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Musculoskeletal manifestations

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1 Musculoskeletal manifestations
Rheumatoid Arthritis Musculoskeletal manifestations Iraj Salehi-Abari MD., Internist Rheumatologist

2 Introduction: The most common inflammatory arthritis
I. Salehi A. Introduction: The most common inflammatory arthritis A chronic progressive systemic disease Autoimmune disease Hallmark: Chronic erosive polyarthritis Iran Criteria of RA


4 Epidemiology: All races Incidence: 30/100,000 Overal prevalence: 1%
I. Salehi A. Epidemiology: All races Incidence: 30/100,000 Overal prevalence: 1% Prevalence in old women: 5% F/M ratio: 2-3/1 Peak onset age: y/o Iran Criteria of RA

5 Epidemiology: Incidence of RA: 25-55 y/o: increases
I. Salehi A. Epidemiology: Incidence of RA: 25-55 y/o: increases 55-75 y/o: plateaus After 75 y/o: decreases Iran Criteria of RA

6 Epidemiology: Peak onset age of RA in Iran: F/M ratio of RA in Iran:
Iraj Salehi-Abari. Epidemiology: Peak onset age of RA in Iran: y/o F/M ratio of RA in Iran: 3/ [Iraj Salehi-A., 2012, Rheumatol Int] Rheumatoid A

7 Epidemiology: Incidence of RA: Prevalence of RA:
Iraj Salehi-Abari. Epidemiology: Incidence of RA: Has been decreasing in recent decades Prevalence of RA: Plateaus in recent decades Rheumatoid A

8 Clinical manifestations:
I. Salehi A. Clinical manifestations: Constitutional Articular: almost all Peri-articular Extra-articular (systemic)

9 Constitutional: Weight loss Fatigue Malaise Depression
I. Salehi A. Constitutional: Weight loss Fatigue Malaise Depression Cachexia: severe RA Fever > 38.3 c (101 F): Systemic vasculitis Infection

10 Articular involvement:
I. Salehi A. Articular involvement: Peripheral synovial joints Polyarthritis: common in course Oligoarthritis: common in initiation Monoarthritis: rare No axial involvement except neck Iran Criteria of RA

11 Articular manifestation:
Peripheral joints, (no Axial) Poly, Oligo, Monoarthritis Chronic, Acute Symmetric, Asymmetric Distal to Proximal Upper > Lower MCP, PIP, Wrist DIP: rare Additive, Synchronized

12 Initial clinical presentations*:
Iraj Salehi A. Initial clinical presentations*: Oligo/polyarthritis (> 2 joints): % Duration > 6 weeks: % Hand involvement: % Symmetric involvement: % Morning stiffness > 1 hour: % No extra-articular involvement: . Only olecranon Rheumatoid nodules: % *. Salehi I et al (2012) Early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis: an introduction to the newly designed Iran Criteria for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatol Int. doi: /s

13 Clinical articular hallmarks:
I. Salehi A. Clinical articular hallmarks: Chronic symmetric polyarthritis Small > Small + Large > Large joints Hand (wrist, MCP, PIP) joints: Key joints Morning stiffness > 1 hour DIP involvement: uncommon Deformities in advanced (very late) phase Iran Criteria of RA

14 Clinical articular hallmarks:
I. Salehi A. Clinical articular hallmarks: The earliest involved joints are typically the small joints of the hands and feet Iran Criteria of RA

15 In undifferentiated arthritis if:
I. Salehi A. In undifferentiated arthritis if: Higher number of tender and swollen joints Positive RF Positive a nti-CCP Higher scores for physical disability more likely to be diagnosed later with RA

16 In established RA: The most common involved joints are: Wrists MCPs
I. Salehi A. In established RA: The most common involved joints are: Wrists MCPs PIPs But the uncommon involved joints are: DIPs

17 Periarticular manifestations:
I. Salehi A. Periarticular manifestations: CTS Olecranon bursitis TTS Tenosynovitis Trigger Finger Plantar fasciitis Shoulder periarthritis

18 Typical (Classic) RA A middle aged female with
I. Salehi A. Typical (Classic) RA A middle aged female with Chronic symmetric polyarthritis MCPs, PIPs, Wrists, MTPs (early) Elbow, Knee, Ankle, Shoulders Morning stiffness > 1 hour Rheumatoid nodule Positive RF &/or anti-CCP Elevated ESR

19 Extra-articular manifestations:
I. Salehi A. Extra-articular manifestations: Rheumatoid nodules Eyes: Epi/scleritis, Sjogren’s syndrome Lungs: ILD,…, Pleural effusion Cardiac: Coronary/non-Coronary Vascular: Vasculitis, Atherosclerosis,… Hematologic: Anemia, Felty’s syndrome,… Muscular: Myopathy, Myositis Nervous system Kidney Iran Criteria of RA

20 Arthritis: Swelling 2 p. Tenderness T Warmth 1 p.
Limitation of motion 1 p. Redness p. Arthritis > T + 2 p.

21 Hands: Symmetrical swelling of Tenosynovitis
MCPs PIPs Wrist Tenosynovitis Reduced grip strength Trigger finger CTS Tendon rupture Piano-key sign ‘’Boxing glove’’appearance

22 Elbow: Flexion contracture Bulging of lateral groove
Compressive ulnar neuropathy Olecranon bursitis Rheumatoid nodule

23 Shoulder: ‘’Frozen’’shoulder Rotator cuff injury Anterior bulging sign

24 Foot: MTPs: Instep: Diffuse swelling Heel pain: Plantar fasciitis
Window sign Hallux valgus Bunion Instep: Diffuse swelling Heel pain: Plantar fasciitis Retrocalcaneal bursitis

25 Foot: Ankle: 1rt, 2nd joints TTS Pes planovalgus: Flat foot
Overriding of toes Hammer toe Malet toe Cock-up toe Calosis

26 Knee: Synovial thickening Effusion: LOM: Flexion, Extension
Patellar tap sign Fluid wave LOM: Flexion, Extension Baker’s cyst: Foscher’s sign Ruptured Baker cyst Pseudothrombophlebitis

27 Hip: Very Late LOM Patrick’s test(FABER test)
Pain in groin, thigh, Low back Referred pain to knee Trochanteric bursitis

28 Sternoclavicular joint Cricoarytenoid joint: 30%
TMJ Sternoclavicular joint Cricoarytenoid joint: 30% Morning hoarseness Morning stridor Morning dysphagia Ear articulation: Conductive hearing loss Morning hearing loss

29 Cervical Spine: C1-C2 subluxation Subaxial subluxation
Horizontal Anteroposterior Lateral Rotationally Vertical Subaxial subluxation Neck pain (Rotation) Radicular pain Spinal cord compression

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