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Dealing with Crisis What if our learners present themselves in classes in crisis situations?

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Presentation on theme: "Dealing with Crisis What if our learners present themselves in classes in crisis situations?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dealing with Crisis What if our learners present themselves in classes in crisis situations?

2 Workshop Outline What is a crisis exercise
Introductions & why we chose this workshop What is a crisis exercise Examples of times learners have presented themselves in crises How we react/ deal with situations Important things to remember Signposting & referring on

3 What is a Crisis? What if a learner presents themselves in a crisis?
What can this feel like? What do we do & how do we react? Discuss in pairs or 3’s either actual examples where learners have been in crisis or potential examples of crisis (5-10 mins) Feedback to the group Key points- Crises situations are very personal to the individual. What constitutes a crises to one person will not necessarily be a crises to another

4 Examples of Crises

5 Examples of Crises Remember you won’t have all the answers. Some issues need specialist help

6 Examples of Crises

7 How do we react or deal with these situations?
In pairs or 3’s discuss best possible approaches to dealing with learners in crises- Examples being Mental health Financial/benefit issues Drug or alcohol problems What are the key factors in terms of approaches, advice or support you can offer & context of situation, etc?

8 Important things to remember
Try to stay as calm as possible Always let your line manager/LLE worker know what’s happened Remember you won’t always have all the answers Try and have up to date knowledge of services or people you can signpost or refer learners onto Each situation and context is different It involves judgement calls on impact on other learners, time & confidentiality etc

9 Sign posting or referring on
You’re not expected to be experts in everything Many crises situations will require at some point specialist advice & guidance Useful points of reference: Contact lists & numbers of all LLE workers & staff Mayfield & Easthouses Community Directory e/1710/mayfield_and_easthouses_commun ity_directory_january_2017

10 Sign posting or referring on
Eskbank & Newbattle Community Directory 09/eskbank_and_newbattle_community_directo ry_january_2017 Newtongrange Community Directory 08/newtongrange_community_directory_januar y_2017 Midlothian & East Lothian Drug & Alcohol Partnership- Service Directory directory-october-2015.pdf

11 Sign posting or referring on
Employability & Learning Directory- Midlothian Council Midlothian+Employment+Action+Network+ service+directory&meta=&safe=active&gw s_rd=ssl Midlothian Area Resources Coordination for Hardship Referral Guide & Directory content/uploads/2015/05/Referral-Guide- and-Directory-May-2015.pdf

12 Any further questions? If any further questions come up after today’s session please contact me on or phone on or

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