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4-H Science & Agriculture in Houston ISD

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1 4-H Science & Agriculture in Houston ISD
By: Dr. Monty Dozier – Regional Program Leader Cory Hundl – 4-H Program Specialist

2 4-H Discover Science Method Research Poster

3 What is DSM? Allows youth the opportunity to apply the scientific method to the subject matter they have learned through their 4-H projects. Is framed in principles of science, engineering, and technology (S.E.T.).

4 Components of the DSM Poster
Construct a poster Write a final written report Deliver a short oral presentation.

5 Categories 1. Biochemistry/microbiology/food science
2. Environmental science/chemistry/earth science 3. Animal science 4. Plant and soil science 5. Engineering/physics 6. Consumer product testing

6 Objectives To initiate a program based on science and the scientific method To increase awareness of science, engineering and technology among 4-H members To place science, engineering and technology in the forefront of the 4-H project Science abilities encompass the entirety of the cause and effect on the world Engineering is recognized as a problem-solving and design process within science and technology Technology is human innovation

7 Who Can Complete a DSM Poster?
Youth in grades 3rd – 12th Can be an individual effort Can be a team effort of no more than 3 members

8 Poster Example

9 Poster Example

10 Agriculture Product ID
This project provides youth the ability to further their knowledge and skills when evaluating agricultural products grown in Texas There are two components Identify a product Answer a question about the product; can be general to the industry (economic impact to Texas , general nutrition content, Texas’s national ranking, region of production) and specific to the individual product of display (growing season, use, cooking method, specific nutrition for that cut or variety)

11 AG Product ID Example Cauliflower Lettuce Broccoli Celery
What time of year does this product flourish? A. late Spring B. early Winter C. late Fall & Winter D. Late Winter

12 AG Product Id Example Tangerine Orange Starfruit Nectarine
What are the scars sometimes found on this product that are caused by the Gulf of Mexico breezes? A. Bruises B. Runts C. Tropical Beauty Marks D. Creases


14 What is Path to the Plate?
A look into the agriculture industry in our state and across our nation. A factual, unbiased examination of the food we eat and its original source. A program designed to deliver correct, research-based information. A program to dispel myths, promote truths and educate the producers and consumers.

15 Goals of Path to the Plate
Provide Texans with factual, science-based information to help in making better informed decisions about the foods we eat. Present the important role agriculture plays in our daily lives – from production to harvest to our tables. Educate consumers about the safety of our food supply.

16 Connecting the Projects
Research a Texas Agriculture Commodity Gain a better understanding of the vital role that agriculture plays in our daily lives Learn relevant facts and the importance of nutritional needs provided by Texas Agriculture products The production of food and fiber in America – and in Texas – is nothing short of a miracle. It’s been brought about by research, development of safe and sustainable technology and skill in applying it.

17 Sharing Project Experiences
Houston ISD Project Fair/ Spring Showcase Event Big Time in D-9 – District 4-H Roundup Event Texas 4-H Roundup – State 4-H Event in June Contests at various livestock shows around the state Agriculture Product ID Only State Fair of Texas - Dallas Heart of Texas Fair and Rodeo – Waco Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

18 Information Resources
Discover Science Method Research Poster Information Science Project Explore Guide Agriculture Product Id Explore Guide - Coming in Fall 2017

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