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Invitation to Computer Science 6th Edition

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1 Invitation to Computer Science 6th Edition
Chapter 6 An Introduction to System Software and Virtual Machines

2 Objectives In this chapter, you will learn about: System software
Assemblers and assembly language Operating systems Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

3 Introduction Naked machine To make a Von Neumann computer usable:
Hardware bereft of any helpful user-oriented features Data as well as instructions must be represented in binary To make a Von Neumann computer usable: Create an interface between the user and the hardware Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition 3

4 System Software The virtual machine
System software: collection of computer programs that manage the resources of a computer and facilitate access to those resources Software: sequences of instructions that solve a problem Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition 4

5 Figure 6.1 The Role of System Software
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

6 Types of System Software
Operating system Communicates with users Determines what they want Activates other system programs, applications packages, or user programs to carry out their request Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

7 Types of System Software (continued)
User interface Provides user with an intuitive visual overview Language services (assemblers, compilers, and interpreters) Allow you to write programs in a high level Memory managers Allocate memory space for programs and data Information managers Handle the organization, storage, and retrieval of information on mass storage devices Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

8 Figure 6.2 Types of System Software
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

9 Types of System Software (continued)
I/O systems Allow you to easily and efficiently use the input and output devices that exist on a computer system Scheduler Keeps a list of programs ready to run on the processor and selects the one that will execute next Utilities Library routines that provide useful services either to a user or to other system routines Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

10 Assemblers and Assembly Language
Problems with machine language Uses binary Allows only numeric memory addresses Is difficult to change Is difficult to create data Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

11 Assemblers and Assembly Language
Assembly languages Designed to overcome shortcomings of machine languages Each symbolic assembly language instruction is translated into exactly one binary machine language instruction Create a more productive, user-oriented environment Earlier termed second-generation languages Now viewed as low-level programming languages Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

12 Assembly Language High-level programming languages User oriented
Not machine specific Use both natural language and mathematical notation in their design Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

13 Figure 6.3 The Continuum of Programming Languages
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

14 Assembly Language (continued)
Source program Program written in assembly language Object program Source program must be translated into a corresponding machine language program Assembler System software that carries out translation Advantage of assembly language Allows use of symbolic addresses Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

15 Figure 6.4 The Translation/ Loading/Execution Process
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

16 Figure 6.5 Typical Assembly Language Instruction Set
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

17 Assembly Language (continued)
Advantages of symbolic labels Use of symbolic operation codes rather than numeric (binary) ones Use of symbolic memory addresses rather than numeric (binary) ones Pseudo-operations that provide useful user-oriented services such as data generation Pseudo-op Invokes the service of the assembler Provides program construction Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

18 Figure 6.6 Structure of a Typical Assembly Language Program
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

19 Typical Instruction of Assembly Language
(Label): (op code mnemonic) (address field) (comments) Label: permanent identification for this instruction of data, like an address of command. op code mnemonic: symbolic command name Address field: symbolic address of the data Comments: for reading Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

20 How to declare data in assembly language?
Example: (pseudo-op) FIVE: .DATA 5 Address content NEGSEVEN: .DATA -7 Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

21 How to use data? LOAD FIVE ADD NEGSEVEN
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

22 Examples of Assembly Language Code
Arithmetic expression A = B + C – 7 (Assume that B and C have already been assigned values) Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

23 Examples of Assembly Language Code
Assembly language translation LOAD B Put the value B into register R. ADD C R now holds the sum (B + C). SUBTRACT SEVEN R now holds the expression (B + C - 7). STORE A Store the result into A. : --These data should be placed after the HALT. A: .DATA 0 B: .DATA 0 C: .DATA 0 SEVEN: .DATA The constant 7. Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

24 Examples of Assembly Language Code
Conditional operation Tests and compares value Algorithmic problem-solving cycle One of the central themes of computer science Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

25 Examples of Assembly Language Code
Problem Read in a sequence of non-negative numbers, one number at a time, and compute a running sum When you encounter a negative number, print out the sum of the non-negative values and stop Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

26 Figure 6.7 Algorithm to Compute the Sum of Numbers
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

27 Figure 6.8 Assembly Language Program to Compute the Sum of Nonnegative Numbers
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

28 Translation and Loading
Assembler Translates a symbolic assembly language program into machine language Tasks performed Convert symbolic op codes to binary Convert symbolic addresses to binary Perform the assembler services requested by the pseudo-ops Put the translated instructions into a file for future use Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

29 Translation and Loading (continued)
Op code table Alphabetized list of all legal assembly language op codes and their binary equivalents In assembly language: A symbol is defined when it appears in the label field of an instruction or data pseudo-op Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

30 Figure 6.9 Structure of the Op Code Table
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

31 Figure 6.10 Generation of the Symbol Table
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

32 Translation and Loading (continued)
Pass Process of examining and processing every assembly language instruction in the program, one instruction at a time Assemblers make two pass of the source code to generate object program. First pass: Handle memory address and bind physical address Second pass: Handle data generation and translate source program into object program. Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

33 Translation and Loading (continued)
First pass over source code Assembler looks at every instruction Binding Process of associating a symbolic name with a physical memory address Primary purposes of the first pass of an assembler To bind all symbolic names to address values To enter those bindings into the symbol table Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

34 Translation and Loading (continued)
Location counter Variable used to determine the address of a given instruction Second pass Assembler translates source program into machine language After completion of pass 1 and pass 2 Object file contains the translated machine language object program Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

35 Figure 6.11 Outline of Pass 1 of the Assembler
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

36 Figure 6.12 Outline of Pass 2 of the Assembler
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

37 Figure 6.13 Example of an Object Program
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

38 Operating Systems Operating system System commands
Waits for requests and activates other system programs to service these requests System commands Used to translate, load, and run programs Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

39 Functions of an Operating System
The user interface Operating system commands usually request access to hardware resources, software services, or information To communicate with a user, a GUI supports visual aids and point-and-click operations Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

40 Figure 6.14 Some Typical Operating System Commands
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

41 Responsibility of the Operating System
Figure 6.15 User Interface Responsibility of the Operating System Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

42 Figure 6.16 Example of a Graphical User Interface
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

43 System Security and Protection
Operating system Controls access to the computer and its resources Safeguards password file Sometimes uses encryption to provide security Access control Use of a legal user name and password Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

44 Figure 6.17 Authorization List for the File GRADES
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

45 Efficient Allocation of Resources
I/O controller Frees the processor to do useful work while the I/O operation is being completed To ensure that a processor does not sit idle if there is useful work to do: Operating system keeps a queue of programs that are ready to run Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

46 The Safe Use of Resources
Operating system Prevents programs or users from attempting operations that cause the computer system to enter a “frozen” state Deadlock Each program is waiting for a resource to become available that will never become free Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

47 The Safe Use of Resources (continued)
Deadlock prevention Operating system uses resource allocation algorithms that prevent deadlock from occurring in the first place Deadlock recovery algorithms Detect and recover from deadlocks Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

48 Summary of OS Responsibilities
Major responsibilities of operating systems User interface management (a receptionist) Control of access to system and files (a security guard) Program scheduling and activation (a dispatcher) Efficient resource allocation (an efficiency expert) Deadlock detection and error detection (a traffic officer) Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

49 Historical Overview of Operating Systems Development
First-generation system software Roughly 1945–1955 No operating systems and very little software support Second-generation system software Called batch operating systems (1955–1965) Command language Commands specifying to the operating system what operations to perform on programs Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

50 Figure 6.18 Operation of a Batch Computer System
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

51 Figure 6.19 Structure of a Typical Batch Job
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

52 Historical Overview of Operating Systems Development (continued)
Third-generation operating systems Multiprogrammed operating systems (1965–1985) Many user programs are simultaneously loaded into memory User operation codes: could be included in any user program Privileged operation codes: use restricted to the operating system or other system software Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

53 Historical Overview of Operating Systems Development (continued)
Time-sharing system Many programs can be stored in memory Allows programmer to enter system commands, programs, and data online Distributed environment Much of the computing was done remotely in the office, laboratory, classroom, and factory Network operating system Fourth-generation operating system (1985–present) Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

54 Figure 6.20 Configuration of a Time-Shared Computing System
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

55 Figure 6.21 A Local Area Network
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

56 Historical Overview of Operating Systems Development (continued)
Real-time operating system Manages resources of embedded computers that are controlling ongoing physical processes Guarantees that it can service important requests within a fixed amount of time Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

57 The Future Multimedia user interfaces
Will interact with users and solicit requests in a variety of ways Parallel processing operating system Can efficiently manage computer systems containing tens, hundreds, or even thousands of processors Distributed computing environment Users do not need to know the location of a given resource within the network Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

58 Figure 6.23 Structure of a Distributed System
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

59 Figure 6.24 Some of the Major Advances in Operating Systems Development
Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

60 Summary System software Assembly language An assembler
Acts as an intermediary between the users and the hardware Assembly language Creates a more productive, user-oriented environment than machine language An assembler Translates an assembly language program into a machine language program Invitation to Computer Science, 6th Edition

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