisms to do our work for the production of new products New innovations are altering and expanding the notions of development. the only constant is change !!

9 VISION Socio-economic development is no longer dependent on natural resources (eg.Japan, European countries) KNOWLEDGE has now become the main driving force of world economies and hence the basis of socio-economic development INDUSTRIALIZATION is the key to high GDP growth (through innovation / production of high value-added goods (engineering goods, pharmaceuticals, IT, Biotechnology, etc.)

10 Overarching Approach in Pakistan
Simultaneous Bi-Modal Approach Required Bottom-Up Basic Health, Primary Education, Water …. Top-Down Higher Education Emphasis on Science & Technology Industrial Linkages

11 Impact of just one institution----MIT
MIT graduates and faculty have founded companies Employ: 1.1 million people Annual Sales: $232 billion Collectively these companies are the 24th largest economy in the World! Same is true for Cambridge, Stanford and others

12 Typical University—Developing Countries
Student Professional University Ethics ? Creativity ? Independent thinking ? Ability to apply knowledge ?

13 University Role in National Development
Collaboration Policy Technology Policy Economic Infrastructure Education Labor Policy Science and Create knowledge base Improve education level Improve productivity Product and Services Market Knowledge base Industry Innovations Demand Utilize Knowledge Productive Sectors Produce Knowledge Human resources Development and supply Universities Knowledge Base Develop Social Tax and Financial Government Politics and economy Environment, culture, tradition, national character Society With Slide Compliments from HEC Pakistan Arshad Ali (NUST) 16 April 2007

14 Pakistan---A Promising Program
100 million below age 25 !! ( 66% population) Higher Education / S&T budget increased several thousand percent in 4 years A 15 year Vision/ Strategy/ Action Plan prepared and programs launched Full support from Government in drive to develop a “K” Economy

Faculty Development Infrastructure (Free Access to Literature Free Access to Sophisticated Instruments, Technology Assisted Learning) Focused Support in Key Areas Quality Assurance Linkages to the Economy

16 STRATEGY 1) BASIC SCIENCES Physics,Chemistry,Mathematics,Biology)
2) APPLIED SCIENCES (Engineering, Agricultural sciences, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, New Materials, Communications, Renewable Energy) 3) SOCIAL SCIENCES 4) ECONOMICS, FINANCE, MANAGEMENT 5) LINKAGES WITH INDUSTRY 6) EMPHASIS ON “K-ECONOMY”---HIGH TECH INDUSTRY!!

17 Attracting the Brightest!
Change in Salary Structures---under “Tenure Track” system salaries of Professors raised to 3 times of Federal Ministers in government! Research Productivity Allowance----based on Cumulative Impact Factors during the preceding year Reversing the Brain Drain----under “Foreign Faculty Hiring Program” 470 eminent expatriate/other scientists attracted to return to Pakistan

18 Attracting the Brightest!
Research Funding (upto US$ 600,000 per international linkage program) Guaranteed Jobs to fresh Ph.Ds with higher salary structures under tenure track system 75% Reduction of Income Tax for all academics

19 Training the Brightest!
Massive Foreign scholarship programs initiated students being sent abroad annually to top universities in Europe, USA, China with guaranteed high salary jobs and research grants of US $ 100,000 Indigenous Ph.D. programs---expansion of the existing Ph.D. output to 1500 per year Huge Local Scholarship Programs for Undergraduate level studies initiated---Rs.1 Billion to be spent!

20 Training the Brightest!
Local PhD’s being offered opportunities for postdoctoral training in top foreign institutions (hundreds being sent) Linkages being established with top Western Institutions---50 with British Universities alone, many others US$ 150 million Fulbright program for MS/Ph.D. level training in top universities with USA

21 Using Technology to Leap-Frog!
Pakistan Educational Research Network Digital Library Program PAKSAT 1 (Pakistan’s Educational Satellite) Pakistan’s International Video-conferencing Network

22 The IT Strategy… Service to the Citizens
High capacity, reliable and accessible communications s and Eabling enviroment Laws and enabling environment IT Education And an environment that stimulates creativity and welcomes advances in the use of Information Technology

23 From 40 to 2000 Cities on Optical Fibre (2000-2007)
822 cities on the Internet 2002 Iran Afghanistan India China From 40 to 2000 Cities on Optical Fibre ( ) SDH/PDH (525/622 Mb/s) backbone being upgraded to DWDM 10 Gb/s

24 Actual users more than 12 Million!
Internet user growth June 2000: 130, Oct 2006: >12 million Actual users more than 12 Million! Dial up Start point Today

25 Plummeting costs…. Start point Today
June 2000: US$ 87,000/E August 2001: US$ 6,000 October 2004 : US$ 3,800 Now US$ 950 per month/2 Mb/s ! Start point Today

26 PERN Pakistan Education & Research Network
Jamshoro Tandojam Nawab Shah D.I.Khan Topi Khairpur Khuzdar Abbottabad E3 Backbone Core Network Nodes Total Universities (16 OFS, 22 DXX, 17 DRS, 1 VSAT)

27 Pakistan Education and Research Network
Information highway exclusively for universities Promote collaborative research and the sharing of domain knowledge Platform for launching aggressive distance education programs Platform for Digital Library service for all universities

28 Digital Library 22,000 full text journals—nation-wide, free-of- charge to universities!!! HEC Pays Over 12 million articles downloaded in 2006 !! Almost 300,000 end users trained nationwide One Window Search Engine Web of Science, Scifinder Scholar, EMBASE, IEEE, Chem/Biol.Abstracts etc.

29 Virtual University 4 Digital Satellite (PAKSAT-1) TV Channels for content delivery (License for 2 granted) Satellite Earth Station 2 Recording Studios Potential for providing high quality training in remote areas of Pakistan

30 International Video Lecturing Program
Using Technology to Overcome Faculty Shortage Cost of Travel Nation-wide Lecture Series---Access to world-class Faculty!! 4,000 International Lectures committed

31 International Video-lecturing Program
High quality video-conferencing equipment installed in Universities Series of international lectures (nation-wide) by Nobel Laureates and top professors from leading universities in USA, Europe, Japan etc. from November 2006 4000 Lectures arranged !!!

32 Supporting Private Sector Education
Matching grants for new institutions Major funds for development Land on long term lease Sharing faculty salaries Access to Digital Library Access to Research Funding

33 Innovation/Entrepreneurship
Impregnating Innovation/ Entrepreneurship in University programs STED : Access to Venture Capital Technology Parks/Business Incubators Islamabad Technology Estate

34 With Slide Compliments from HEC Pakistan
Establishment of New Engineering, Science & Technology Universities (UESTP) With Slide Compliments from HEC Pakistan Arshad Ali (NUST) 16 April 2007

35 Partner Countries France Sweden Germany Austria Italy Netherlands
China South Korea Japan

36 Demographic Changes in Europe —A Major Opportunity !
Diminishing younger populations of scientists & engineers in Europe Companies looking for countries with high engineering skill base/lower manpower costs to outsource future high tech industries A major opportunity for Europe, if they can have highly qualified science & engineering manpower trained to top standards

37 UESTP Concept Consortium of leading European Universities with one as lead university---4,500 of our brightest students being sent for MS/PhD Rectors, Deans, Heads of Departments and 75%-25% faculty from partner country Examination /Quality assurance controlled by European universities Complete equivalence Degrees from top European Universities in Pakistan !!! Classes commence in 2007/2008 !!

38 Benefits to Foreign Partners
Availability of pool of well trained scientific HR for expansion of partner country’s industry in Pakistan and make it globally competitive Access to Pakistan’s large and expanding market (167 Million People). Will help foreign countries to remain globally competitive----with access to manpower trained to their best standards

39 Impact Case Study

40 NUST Institute of Information Technology
Established in late 1999 Commenced operations by conducting short courses in rented residential premises Now offer three UG, MS and PhD programs

41 International Research Collaboration
CERN Geneva --- Associate Institute of CMS, 21 Students and five faculty visited CERN for joint research projects UWE UK Students undergoing joint research supervision at NIIT and UWE under EU and other funding arrangements Caltech USA Students and Faculty visited Caltech for collaborative research under Pak-US scientific collaboration Stanford (SLAC) USA Students and faculty visited SLAC under Pak-US scientific collaboration

42 International Research Collaboration
Comtec Japan % Research transferred at NIIT- NUST, Open Source software Jointly developed by COMTEC and NUST being taught in Five Japanese, Two US and one French Universities EPFL Switzerland, Brain Mind Institute – 8 students carrying out research at EPFL under joint funding from EPFL and NUST

43 VRVS (Version 3) Meeting in 8 Time Zones
Caltech(US) RAL (UK) Japan AMPATH(US) CERN Brazil Canada AMPATH(US) 78 Reflectors Deployed Worldwide Users in 96 Countries Pakistan Stanford

44 Local Industry Projects
SCADA System for Rastgar Pvt Limited Islamabad Loom Monitoring System for Gul Ahmed Textile Karachi Mil Standard 1553 databus controller for Nextek Islamabad RFID based Library inventory management system for Pakistani Universities Libraries

NCR established their Dataware housing and Datamining lab at NIIT IBM Open Source Resource Center --- Hardware including E-server, Web Sphere Server, Lotus Exchange Server Donated INTEL established a state-of-the-art computer lab at NIIT CISCO local academy program partner for delivering CCNA/CCNP courseware

46 Results Many fold increase in ISI (Institute of Scientific Information) abstracted publications over last 3 years----rate of increase highest in Islamic world Young men and women have started opting to adopt careers in S&T subjects as first choice (about 30% female at NIIT) Landscape of Universities has begun to change

47 Pakistan Research Output 2001-2006

48 Independent Review of HEC (World Bank)
“A Silent Revolution” “Promising debut : HEC has launched its attack on the twin challenge of access and excellence” “The HEC launched an unprecedented number of systemic reforms. These positive reforms already have benefited the universities”

49 International Applause
Editorial in Nature th January 2004: “Rahman has convinced Musharraf ……… and a deluge of money and new initiatives has poured out. Ministry of Science and Technology’s annual budget has increased 60 fold compared with 1999; researchers have an opportunity to more than double their earnings if they publish more in peer- reviewed journals; funds have been released for many more Ph.Ds. to be trained at home and abroad; plans are well under way for a free digital library for all educational institutions; there is a new scheme to attract researchers from overseas to work in Pakistan

50 Real Wealth-- Our Children----with a population of 167 million, about a 100 million below the age of 25, Pakistan is blessed with a huge pool of talent and creativity Challenge is to empower them with quality education and skills----and provide them opportunities to contribute to the process of socio-economic development

51 Education, Higher Education

52 Thanks

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