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Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness

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1 Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness
Radiobiology for the Radiologist, chapter 7, pg Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness

2 The Deposition of Radiant Energy

3 The Deposition of Radiant Energy
Radiation Absorption of Biologic material Occurrence Ionization Excitation Not distributed at random Localized along the tracks of individual charged particle Depends on the types of radiation involved

4 The Deposition of Radiant Energy
Examples Photons of x-rays Give rise to fast electrons Particle carrying unit of charge having very small mass Neutrons Give rise to recoil protons Mass: x of electrons α-particle Particle carrying 2 electric charge Mass: 4 x of protons, 8000 x of electrons

5 The background : electron micrograph of human cell
The white dot : computer simulate ionizing events Intermediated in ionization density Densely ionizing Sparsely ionizing Sparsely ionizing Variation of ionization density associated with different types of radiation

6 The Deposition of Radiant Energy
The spatial distribution of ionizing events produced by different particles varies enormously Radiation Sparsely ionizing Ionizing events are well separated in space Densely ionizing Produce dense column of ionization Energy ↓, Density of ionization ↑

7 Linear Energy Transfer

8 Linear Energy Transfer
Definition of linear energy transfer (LET) Energy transfer per unit length of the track L = dE / dL Unit : keV/μm can be only an average quanitities The energy per unit length of track varies over such a wide range

9 Linear Energy Transfer
Method of calculation Track average Dividing the track into equal lengths and averaging the energy deposited in each length Energy average Dividing the track into equal energy intervals and averaging the lengths of the tracks that contain this amount of energy

10 But the track average and energy average are different for neutrons
Table 7.1. Typical Linear Energy Transfer Values Radiation Linear Energy Transfer, keV/μm Cobalt-60 γrays 250-kV x-rays 10-MeV protons 150-MeV protons 14 MeV neutrons 2.5-MeV αparticles 2-GeV Fe ions 0.2 2.0 4.7 0.5 Track Avg Energy Avg. 166 1,000 The method of averaging makes little difference for x-rays or for monoenergetic charged particles But the track average and energy average are different for neutrons It is useful as a simple and naive way to indicate the quality of different types of radiation Energy ↑, LET↓, Biological effectiveness ↓

11 Relative Biologic Effectiveness

12 Relative Biologic Effectiveness
Equal doses of different types of radiation do not produce equal biologic effects e.g. Biologic effect : 1 Gy of neutron > 1 Gy of x-rays Formal definition The RBE of some test radiation (r) compared with x-rays is defined by the ratio D250/Dr where D250 and Dr are, respectively, the doses of x-rays and the test radiation required for equal biological effect Example for measuring the RBE of some radiation test Test system : lethality of plant seedlings e.g. LD50 of the plant seedlings: X-rays: 6 Gy, Neutrons: 4 Gy RBE = 6: 4 or 1.5

13 Relative Biologic Effectiveness
Typical survival curves for mammalian cells exposed to x-rays and fast neutrons At survival fraction of 0.01, RBE is 1.5 At survival fraction of 0.6, RBE is 3.0 Because the survival curves have different shapes, the RBE does not have a unique value but varies with dose Size of the dose ↓, RBE ↑

14 Relative Biologic Effectiveness and Fractionated Doses

15 Relative Biologic Effectiveness and Fractionated Doses
The effect of giving doses of x-rays or fast neutrons in 4 equal fractions At surviving fraction 0.01, RBE is 2.6 Dose fraction ↑, RBE ↑ The survival curve is reexpressed after each dose fraction The shoulder is larger for x-rays than for neutrons Result in an enlarged RBE for fractionated treatment 10 Surviving fraction 1.0 10-1 10-2 10-3

16 Relative Biologic Effectiveness and Fractionated Doses
Conclusion The net result is that neutrons become progressively more efficient than x-rays as the dose per fractions ↓ The number of fractions ↑

17 Relative Biologic Effectiveness for Different Cells and Tissues

18 Mouse crypt cells (most resistant)
Markedly less variation in radiosensitivity among different cell lines Mouse bone marrow (most sensitive) Survival curves for various types of clonogenic mammalian cell irradiated with 300-kV x-rays or 15-MeV neutrons

19 Relative Biologic Effectiveness for Different Cells and Tissues
The variation in radiosensitivity among different cell lines is markedly less for neutrons than for x-rays Reasons X-rays : survival curve have large and variable initial shoulders Accumulate and repair a large amount of sublethal radiation damage Large RBEs for neutrons Neutrons : shoulder region is smaller and less variable Small neutron RBE values

20 Relative Biologic Effectiveness (RBE) as a function of Linear Energy Transfer (LET)

21 Relative Biologic Effectiveness (RBE) as a function of Linear Energy Transfer (LET)
X-rays : 2 keV/μm α-rays : 150 KeV/μm If LET ↑ Curve is steeper Shoulder of the curve ↓ Survival curves for cultured cells of human origin exposed to 250-kVp x-rays, 15-MeV neutrons, and 4-MeV α-particles

22 Peak of RBE at LET 100 keV/μm
RBE falls again LET between 10 – 100 keV/μm RBE ↑rapidly LET < 10 keV/μm RBE ↑slowly The LET at which the RBE reaches a peak is much the same for wide range of mammalian cells Variation of relative biologic effectiveness (RBE) with linear energy transfer (LET) for survival of mammalian cells of human origin

23 The Optimal Linear Energy Transfer

24 The Optimal Linear Energy Transfer
LET at 100 keV/μm The average separation between ionization events coincides with the diameter of the DNA helix (i.e., about 20 nm) Highest probability of causing a double-strand break by the passage of a single charged particle Diagram illustrating why radiation with a linear energy transfer of 100 keV/μm has the greatest relative biological effectiveness for cell killing, mutagenesis, or oncogenic transformation

25 The Optimal Linear Energy Transfer
X-rays Sparsely ionization Probability of a single track causing a double-strand break is low LET > 200 keV/μm Readily produces d-s break Energy “wasted” because the ionizing events are too close together RBE is a ratio of doses producing equal biologic effect RBE : densely ionizing radiation < optimal LET radiation More effective per track, less effective per unit dose

26 The Optimal Linear Energy Transfer
Summary The most biologically effective LET is that at which there is a coincidence between the diameter of the DNA helix and the average separation of ionizing events Radiation having this optimal LET Neutrons of a few hundred keV Low-energy protons α-particle

27 Factors that Determine Relative Biologic Effectiveness

28 Factors that Determine Relative Biologic Effectiveness
Radiation quality Type of radiation Energy of the radiation Electromagnetic or particular Charged or uncharged Radiation dose Number of dose fractions The shape of the dose-response relationship varies for radiations that differ substantially in their LET Dose rate sparsely ionizing radiations varies critically Densely ionizing radiations depends little Biologic system or endpoint Marked influence on the RBE High RBE : accumulate and repair a great deal of sublethal damage

29 The Oxygen Effect and Linear Energy Transfer

30 For 250 kVp x-rays Low LET high OER (2.5) Survival curves for cultured cells of human origin determined for four different types of radiation

31 For 4-MeV α-particles Slight less densely ionizing LET 110 keV/μm OER = 1.3 For 15-MeV neutrons Intermeidated ionizing OER = 1.6 For 2.5 MeV α-particles Densely ionizing LET = 166 keV /μm OER = 1

32 Oxygen enhancement ratio as a function of linear energy transfer.
LET < 60 keV/μm OER fall slowly LET > 60 keV /μm OER falls rapidly LET reached about 200 keV /μm OER reaches unity Oxygen enhancement ratio as a function of linear energy transfer. Measurements were made with cultured cells of human origin.

33 Variation of the oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) and the relative
biologic effectiveness (RBE) as a function of the linear energy transfer (LET) of the radiation involved. The two curves are virtually mirror images of one another Rapid increase of RBE and the rapid fall of OER occur at about the same LET, 100 keV /μm

34 Radiation Weighting Factor

35 Radiation Weighting Factor
The purpose Radiation differ in their biologic effectiveness per unit of absorbed dose The complexities of RBE are too difficult to apply in specifying dose limits in every day radiation protection Equivalent dose Absorbed dose × weighting factor Unit : sievert (Sv) where dose is expressed in grays Rad equivalent man (rem) where dose is expressed in rads Discussed later in chapter 15

36 The End Thanks !

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