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Alex Glenn Duke Energy Florida President

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1 Alex Glenn Duke Energy Florida President



4 Key Emerging Technology Focus Areas
Large Combined Heat and Power Size of Sphere = Potential Impact TECHNICAL MATURITY 1yr yrs yrs yrs TIME TO SIGNIFICANT BUSINESS IMPACT Transformational High Moderate Low Solar PV Energy Storage LED Lighting Electric Vehicles Fuel Cells Microgen Combined Heat and Power Internet of Things (IoT) Technology is changing faster than humans can keep pace. Our industry is experiencing some of the most dynamic change we have ever seen, maybe you can relate. The navy blue is emerging technology while the green is technology we have already started to integrate into our business units. See how in just 11 months the emerging technology is being adopted at the business level. How can we leverage these technologies to the benefit of our customers? How do we ensure our customer have access to these technologies? Microgrids Wearables November 2014 Solid State Transformers Low Voltage Power Electronics Big Data NEAR-TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM

5 Key Emerging Technology Focus Areas
Large Combined Heat and Power Size of Sphere = Potential Impact TECHNICAL MATURITY 1yr yrs yrs yrs TIME TO SIGNIFICANT BUSINESS IMPACT Transformational High Moderate Low Solar PV Drones Unmanned Aerial Systems Energy Storage LED Outdoor Lighting & EE Programs LED Lighting Net Zero Buildings Electric Vehicles CCUS -Algae Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) -Coal Fuel Cells Microgen Combined Heat and Power Internet of Things (IoT) Distributed Intelligence Advanced Combustion Advanced Cooling Technology is changing faster than humans can keep pace. Our industry is experiencing some of the most dynamic change we have ever seen, maybe you can relate. The navy blue is emerging technology while the green is technology we have already started to integrate into our business units. See how in just 11 months the emerging technology is being adopted at the business level. How can we leverage these technologies to the benefit of our customers? How do we ensure our customer have access to these technologies? Microgrids Wearables Smart City CCS - Gas Low Voltage Power Electronics Solid State Transformers Big Data Small Modular Reactor NOW NEAR-TERM MID-TERM LONG-TERM

6 Challenges ALL CUSTOMERS Declining revenues New market entrants
Aging infrastructure Residential Industries

7 Customers ALL CUSTOMERS Residential Commercial Industrial Industries
NOW THEN Residential Industries

8 Generating Cleaner Energy
Building more state-of-the art, clean, efficient natural gas power plants Developing solar power generations that meet customers expectations

9 Solar Options for Newspapers ALL CUSTOMERS
Large site solar installations on warehouses, parking garages, press buildings Battery storage technology Net metering Residential Solar energy – options for the publishing industry (they requested you address this) Benefits of solar: Duke Energy is a strong supporter of solar as a clean renewable energy source and an important part of a balanced energy future. Green – no emission energy Limitations: Not currently cost competitive print newspapers in evening – solar not optimal (see chart) battery storage expensive currently large building roofs could be used to generate and sell back to utilities (net metering) Industries

10 Solar Winter Summer

11 Safety ALL CUSTOMERS Safety of our customers and our employees is our priority. In 2015, we were recognized as the best electric utility in the nation for safety. Culture of Safety Residential  Duke Energy is a leader in safety • At Duke Energy, the safety of our customers and our employees is our priority. In 2015, we were recognized as the safest large electrical utility in the Southeast (per SEE) and number 1 in the nation for safety (per EEI –verified by Corey Z.).  Culture of safety: Every meeting starts with a level 1 safety assessment; larger meetings ensure everyone knows how to safely exit the building and a muster location and identifies someone to lead the group and someone to ensure the room is empty/last out in addition to designated people to call 911, perform CPR and obtain the AED (defibrillator)  Safety and Health programs: • Stretching program • Company nurses on site • AEDs in all building; linemen’s trucks Industries

12 Building a Smarter Energy Infrastructure
Utility-integrated microgrid Provide resiliency to a critical facility Demonstrate ancillary and grid stability services: Frequency regulation Circuit voltage support (VAR dispatch) Demand response through islanding Mitigating solar intermittency at the source Copyright © 2016 Duke Energy All rights reserved.


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