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Northstowe Healthy New Town

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2 Northstowe Healthy New Town
Housing LIN 4 May 2016 Iain Green, Senior Health Improvement Specialist, Cambridgeshire County Council

3 Northstowe 483 hectares on former Ministry of Defence land
10,000 homes One of the largest planned new communities in more than 50 years

4 Northstowe Innovation
New community designed from scratch Built environment to facilitate healthy living Homes designed for an ageing population Health and community facilities provided early Health provision geared toward treating people in the community

5 The NHS Healthy New Town Programme
In the NHS Five Year Forward View, a clear commitment was made to dramatically improve population health, and integrate health and care services, as new places are built and take shape. Funding Support

6 Our Bid Accommodation for Older People Tackling obesity
development of sustainable mixed accommodation schemes for older people across a spectrum of housing, health and social care needs Tackling obesity mixed/inclusive/walkable neighbourhoods with good connections and excellent access to facilities and open space.

7 Delivering a Healthy New Town
Appreciate what older people want in new housing and deliver homes suitable for an ageing population Consider the needs of specialist housing for other groups (vulnerable/individual with mental health issues etc) Implement innovative models for health and care provision; treating more people within their community Integrate the right new digital health technologies in the fabric of the town Push beyond planning requirements to achieve an excellent built environment that encourages healthy activity Meet the needs of all, including excellent provision for young people to ensure a sustainable community

8 Our Bid

9 Who are we? – the partnership
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) Joint lead partner) South Cambridgeshire District Council (Joint lead partner) The Homes and Communities Agency (Joint lead partner) Cambridgeshire County Council Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Clinical Commissioning Group Sheffield Hallam University John Laing and Nichol Thomas (Architecture and Master Planning Consultants) Sustrans Spice Innovations Limited (who develop Time Credit systems)

10 What next – the roadmap Recruitment of project support
Stocktake of current position Engagement workshops with: key stakeholders Wider community

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