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Some STDs.

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1 Some STDs

2 Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections
Spread by sexual contact, and some by sharing needles Some spread by skin to skin contact (naked genitals rubbing up against another’s naked genitals). For example, crabs (pubic lice), syphilis, HPV, and herpes. Some spread by fluid exchange (blood, breast milk, semen, and vaginal fluid). For example, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV, hepatitis. Most common STD/STI symptom? No symptom at all! Medicine: some can be cured, some only treated. All conditions benefit from good sleep, diet, and exercise.

3 Chlamydia Bacterial: can be cured with antibiotics
Can include thick discharge and itchiness Often no symptoms at all

4 Genital Herpes Viral: treatable, not curable
A breakout can include open lesions Sometimes, no symptoms at all

5 HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
Viral: treatable, not curable Can cause some cancers. There is a vaccine to help prevent it! For 9-27 year-olds. Best if before first sexual encounter. Can have warts (hard, whitish bumps). Often, no symptoms.

6 Gonorrhea Bacterial: can be cured with antibiotics (though sometimes resistant) Can include thick discharge, itchiness, & pain Often no symptoms at all

7 Syphilis Bacterial: can be cured with antibiotics
Can be deadly if not found and treated. No symptoms in latent stage. Symptoms can include rashes in later stages.

8 Hepititis B Viral: treatable, not curable. Can cause death if left untreated. There is a vaccine to prevent it! Often no symptoms. Symptoms can include fever, yellow eyes & skin, vomiting.

9 HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
The virus that causes AIDS. Not curable. Deadly, but people can live for many years with treatment. Symptoms usually do not show up for years. Can now be prevented with meds!

10 Prevention Abstain from sexual contact (100% effective) .
Get vaccinated against HPV and Hep B. Take pills to prevent HIV if you are at high risk (PrEP) or if you think you’ve been exposed in the past 72 hours (PEP). See for more information. Talk to your partners about their sexual health & past sexual experiences before first sexual contact. Get tested together if either has been sexually active. Use condoms. Condoms are VERY EFFECTIVE against STDs/STIs. They also help prevent pregnancy! Get tested again- every six months.

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