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Producing electronic materials Kuei-Min Huang, PhD

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1 Producing electronic materials Kuei-Min Huang, PhD
Multi-Media in TESOL Producing electronic materials Kuei-Min Huang, PhD

2 Today’s Outline Producing electronic materials Practical Session

3 Online Materials
Try every type of activity by log-in with your student number

4 What are electronic materials?
The term refers to informational resources, exercises and activities that we create ourselves and which our students use on a computer as web page or CD-Rom content, or even in printed form.

5 What are electronic materials?
The production of these materials may include working with external web pages, using web page design skills, the use of small programmes installed on our own computers or more complex CD-ROM production software.

6 Building up ideas Go and have a look at the following website: Try the following activities.

7 Why do we create and use our won electronic materials in class?
To provide extra practice for weaker learners and consolidation and review exercises for groups. To build up collection of our own resources with our won learners’ needs in mind. To provide a change of pace To motivate our learners. They enjoy competing against the computer

8 An easy one to start with…
The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web.

9 Using Hot Potato

10 Hot Potatoes Hot Potatoes is not freeware, but it is free of charge for those working for publicly-funded non-profit-making educational institutions, who make their pages available on the web. Other users must pay for a license.

11 Practical Session Please set up a Hot Potato account for your own with your student number Go to Download and install the program Register as instructed Create 3 different type of materials. In which, each type of material must contain at least 3 exercise items. Use the Masher to combine all your activities. Save your materials as both ‘webpage’ and ‘hot potato’ files then zip and the zipped file to

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