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Presentation on theme: "Acentuacion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acentuacion

2 In the Spanish Language, words are classified as:
Agudas Graves (llanas) Esdrujulas Sobresdrujulas The classification of words depends on the pronunciation of the word and the position of the stress.

3 How do you classify a word?
Aguda- is a word that has the stress on the last syllable. Grave- is a word that has the stress on the next-to-the-last syllable. Esdrújula- is a word that has the stress on the 3rd syllable fron the end of the word. Sobresdrujula- is a word that has the stress on the 4th syllable from the end of the word.

4 Agudas Co-lor Ad-mi-nis-tra- dor Na-tu-ral ca-pi-tán Examples:
Note: some aguda words have a written accent.

5 Write the following words:
Divide en sílabas y subraya la sílaba más fuerte: melon frances bandera corazon Cancun

6 Agudas: melon frances bandera corazon Cancun
We add an accent mark (tilde) only if the word ends in N, S, or a vowel. melon frances bandera corazon Cancun

7 Practica: Carlos Ramon Pepe Dora Jesus Esteban casa Jose mano sofa
Identify all the AGUDA words and add an accent mark if necessary. Carlos Ramon Pepe Dora Jesus Esteban casa Jose mano sofa

8 Graves Ejemplos: casa silla mesa Chávez
Grave- is a word that has the stress on the next-to-the-last syllable. Ejemplos: casa silla mesa Chávez

9 Graves Angel comer Salsa Coco Alto correr Oscar Hernandez
We add an accent mark (tilde) only if the word DOES NOT end in N, S, or a vowel. Identify all the GRAVE words and add an accent mark if necessary. Angel comer Salsa Coco Alto correr Oscar Hernandez

10 ballena Cesar Lopez dolar Felipe Hector Martinez jirafa helado Pedro

11 Pop Quiz 7 points Agudas If you were absent. You need to take this quiz either before or after school. You have until Friday 11/18/16 to take it.

12 Esdrújulas México mágico teléfono
is a word that has the stress on the third from last syllable. They are always need a written accent mark (tilde). Examples: México mágico teléfono

13 rapido pajaro america ejercito patetico academico catolico atletico ultimo simpatico comico

14 En media página, escribe 5 oraciones siguiendo las reglas de acentuación.
1. medico 2. mecanico 3. Martin 4. musica 5. sabado

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