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Presentation on theme: "LASER COMMUNICATION SYSTEM"— Presentation transcript:


2 Content Introduction How does it Work?
One-way Laser communication system Application Advantages Disadvantages Conclusion Reference

3 Introduction Laser communications systems are wireless connections through the atmosphere. They work similarly to fiber optic links, except the beam is transmitted through free space. While the transmitter and receiver must require line-of-sight conditions, they have the benefit of eliminating the need for broadcast rights and buried cables.


5 Laser Transmitter and Receiver
Optical fiber link Laser Transmitter Receiver Direct Link

6 One-way Laser communication system

7 Laser Transmitter The Transmitter involves a signal processing circuit, and a laser. A laser diode is used to create the laser signal. Laser Diodes include Photodiodes for feedback to insure consistent output.

8 Receiver The receiver involves: Telescope(‘antenna’) Signal processor
Detector PIN diodes Avalanche Photo Diodes(APD) Single or multiple detectors

9 Modulation AM Easy with gas lasers, hard with diodes
PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Used by Ramsey in their kit PFM (Pulsed FM) Potentially the highest bandwidth (>100kHz)

10 Gain Systems Transmitter Maximum output power Minimum divergence
Receiver Maximum lens area Clarity Tight focus on detector

11 Filters Sun shade over detector Shade in front of lens
Detector spectral response Colored filters Absorb ~50% of available light Difficult to find exact frequency

12 Mounting Mounts and stands need only be as accurate as beam divergence
Good laser diodes will be 1-2mR (milliRadian) A 32 pitch screw at the end of a 2' mount will yield 1mR per revolution. Since quarter turns (even eighth turns) are possible, this is more than accurate enough Higher thread pitches allow shorter mounts which may be more stable (against wind, vibration, wires) 1mR is 1.5' of divergence every 1000', 3' at 2000 ', etc.

13 Pointing GPS and Compass Scopes and Binoculars
Strobe lights, large handheld floods, headlights HTs to yell when laser light is seen at remote location

14 Applications Transmit voice for miles line-of-sight
Use weak signal modes for ?cloud scatter? Transmit video with cheap pens Transmit high speed data without WEP Blind flies for easy extermination

15 Advantages Ease of deployment Can be used to power devices
License-free long-range operation (in contrast with radio communication) High bit rates Low bit error rates Immunity to electromagnetic interference Full duplex operation Protocol transparency Increased security when working with narrow beam(s)[citation needed] No Fresnel zone necessary

16 Disadvantages For terrestrial applications, the principal limiting factors are: Beam dispersion Atmospheric absorption Rain Fog (10..~100 dB/km attenuation) Snow Scintillation Interference from background light sources (including the Sun) Shadowing Pointing stability in wind Pollution / smog

17 Conclusion Laser communications offers a viable alternative to RF communications for inter satellite links and other applications where high-performance links are a necessity. High data rate, small antenna size, narrow beam divergence, and a narrow field of view are characteristics of laser communications that offer a number of potential advantages forsystem design.

18 References

19 Thanks


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