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The Changing Face of Advanced Disease

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1 The Changing Face of Advanced Disease
The Changing Face of Advanced Disease Eric Goemaere, MD, DTMH,PHD Southern African MSF medical unit School of public health , UCT

2 Ongoing late presenters despite increasing median CD4 at initiation
Ongoing late presenters despite increasing median CD4 at initiation . Western Cape , South Africa Community CD4 count as a marker of morbidity potential: Results from the Western Cape, South Africa. M. Osler, A.Boulle, UCT

3 ART treatment cascade 3 Front doors Side doors Drop-out re-initiating
1 PITC Linkage to Care Retention in care Community testing Undetect. CV Symptomatic présentation 2

4 Evolution of late presenters ratio (CD4< 100) Health centers levels in 3 capital cities
Kinshasa – 6 facilities 9179 ever initiated – low prevalence Conakry- 5 facilities – 6553 ever initiated – low prevalence Maputo – 5 facilities – ever initiated -high prevalence Source : monitoring, Cider, UCT, Katherine Hilderbrand

5 N= 609 HIV-positive admissions ART status : - naïve: 35.7%,
HIV-Related Medical Admissions into Cape Town District Hospital Graeme Meintjes and all, Medicine Volume 94, Number 50, December 2015 N= 609 HIV-positive admissions ART status : - naïve: 35.7%, - current:45.0% - interrupted :19.3%. Most frequent primary clinical diagnoses: TB ( 33.5%), Other bacterial infection (17.1%), Other AIDS-defining illnesses ( 10.9%). By 90 days follow-up, 29.9% required readmission and 13.3% died. Commonest causes of death: TB (37.2%)

6 Late presenters in 2 Kinshasa Hospitals Maria Mashako, ITM
Variables CHK, N=1285 n (%) HGR RB, N=495 Age (years) 39 [32- 46] 39 [32- 47] Median CD4 76 [24-77] 68 [ ] ART experienced ART Naive 994 (77.4) 291 (22.6) 252 (50.9) 243 (49.1) ART (months) 74 [47-98] 73 [48- 97] Mortality 124 (25.1) Hospital stay ( days) 4 [2- 8] 4 [2- 9]

7 Morbidity /Mortality Kinshasa CHK K.Hilderbrand Jan-Jun 2014 n= 1275
Alterated consciousness + headaches TB: 15 % Other 4 % Toxo: 12 % Causes of deaths 2011 Malaria: 7 % Crypto meningitis : 56 % Bacterial meningitis : 6 % 75/952 CRAG (+) or 7.8 % Cough + fever Source: annual report , CHK, 2011

8 10 years of MSF intensive presence
Morbidity and Mortality Patterns , Homa Bay regional hospital ,Kenya David Maman, Aline Niyibizi, Sept 2015 10 years of MSF intensive presence CD4<100 cells/µL : 22.5% of all admissions. 49.6% were clinical treatment failure Main causes of mortality : tuberculosis neurological infectious diseases mainly cryptococcal meningitis

9 Treatment literacy and client level self-screening

10 Late presenters screening package at PHC level ( < 200 Cd4 or stage III/IV)
Minimal package semi quantitative CD4 LFA CRAG test TB LAM test Toxo screening ( test ?) Drug level test + Referral criteria + Intensive follow-up TB –LAM (< 100 Cd4) Semi –quant CD4 LFA CRAG

11 Point of care cryptococcal antigen screening at primary care by lay counsellors in Lesotho
Outcomes Asymptomatic and received ART + pre-emptive fluconazole at primary care by Nurse POC CrAg LFA positive by Lay Counsellor CD4<100 cells/mm3 HCT+POC CD4 (PIMA) 1388 10% (136) 11% (14/129) Yes 86% (12) 75% (9) RIC at 5M 8% (1) Died with TB 16% (2) Transferred No 14% (2) 100% (2) Died in hospital

12 Referral criteria and SOP’s

13 ID referral unit components

14 Minimal technical equipment - health centers <> referral level
Clinic level Rapid tests : CRAG, malaria, HB, Hep B/C, lactate, syphilis, pregnancy TB LAM + sputum collection ( ZN/ GenXpert ) Fine needles aspiration ( nodes) Day monitoring Colposcopy /pap smear Referral level LP + lab ( results < 6h ) Xray + ultrasounds GenXpert 24 h Hospitalisation , vital sign monitoring , pulse oximetry, oxygen Retinoscopy Pleural/peritoneal tap Experienced clinician + standard diagnostic algorithms /SOP’s

15 Conclusions Stage III/IV presentations and mortality decreased but less than as expected ( <> Western Countries) low CD4 presentations % still high despite high coverage figures-> naïve patients replaced by failures and drop outs Early screening SOPs at patient/PHC/Referral levels Need for specific interventions at all 3 levels including a referral unit with adapted technical plateau, specific training , diagnostic algorithms ,linkage with PHC level

16 Aknowledgments
Graeme Meintjes, Katherine Hilderbrand , Andrew Boulle, Meg Osler, UCT , Cape town Maria Mashako, MSF Kinshasa David Maman , Aline Niyibizi MSF Field teams SAMU team mates

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