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NAGY, Csongor István Contracts Class 5 NAGY, Csongor István

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1 NAGY, Csongor István
Contracts Class 5 NAGY, Csongor István

2 Agreement: offer + acceptance
James to Jerry: Offer Jerry to James: Counter-offer (yes, but = new offer) James to Jerry: Acceptance

3 Rights if the other party breaches the contract
If performance is refused: you may sue for specific performance (but in common law you may sue only for damages) If the goods are defective: reparation, replacement, reduction in price. If you are not interested in the performance of the contract due to the breach: you may cancel the contract. In all cases, you have a right to claim damages, provided, you have suffered any.

4 Specific types of contract
Sales contract Lease contract/Leasing Factoring Distribution agreement Franchising

5 Sales contract Seller: Buyer (purchaser):
transfer of title (ownership) handing over the thing Buyer (purchaser): pay the price take the goods

6 Lease agreement US: simple lease. Europe: lease + sale. Rationale:
financing of durable goods/assets; security; tax considerations.

7 Factoring ‘Sale of claims’ Financing method Collection service
Can the money be collected from the original obigee if the debtor does not pay?

8 Distribution agreements
Framework (sales) contract Mandate agreement The distributor has to take all the reasonable measures to promote the goods. Sole distributor, exclusive distributor, non-exclusive distributor. Selective distributors.

9 Franchising ‘Resale’ of knowledge
It normally involves distribution elements The franchisor gives a franchise (persmission) to the franchisee to use the franchisor’s trademark, knowhow, patents etc. Examples: fastfood restaurants, gas-stations, hotels/hostels.

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