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Presentation on theme: "WEAK DECAYS: ALL DRESSED UP"— Presentation transcript:

Ian Blokland Augustana Campus University of Alberta

2 Title-to-English translation
“WEAK DECAYS: ALL DRESSED UP” Title-to-English translation light particles heavy particle weak interaction

3 Title-to-English translation
“WEAK DECAYS: ALL DRESSED UP” Title-to-English translation gauge boson (e.g. QED photon or QCD gluon) light particles heavy particle weak interaction

4 Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it?
OUTLINE Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it?

5 OUTLINE Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays?

6 OUTLINE Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work?

7 Perturbative QFT Experimental depiction of the process
incoming particle(s) outgoing particles interaction Experimental depiction of the process

8 Perturbative QFT Theoretical depiction of the process
incoming particle(s) outgoing particles (virtual) gauge boson exchange Theoretical depiction of the process

9 Perturbative QFT Theoretical depiction of the process
incoming particle(s) outgoing particles (virtual) gauge boson exchanges Theoretical depiction of the process

10 Perturbative QFT Infinitely many possible diagrams but… Factor of α
If α<<1 then the simplest diagrams provide a good approximation

11 The 3 Forces of the Standard Model
# 1: Electromagnetism (mediated by massless photons) # 2: Weak Force (mediated by the massive W and Z bosons) # 3: Strong Force (mediated by massless gluons)

12 Electromagnetism: QED
At low energies, α≈0.007, therefore QED is extremely well-suited to perturbative calculations. At very high energies, α≈0.008, due to the “screening” effects of virtual particles: +

13 Weak Force The weak force is also perturbative, especially due to the large masses of the W and Z bosons. As a result, very few calculations require the precision afforded by higher-order weak interactions.

14 Strong Force: QCD At low energies, α is O(1), therefore QCD is not amenable to perturbative calculations. At higher energies, the “screening” effects of virtual particles causes α to decrease! q g g g screening anti-screening q g

15 Motivation # 1: Standard Model parameters
# 2: Indirect evidence for “New Physics” # 3: Mathematical and computational advances

16 Weakly Decaying Particles
Top quark: t→b+W Bottom quark: b→c+W* Charm quark: c→s+W* Strange quark: Muon: μ→e+neutrinos Tau: QCD QED

17 Represent a general weak decay as: Q→q+W*
Generalization Represent a general weak decay as: Q→q+W* mass m2 mass M mass m1

18 Kinematics m2/M 1 “zero recoil line” m1/M 1

19 Various decays correspond to various mass parameters
t→b+W m2/M b→c+l+ν 1 μ→e+ν+ν m1/M 1

20 Results are most easily expressed as series
(“asymptotic expansions”) in mass ratios. m2/M Complementary expansions can be “matched” together for faster convergence and a consistency check. 1 m1/M 1

21 Sample Diagram g q Q W*

22 O(α2) calculations involve 3-loop diagrams
OPTICAL THEOREM: The decay rate of a heavy particle is related to the imaginary parts of the particle’s self-energy diagrams. “cuts” O(α2) calculations involve 3-loop diagrams

23 FEYNMAN RULES: Every diagram specifies
a mathematical expression to be computed. LOOP INTEGRALS: Virtual particle momenta are to be integrated over all possible values.


25 SAMPLE RESULT: Loop integrals are
expressed as analytic series in the dimensional regularization parameter ε.

26 SAMPLE RESULT: Particle decay rates are finite
series involving ratios of mass parameters. many pages

27 SAMPLE RESULT: Expansions can be graphed
as functions of the mass ratio parameters. Expansion in ρ pieces of X2 Expansion in (1−ρ) ρ

28 What’s Next? b→c+l+ν m2/M 1 Results will be needed for
two simultaneous non-trivial mass ratios m1/M 1

29 What’s Next? + one more gluon (NNNLO)

30 OUTLINE Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work?

31 SUMMARY OUTLINE Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work?

Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work? E↔T0+T1+...

33 SUMMARY OUTLINE E↔T0+T1+... t, b, μ
Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work? E↔T0+T1+... t, b, μ

34 SUMMARY OUTLINE E↔T0+T1+... t, b, μ math (loop integrals)
Part 1: What is perturbative quantum field theory and why use it? Part 2: What sorts of particles are involved in these weak decays? Part 3: What are the specific technical obstacles involved in this work? E↔T0+T1+... t, b, μ math (loop integrals)


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