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Portfolio Committee of Justice and Correctional Services September 2015

2 CONTENTS Introduction Performance overview Programme Performance
3.1 Programme 1: Administration 3.2 Programme 2: Court Services 3.3 Programme 3: State Legal Services 3.4 Programme 4: National Prosecuting Authority 3.5 Programme 5: Auxiliary and Associated Services 4. Conclusion

An accessible justice system that promotes Constitutional values. Mission To provide transparent, responsive and accountable justice services for all Principles And Values Commitment to constitutional values and a culture of human rights; Promotion of the rule of law; Batho Pele; Good Governance; Ubuntu; Professionalism and Continuous Improvement; and Transparency.

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ&CD)’s mandate is to enable all in South Africa to access justice services. In promoting this, the Department continued in the period under review with the pursuance of the following strategic goals: An efficient, effective and development oriented administration. 2. Improved administration support to the justice system enabling efficient resolution of cases. (civil, family law and criminal). 3. Provision of quality legal services that strengthen the capacity of the State. 4. Promote constitutionalism and social justice to contribute to social cohesion. 5. Improved prosecution services

The highlights within service delivery environment included the following; The Department expanded its services at municipal buildings which became additional seats the local Magistrate’s Courts: Hermanus George Stellenbosch 2. The mortal remains of the late Mr Meshack Komsasa Nyathi and Mr Thamsanqa Poto were handed over to their families. 3. A total of criminal court cases were finalised through ADRM at lower courts. 6. 50 operational TCCs provided services in line with the verification criteria. 7. The recovery of R84.4 million in terms of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA).

Under spending on infrastructure remains a challenge. Inability to attract suitable candidates with specialised skills in the labour market. (i.e. OSD posts) Underperformance on software development of CJS/IJS projects as a result of SITA remains an area of concern. Vacancies in senior management posts remains a challenge (e.g. DDG Constitutional Development, Chief Directors: Facilities Management ) Challenges with the investigating capacity of certain cases in the South African Police Service makes it difficult to achieve prosecutorial targets.

During the quarter under review the Department achieved targets on 51 of the 68 indicators reported on. This translates to 75% of targets achieved.

1. INTRODUCTION Expenditure Report 1. The expenditure as at the end of the first quarter amounted to R200.6 million against a budget of R1.9 billion. 2. The under spending was mostly related to non-payment of quarterly disbursement for office accommodation. Sub-programme Budget ’000 Expenditure ‘000 (Q1) % Actual Exp. (Q1) Ministry 34 817 7 179 21% Management 48 740 14 986 31% Corporate Services Office Accommodation 24 316 2% TOTAL 11%

1. INTRODUCTION Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 1: Increased compliance with prescripts to achieve and sustain the unqualified audit opinion Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 1.1 Number of audit projects completed by Internal Audit 285 71 41 The Internal Audit unit was completing projects from previous financial year thus could not meet the planned quarterly target. Performance in this area improved towards the end of the last month of the quarter, thus the target is expected to be achieved by the end of the second quarter.

1. INTRODUCTION Expenditure trends The expenditure as at the end of the first quarter amounted to R1.3 billion against a budget allocation of R5.5 billion. The expenditure for this programme is R10 million over the approved drawings on the national revenue fund of R1.2 billion for the quarter. The over expenditure was as a result of late submission of invoices for Court Infrastructure. It is anticipated that this will normalise during the second quarter. Sub-programme Budget ’000 Expenditure ‘000 (Q1) % Actual Exp. (Q1) Lower Courts 23% Family Advocate 45 149 22% Magistrate's Commission 16 302 2 512 15% Government Motor Transport 18 156 - Facilities Management 19% Administration Of Courts 25% TOTAL

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 2 Performance Planned targets on all 9 indicators were achieved during the quarter under review.

1. INTRODUCTION Expenditure trends The expenditure as at the end of the first quarter amounted to R217.6 million against the budget allocation of R1 billion. The expenditure is R23.3 million below the approved drawings on the national revenue fund of R240.9 million. The under spending was as a result of vacant posts relating to the capacitation of the State Attorney’s offices as well as the Constitutional Development branch. Sub-programme Budget ’000 Expenditure ‘000 (Q1) % Actual Exp. (Q1) State Law Advisors 72 738 13 756 19% Litigation And Legal Services 82 412 21% Legislative Development And Law Reform 56 314 13 010 23% Master Of The High Court Constitutional Development 72 980 8 200 11% TOTAL

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 3 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 10: Increased efficiency in the provision of services to all beneficiaries thereof Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 10.1 Percentage of letters of appointment issued in deceased estates within 15 days from receipt of all required documents 95% 93% 10.3 Percentage of beneficiaries in receipt of services within 40 days from receipt of all required documents (Guardian’s Fund) 92% 89% Teething problems in offices implementing electronic processing (ICMS PEAS), network downtown and system upgrade in some service points caused backlogs and underperformance Plans have been put in place to improve performance.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 3 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 10: Increased efficiency in the provision of services to all beneficiaries thereof Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 10.4 Percentage of certificates of appointment issued in all bankruptcy matters within 10 days from receipt of all required documents 87% 86% 10.5 Percentage of liquidation and distribution accounts in bankruptcy matters examined within 15 days from receipt of all required documents 96% 95% Lack of capacity in some offices let to target not being achieved. Plans have been put in place to improve performance.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 3 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 16: Promotion of the broad based knowledge about and support for values of equality, human dignity and fundamental human rights Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 16.4 Number of people reached through awareness campaign on popularising socio economic rights 5 million 1.25 million 16.5 Number of municipalities which participated in the NAP dialogues 70 20 2 i. Delays in submission of inputs to the National Action Plan to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance tables led to underperformance. ii. The Department is engaging departments individually to improve coordination and ensure submission of inputs.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 3 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 17: Implementation of the TRC recommendations, as approved by Parliament for purpose of contributing to healing the wounds of the past and restoring human dignity Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 17.1 Number of needs analysis completed in TRC listed communities 6 1 i. The request by the identified community to be engaged further led to target not being achieved. ii. A follow up engagement with the community was scheduled.

17 PROGRAMME 4 PERFORMANCE Economic Classification
1. INTRODUCTION Expenditure trends The expenditure as at the end of the first quarter amounted to R811.9 million against budget allocation of R3.3 billion, thus recording a performance of 24%. Economic Classification Total Expenditure ENE Budget Budget Available % Spent Compensation of Employees 24.40% Financial Transactions in Assets and Liabilities Goods and Services 21.48% Household 196.89% Machinery and Equipment 14.32% Departmental Agencies and Accounts 25 104 0.31% Buildings and Other Fixes Structures 13.67% Total 24.06%

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 4 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output Number of criminal court cases finalised with verdict in the lower courts 81 624 77 772 Conviction rate in organised crime 90% (403) 90% (100) 87.7% (100) A reduction in the inflow of new cases and court utilisation impacted negatively on the cases finalised with verdict. Complexity of organised crime cases and reliability of witnesses impact on the conviction rate iii. The NPA continues to make contributions towards the improvement of case flow management.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 4 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 2: Improved prosecution of cases that require specialised prosecution Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output Conviction rate in complex commercial crime 93% (928) 93% (232) 91.6% (197) Number of persons convicted of corruption or offences related to corruption where the amount benefitted per case is more than R5 million 20 5 A reduction in court utilisation impacted negatively on performance. Cases are complex and take long to investigate which impact negatively on performance iii. The NPA continues to monitor these cases on a monthly basis. Furthermore engagements with other stakeholders continues to ensure fast-tracking of cases.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 4 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 2: Improved prosecution of cases that require specialised prosecution Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output Percentage of cases reported at a TCC that is referred to court for prosecution 51% (7 942) 51% (1 976) 42.6% (1 583) A substantial number of non-arrest dockets contributed to underperformance. ii. The NPA will engage stakeholders to address performance within this area.

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 4 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 4: Ensure threatened witnesses are successfully protected Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output Percentage of witnesses and related persons that walked off the witness protection programme 1.5% 0% 0.4% (2/440) 2 witnesses walked off the witness protection programme without informing the NPA.

1. INTRODUCTION Expenditure trends The expenditure as at the end of the first quarter amounted to R44.5 million against the budget allocation of R976.4 million. The reported expenditure was R199.5 million below the approved drawings on the national revenue fund of R244 million. The under spending was due to slow progress of the implementation of CJS/IJS project caused by delays in procurement processes and late submission of invoices by SITA. Sub-programme Budget ’000 Expenditure ‘000 (Q1) % Actual Exp. (Q1) Justice Modernisation 44 525 5%

1. INTRODUCTION Programme 5 Performance Areas of under performance and corrective action Strategic Objective 18: Establishment of an integrated electronic Criminal Justice System (CJS) to modernise the management of the criminal justice information Performance indicators Target for 2015/16 Quarter 1 Target Quarter 1 Output 18.1 Percentage completion of ICMS Criminal Modernisation 50% 12% - 18.2 Number of criminal cases postponed via the audio visual remand system 12 000 3 000 2 101 The process of enhancing ICMS and ECMS was undertaken during the quarter under review. Performance is set to improve during the second quarter. Underutilisation of the AVR system resulted in underperformance . The Department continues to engage stakeholders with the aim of increasing the utilisation of the system.

The Departmental EXCO continues to track the performance against Annual Performance Plan on a monthly basis. Corrective action are put in place where required.

25 1. INTRODUCTION Thank you


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