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Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

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1 Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

2 Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

3 OVERVIEW Quick look on NextGEOSS Context and Background
Objectives of NextGEOSS Implementation/Approach Use this type of slide for displaying the agenda of your presentation

4 Next generation centralized hub for Earth Observation data
The European contribution to GEO Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

5 THE CONCEPT Provides data and resources to the users communities, together with Cloud resources, seamlessly connected to provide an integrated ecosystem for supporting applications. Strong emphasis put on engaging the communities of providers and users, and bridging the space in between Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

6 Earth Observation in Europe
CONTEXT Earth Observation in Europe Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

7 CONTEXT Copernicus: European Earth Observation Programme
Sentinel Satellites: Six missions with 2 satellites each: Sentinels - radar - optical - atmospheric -altimeter Core Services: Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

Increasing amount of data: More and more missions being launched every year Missions collecting more and more data High Complexity: Processing Earth Observation data typically requires specific knowledge Huge Potential: A large amount of information can be extracted Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

Several institutions and companies working on solutions ESA: Exploitation Platforms ESA and EC: Copernicus Data Information Access System EC: H2020 Space calls devoted to EO Call in other themes EARSC: Case Studies Marketplace MAEOS, eoMall eo Store Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

10 NextGEOSS Objectives Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

11 OBJECTIVES NextGEOSS Objectives 1. Engage communities
promoting innovative GEOSS powered applications from Europe 2. Deliver the next generation data hub and Earth Observation exploitation for innovation and business Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images 3. Advocate GEOSS as a sustainable European approach for Earth Observation data distribution and exploitation

12 ENGAGE Communities, promoting innovative GEOSS powered applications from Europe Engage the GEO and European communities towards understanding their needs, working together with GEO and Open Data policies Identify regional champions for innovative pilots and GEOSS powered activities Collect feedback, expectations and requirements from the public and private communities Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

13 ENGAGE Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images
Innovative Pilots Six R&D focused pilot activities: 1. Time Series Analysis for Agricultural Monitoring 2. Remote Sensing of Essential Biodiversity 3. Space and Security 4. Cold Regions 5. Air Pollution, Urban Growth, and Health Risks in Megacities 6. Disaster Risk Reduction Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images GEO-CRI NOA

14 ENGAGE Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images
Market Oriented Pilots Four market focused pilot activities: High Resolution Mapping for Territorial Planning 2. Crop Monitoring supporting Food Security 3. Smart Cities 4. Energy - Gridded data for grid operators - High Resolution Solar Mapping at Urban Scale Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

15 ENGAGE Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images
Other Business and Private Sector Opening up to the Private Sector Contribute to the implementation of GEO’s new strategic plan wrt advancing and facilitating cooperation with the private sector Help to develop links between industry and the public sector Business Innovation Assessment Assessment the gap between geospatial services As available today and expected after NextGEOSS Stakeholders identification and Consultation Sustainability Assessment and Recommendations Assessment of best mechanisms to support long-term usage of NextGEOSS Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

16 DELIVER The next generation data hub and Earth Observation exploitation system for innovation and business Implement a single access point, federated data hub and exploitation system for EO data, using state­of-the-art data mining and discoverability techniques Implement QoS and community feedback mechanisms on the data hub Access to the most relevant data sources for Europe, across all major Earth Observation domains Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

17 DELIVER Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images
Catalogue and Data Hub Cloud Resources Using CKAN data management system relying on open source technologies Data harvesting, annotation and analytics Data mining and discovery Configurable VMs on cloud infrastructures For processing and visualisation of applications Used in deployment of pilot applications Support to service integration Workflow monitoring and analytics Community Feedback Mechanism Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images Community Feedback Mechanism Pilot Applications Quality of Service Ten pilot activities to demonstrate the system Six innovative pilots Four business-oriented pilots Continuous assessment of QoS on randomly selected products

18 DELIVER Data Federation and Uptake
Sentinel Collaborative Ground Segments (DLR, NOA) Land (VITO), Atmosphere (WMO, MeteoSwiss, NILU) and Marine (CLS) data sources Citizen Observatories Commercial Providers Federation of additional data sources Dedicated CKAN-based harvesting tools for major data providers relying on OpenSearch and OGC standards Will incorporate previous initiatives on data harmonisation Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

19 ADVOCATE GEOSS as a sustainable European approach for Earth Observation data distribution and exploitation Disseminate the GEOSS approach to the European and wider communities Generate capacity building events and material to sustain the future of NextGEOSS Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

20 ADVOCATE Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images
Dissemination Communication infrastructure Project Website Social Media Webinars and Training Three online training events, one per year Face2face and online segment plus interactive webinars Summits Four project events, to be setup as satellites of GEO symposia*, focusing on: Engagement of communities; Report on the status of the project’s activities and collaborations; Assess and report publicly on the project developments, with showcases; Final NextGEOSS showcase. * not this year Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

21 NextGEOSS: the project
IMPLEMENTATION NextGEOSS: the project Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

22 ADVOCATE Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

23 PROJECT OVERVIEW External Advisory Board GOVERNANCE Izabella Freytag 27 Members (1 rep. per partner) Nuno Catarino (DME) João Andrade & Vânia Fonseca (DME) 8 Members (WP Leaders) Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images Nicky Trijssenaar (Viderum) Julian M.-Arnek (DLR) Bart Lathouwer (OGCE) Pedro Gonçalves (TDUE) Erwin Goor (VITO) Nuno Grosso (DME) Bente L. Bye (BLB)

24 NUMBERS & TIMELINE Total budget 10M€ Number of partners: 27 Total duration: 3.5 years Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

25 PHASES Two Reporting Periods Four Project Phases
Setup: Initial system deployment – Alpha restricted release First Reporting Period 2. Ramp up: Public versions – Beta version public release – First version public release (v1.0) Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images 3. Consolidation: Second release versions – Update to first version (v1.1) – Second version (v2.0) Second Reporting Period 4. Production: Final updates – Update to second version (v2.1) – Third version (v3.0)

26 ONGOING Current Status Alpha Release 14 June Ongoing:
Initial deployment of catalogue & definition of metadata Interfaces & harvesting of datasets Sentinels, Copernicus Marine, Land & Atmosphere, Citizen Observatories & Commercial Data Setting up KPIs Preparing for integration of NextGEOSS pilots Starting engagement of communities, datasets & future pilots Setting up the Advisory Board Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images

27 HOW TO GET INVOLVED Main Project Events 1st Summit: 22nd Jun, Helsinki
together with GEO European Project Workshop Main Project Events Summits: An annual event in the second quarter of each year (4 in total) Training: One online training event per year (3 in total) + presence in other events 2nd GEO Data Providers Workshop, Florence, 20th & 21st April EGU, Splinter meeting, Vienna, 27th April GEO-CRADLE Industry Engagement Workshop, 26th April ISRSE-37, South Africa: NextGEOSS session, 11th May 1st Training: 13th Sep Univ. Reading & Online Focus on Engagement Use this type of slide for displaying full sized images


29 Thank you and looking forward to work with you
Thank you and looking forward to work with you! Bente Lilja Bye Use this last slide for your conclusions or future work

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