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Thailand A family planning success story David Redfern

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1 Thailand A family planning success story David Redfern

2 What this presentation covers
The main population indicators before and after the implementation of a major national population control policy The main features of a population control policy The factors that enabled its success Other elements that were an outcome of the policy – the wider synoptic links

3 The situation in 1970 Growth rate 3.2% Fertility
6.5 children per woman Contraception use ≈ 16% Total population 26.4 million GNP ($US) 110

4 The family planning programme
The success of the programme can be attributed to three main factors: The creativity of the family planning approaches The openness of the Thai people to new ideas The willingness of the national government to work with the Population Development Agency (PDA) Much of the success is directly attributed to Mechai Viravaidya, a former government economist and public relations genius who launched the PDA. Jim Fruchterman

5 How did Thailand manage to achieve population change?
Condoms and posters became the trademarks of the campaign, which included a strong anti-AIDS message At the same time the Thai government supported Mechai’s efforts by making a wide range of contraceptive methods available to the public Thailand was among the first countries to use the intravenous contraceptive DMPA and still remains one of its largest users Contraceptive services were extended to remote rural areas

6 Why did it work so well in Thailand?
Relationships between men and women in Thailand are considered to be more egalitarian than in many other countries in the developing world Buddhism (95% of Thais are Buddhist) has supported the family planning programme Non-scalpel vasectomies are available at festivals and other events and the PDA offers free vasectomies on the king’s birthday. Sterilisation has now become the most widely used form of contraception in the country

7 Loans linked to contraceptive use
The PDA offered loans linked to use of contraception. Loans were based on character, credit worthiness and the type of project being funded. Interest rates were much lower than those from traditional moneylenders in poor rural communities. Preference was given to applicants practising family planning. Members of the loan scheme received shares and dividends based on the contraceptive method used: the more effective methods had higher values The PDA provided loans to build rainwater catchment jars for drinking water. It also set up rice banks, pig banks and buffalo banks. No money was involved – just a loan in the form of the animal to those participating in the family planning scheme.

8 Success? 1970 1999 2012 Population growth rate 3.2% 0.8% 0.5%
Fertility (children per woman) 6.5 1.7 1.6 Contraception use ≈ 16% ≈ 72% ≈80% Total population 26.4 million 51.2 million 69.9 million GNP ($US) 110 1,950 8,190

9 Further issues... The anti-AIDS part of Mechai’s comapign has been criticised for damaging the tourist industry (worth $US4 billion annually) Mechai argued that he was trying to save the tourist industry by controlling the spread of a deadly disease

10 Further websites An overview of the impacts of the policy from 2011 A TED talk video by Mechai Viravaidya, ‘How Mr. Condom made Thailand a better place’

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