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Parasitology 2017 Susan Wyllie
Introduction to malaria – chemotherapy and vaccines Susan Wyllie
Malaria Disease Burden
One third of world population at risk ~200 million infections annually 0.6 million deaths (90% in Africa) 3,000 children under 5 die every day $12 billion lost GDP Consumes 40 % of public health spending
Malaria Parasites of Humans
Plasmodium falciparum Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium ovale Plasmodium malariae (Plasmodium knowlesi)* Merozoites escaping from an infected blood cell *Primarily infects macaques Mosquito Vectors of Human Malaria 50 out of 500 Anopheles spp e.g. Anopheles gambiae (Africa) e.g. Anopheles atroparvus (Europe) Anopheles gambiae
Life Cycle of Plasmodium falciparum
Sporozoites (5-100) MOSQUITO SALIVARY GLANDS Oocyst Ookinete LIVER Zygote Merozoites ( ) Gametes Schizont Ring MOSQUITO GUT BLOOD STAGES (pathology - fevers) Schizont Gametocyte Trophozoite haemoglobin digestion
Malaria Control Strategies
Vaccines Drugs Vector control methods: Barrier Insecticides Biological Environmental Vaccines Drugs & Vaccines Drugs Infected erythrocytes Insecticide treated bed nets
Drugs for Malaria Quinoline and aminoalcohols Quinolines, etc.
Chloroquine Amodiaquine Quinine Mefloquine Halofantrine Resistance (20¢) Safety / resistance Compliance / safety / resistance Resistance / safety / cost Safety / resistance / cost Artemesinins Artemether Arteether Artesunate Compliance / safety / availability / cost of raw material ACT – combinations Lumefantrine – artemether (Coartem) Resistance potential / compliance / cost ($2.40) / availability Antifolates Sulphadoxine – pyrimethamine Resistance (25¢) Atovaquone - proguanil Resistance potential / cost Chloroquine Quinine Halofantrine Artemesinin analogues Other antimalarials Proguanil Atovaquone
Current Malaria Drug Targets
Chloroquine Haem polymerisation / detoxification (Haemozoin) 4-Aminoquinolines and sesquiterpene endoperoxides Folate metabolism (DHFR / DHPS) Pyrimethamine / Sulphadoxine Artemisinins
(haemoglobin from the erythrocyte by pinocytosis)
Haemoglobin Degradation Pathway PV Limited capacity to synthesise amino acids Need to scavenge from the host cell 60-80 % of haemoglobin digested in 48 h erythrocytic life cycle Cys, Glu, Gln, Ile, Met, Pro, Tyr are required Toxic by-products produced by this process must be dealt with Trophozoite FV Haemozoin (malaria pigment) N Pinocytosis (haemoglobin from the erythrocyte by pinocytosis) Erythrocyte N=nucleus; FV=food vacuole; PVM=parasitophorous vacuole
Haemoglobin degradation pathway
Food vacuole Cytoplasm 4 Aspartate protease (Plasmepsins I, II, IV and HAP) 3 Cysteine proteases (Falcipains 1-3) 1 Zinc metallopeptidase (Falcilysin) Amino- peptidases Large peptides globin Small peptides Amino acids Haemoglobin -Free haem is extremely toxic -Can generate ROS -Is lipophilic and can intercalate into membranes causing cell lysis Free haem Fe2+ O2 Superoxide dismutase Haematin Fe3+ O2- -Haematin H2O2 Free haem metabolised to an inert chemical form called haemozoin by a process known as biomineralisation H2O Haemozoin Peroxidases Kumar et al., Life Sciences 80 (2007)
Detoxification of Haematin into Inert Haemozoin
Free haem Fe2+ His-rich proteins and oxidation Fe3+ Phospholipids Membrane lysis b1-4 linkages of haematin Biomineralisation Dimers of haematin – b1-4 linkages are formed Dimers then begin to crystallise in a process known as biomineralisation to generate haemozoin Process not fully understood but is thought to be promoted by several factors including – the low pH of the food vacuole, association of haematin with histidine-rich proteins and phospholipids Ultimately haemozoin crystals are formed which are chemically inert and a safe storage mechanism for the parasite
Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT) – current frontline therapy
Artemisinins reduce parasite burden rapidly Used in combination with other drugs to protect emergence of resistance to partner drug (ACT) Artemisia annua – sweet wormwood Youyou Tu Nobel Prize – Medicine 2015
Haem and Mode of Action of Artemisinins
Haematin -Haematin Haemozoin haem-artemesinin adducts (“haemarts”) Carbon-centred free radicals generated Cleavage of endoperoxide bridge by haem Endoperoxide bridge Food Vacuole Artemesinin accumulates in the FV Possible targets of artemisinin free radicals: TCTP (translationally controlled tumour protein homolog) SERCA (sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase) Cysteine proteases
Mode of Action of Quinolines
Haematin -Haematin Haemozoin Induces oxidative stress CQ adduct formation Membrane lysis Chloroquine pH cytosol ~7.2 H+ ATP ADP V-type ATPase CQ CQH+ CQH2++ pH FV ~5.5 Accumulates following protonisation CQ Basic
Reduce and methylate folate
Disruption of Folate Metabolism Ser Aspartate + CO2 + PRPP H4F NADP+ Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine Cell death SHMT DHFR Gly NADPH Reduce and methylate folate Dihydropteroate synthase Methylene -H4F H2F GTP TS TK Uridine UMP dUMP dTMP Thymidine Deoxyuridine monophosphate Deoxythymidine monophosphate RNA DNA SHMT – serine hydroxymethyltransferase DHFR – dihydrofolate reductase TS- thymidylate synthase
Antimalarials – mechanisms of resistance
Emerging resistance to artemisinin in Plasmodium falciparum malaria
- Recent studies have discovered emerging resistance to artesunate (artemisinin monotherapy) on the Thai-Cambodian border* - Average time taken to kill off parasites in the body following treatment increased from 48 hours to 84 hours in this area - Rates of infection recurrence following treatment had risen from 10% to 30% - Should this resistance spread from this geographical area – artemisinin could become completely useless in the treatment of this infection (disastrous!) *Dondrop et al., New England Journal of Medicine, 361,
Why is resistance developing?
In this area of Asia – public health system is weak and the use of anti-malarial drugs is uncontrolled - Non-compliance – sub-lethal drug concentrations in the body (antibiotics) - Ideal conditions for drug resistance to develop - In this area artemisinin is available as a monotherapy – Far easier for resistance to develop against a single drug (single mutation) than against a combination (chances of two advantageous mutations happening in one parasite exponentially higher) - Artesunate (oral artemisinin) should always be given in combination (mefloquine and amodiaquine often used)
Drug Resistance Mechanisms – molecular basis
Altered Drug Level By exclusion Decreased import Increased export By sequestration Drug-binding molecule Compartmentalization By Metabolism Pro-drug not activated Drug inactivation Altered Target Level Modified Decreased affinity Amplified Increased sequestration Increased enzyme activity Missing By-passed via salvage pathway Repaired / protected Increased damage repair Protected by metabolite
Molecular basis of artemisinin resistance
Artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium spp. have enhanced cell stress responses - survive environmental stressors and repair damage Resistance also associated with mutations in the Kelch 13 (K13) gene K13 proteins facilitate poly-ubiquitinylation of specific proteins – ubiquitinylated proteins then targeted for degradation by the proteasome A transcriptional regulator (Nrf2) which regulates the parasites response to oxidative stress is degraded in this way Mutation of K13 believed to reduce degradation of Nrf2 leading to enhanced anti-oxidant defences - allowing the parasite to protect/repair artemisinin-induced oxidative damage Trends in Parasitology 2016; 32(9):
Malaria drug resistance - molecular mechanisms
Gene Major mutations Mechanism Sulfadoxine DHPS A437G (K540E, A581G) Decreased affinity (higher Ki) for target Pyrimethamine DHFR S108N (N51I, C59R, I164L) Chloroquine MDR1 D86Y Increased efflux from FV Artemisinin K13 Multiple Increased repair and protection from damage
Insecticide treated bed nets
Insecticides LLIN/ITN There is also growing resistance to the insecticide used on nets 45 countries have identified resistance to at lease one of the four classes of insecticides used Insecticide treated bed nets
Antimalarials – the future
The Ideal Antimalarial Drug (Target Product Profile)
Active against resistant strains Inexpensive (< $2 / treatment; once daily; 3 days max) Long half-life (no recrudescence for at least 28 days post-treatment) Safe in pregnancy Safe in children Option of oral formulation Gametocytocidal (prevent transmission) Active against exo-erythrocytic (liver) stage of plasmodia where P. vivax is endemic
Life Cycle Stages for Drug Intervention
Prevent relapse (hypnozoite stage in P.vivax) Hypnozoite LIVER Reduce Transmission e.g. artemesinins Merozoites Schizont Curative treatment All drugs Ring BLOOD STAGES Schizont Gametocyte Trophozoite
Drug Treatment Strategies
Curative treatment (erythrocytic stages) Prevent relapse (P.vivax hypnozoite stage) Reduce transmission (gametocytocidal agents) Slow emergence of resistance (ACT policy) Reduce pathology in pregnancy (IPTp) Stimulate partial immunity in infants; reduce anaemia (IPTi) Prophylactic treatment (travellers)
DDD107498: New potent antimalarial
in development P. falciparum blood stage EC50 = <1 nM, including resistant lines Nature 522, 315–320 (2015) University of Dundee with Monash University, Columbia University, Universities of South Florida, California, Washington & Imperial College, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Sanger Institute
Potent against multiple life-cycle stages
EC50 membrane feeding assay = 1.8 nM EC50 Liver = 1.8 nM EC50 Gametocytes ♂1.8 nM; ♀1.2 nM EC50 Blood = 1 nM Nature 522, 315–320 (2015) Inhibits protein synthesis in the parasites Potential single dose treatment University of Dundee with Monash University, Columbia University, Universities of South Florida, California, Washington & Imperial College, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute and Sanger Institute
Malaria vaccines
Ideal malarial vaccine
prevent infection in the first instance reduce the clinical disease severity reduce the rate of transmission Low cost Minimum requirement - protect children (ages years) - protect during pregnancy
Problems in developing a vaccine
Four antigenically distinct malaria species Each has ~6,000 genes Immunity in malaria is complex and immunological responses/requirements for protection are incompletely understood Identifying and assessing vaccine candidates takes time and is expensive There is no clear ‘best approach’ for designing a malaria vaccine
RTS,S vaccine development
Sporozoites Surface of sporozoites covered with an antigen known as circumsporozoite protein (CSP) CSP is involved in hepatocyte binding Antibodies to CSP shown to protect against infection Original hybrid vaccine was created combining an independent T-cell epitope alongside the P. falciparum CS protein and hepatitis B surface antigen Included 16 tandem repeats of the epitope from the CS protein (RTS) LIVER
RTS,S vaccine development
Structure/function of CSP highly conserved across the various strains of malaria RTS later redesigned to include T- and B-cell epitopes from the C-terminus of the CS and was renamed to RTS,S Immunodominant region RTS,S: ‘R’ for the CS “repeats” ‘T’ for T-cell epitope ‘S’ for Hepatitis B antigen ‘S’ for genetically transformed yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) used to express the vaccine circumsporozoite protein structure Moorthy, V., & Ballou, R. (2009). Immunological Mechanisms Underlying Protection Mediated by RTS,S: a review of the available data. Malaria Journal, 8(312).
RTS,S vaccine trials Children aged 5-17 months and babies 6-12 weeks recruited into trial Vaccinated +/- booster 18 month follow-up Results published 2012 and updated in 2015 Lancet. (2015) 386:31-45. Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in infants and children in Africa: final results of a phase 3, individually randomised, controlled trial. N Engl J Med. (2012) 367: A phase 3 trial of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in African infants.
RTS,S vaccine trial outcome
Efficacy ranges from 26 to 50% in infants and young children Duration of protection – reduces significantly over time (18 months max) RTS,S vaccine approved in July 2015 for use in Africa for babies at risk from malaria RTS,S - the world's first approved malaria vaccine Caveats “Apparent protection …is modest both in extent and duration” in 5-17 month age group. Requires booster dose of vaccine to reduce severe malaria by 32.2% “After 20 months, vaccinated children who were not boosted showed an increased risk of severe malaria over the next 27 months compared with non-vaccinated controls.” No significant efficacy against severe malaria in 6-12 week age group Logistical and cost implications. Funding must not be directed from access to drugs (ACTs), rapid diagnostic tests, bed-nets (ITNs) and other control measures
Baragaña et al. Nature. (2015) 522, 315-320
Reading list (SW) A novel multiple-stage antimalarial agent that inhibits protein synthesis. Baragaña et al. Nature. (2015) 522, Efficacy and safety of RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine with or without a booster dose in infants and children in Africa: final results of a phase 3, individually randomised, controlled trial. RTS,S Clinical Trials Partnership. Lancet. (2015) 386, Artemisinin Action and Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum. Tilley et al. Trends in Parasitology (2016) 32, .
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