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Norwegian Research School in Global Health (NRSGH)

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Presentation on theme: "Norwegian Research School in Global Health (NRSGH)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Norwegian Research School in Global Health (NRSGH)
Elisabeth Darj, Director of NRSGH Professor Global Health NTNU, Trondheim 15 March 2017

2 Norwegian Research School in Global Health
Project initiated “Norwegian Forum of Global Health Research” Proposal April 2015 from NTNU, Universities of Oslo, Bergen, Tromsø and Norwegian Institution of Public Health Granted financial support from RCN April Meeting with the Board of GLOBVAC April 2016 Report February 2017

3 Project timetable

4 Aims and objectives Overall aim: Build capacity in global health by a strong national team to meet the challenges within education and research Objectives: Relevant courses National network for PhD candidates Improve quality of supervision Strengthen academic capacity Increase awareness

+ two PhD candidate and one international representative

6 Strategic plan Strengthen the global health research community in Norway and in Partner institutions. Seven Work Packages – activities

7 Activity, WP 1 webpage Develop a webpage
launching the Research School (1 Sept 2016) registration of members - 93 information of membership courses conferences mobility grants within and outside Norway

8 93 Members UiB 46 UiO 22 NTNU 11 UiT 8 others 6
53 women (57%) 40 men (43%)


10 Activity, WP 2 courses PhD courses – ongoing at “other universities”
Develop new – Scientific writing NTNU, 12 PhD candidates – Systematic review and meta-analysis NIPH, 20 PhD candidates Evaluation after the courses

11 Activity, WP 3 mobility grants
Travel grants to other universities within Norway 2 to UiB, 10 to NTNU Travel for 1-2 month on international visits 6 for courses in Europe International conference 1 to Australia 1 to London NRSGH PhD conference 7 from low income countries

12 Activity, WP 4 PhD conference
Annual national PhD conference Organize together with the PhD candidate Rotate within the board institutions In connection with GLOBVAC conference biannually Stiklestad March Evaluation after the conference

13 Activity, WP 4 PhD conference
Focus on presentations and constructive feed back 6 groups abstract power point presentation poster lectures How to present your research Presentation techniques Preparing a manuscript Students’ responsibility Future research agenda, SDGs

14 Activity, WP 5 Regional seminars
Regional seminars Two during the financial period In collaboration with a institution in Africa and/or Asia Board will decide the location 2018 Ethiopia ? Evaluation after the seminars

15 Activity, WP 6 Supervision
Improve quality of supervision Workshop/seminar biannually, 2016, 2018, 2020 – Supervising seminar, UiO + UiB, April 2017 20 supervisors, Post-Doc and Senior PhD candidates Evaluation after the seminar

16 Activity, WP 7 Recruitment
Recruitment strategy for new academic positions in Global Health at Norwegian Universities Report sent to Norwegian politicians, rectorate at Universities and various meetings

17 Issues raised at the last meeting
Sustainability after GLOBVAC funding Indicators of quality

18 Budget months April-Dec Launched the NRSGH 1 September 2016 Not used all estimated 1, NOK as anticipated Some costs accepted 2016, but used in the beginning of 2017 Proposal to transfer remaining NOK to 2017 (mobility grants, PhD-conference, invited international speakers, operating costs)

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