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Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

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1 Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson
Diplomacy Styles Roosevelt, Taft, & Wilson

2 FOLDABLE INSTRUCTIONS: You must have three sections: Big Stick Diplomacy, Dollar Diplomacy, Moral Diplomacy Name the president who has this diplomacy style. Explain IN YOUR OWN words what each of these mean. Give an example Also include a symbol that represents each of these diplomacy style. Somewhere on the foldable answer these questions: 1. What was the Roosevelt Corollary? 2. What is the importance of the Mexican Revolution? 3. Who was Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata 4. Why was the U.S. in Panama what did we get from our involvement?

3 Big Stick Diplomacy “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”
Teddy Roosevelt Taken from a west African proverb- use force Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

4 Big Stick Diplomacy in Action
United States aided Panama in gaining independence from Columbia- in exchange for control of the canal zone Great White Fleet circumnavigated to show off US navy Encouraged Patriotism Viewed as invasions, brutal

5 Dollar Diplomacy “Substitute dollars for bullets..”
William Taft Use money/business to influence nations Avoid use of force

6 Dollar Diplomacy in Action
US invested millions to unstable Latin American countries like Honduras, Nicaragua, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic Eventually had to send in troops to protect investments Economies actually worsened in most areas Created powerful allies for the United States (trade)

7 Moral Diplomacy “The force of America is the force of moral principle
Woodrow Wilson Built off idea of cultural superiority Spread of American ideas/culture/language, Christianity, etc…

8 Moral Diplomacy in Action
Forced out Mexican dictator Victoriana Huerta to protect democracy Failed attempt to capture Pancho Villa and Emilano Zapata, Mexican Socialists Sent troops to Haiti after an anti-American revolt took place Sent troops to Nicaragua to help “select” a new President (protecting democracy) “I am going to teach the South American republics to elect good men.” Justified control of Philippines as a spread of Christianity

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