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Famous scientist.

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1 Famous scientist

2 Isaac Newton Isaac newton was an English physicist and Mathematician
He was born on January 4th Isaac died on march 31st 1727 He was at the age of 84 when he died Isaac was known for Newtonian Mechanics , universal gratification and many more

3 Stephen Hawking Stephen hawking was born January 8TH 1942
He was a theoretical physicst He had 3 children called Lucy Timothy and Robert Stephen wrote many books one of them was called a brief history of time

4 Albert Einstein Albert was born march 14th 1879
He died April 18th 1955 He had three children called Hans,Eduard and Liesurel Albert was a thertorical physist

5 Marie Curie Marie was born November 7th 1867 She died on July 4th 1934
She had two children called Irean and Eve She is famous for research into rodiatioin

6 The End

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