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D Day-June 6, 1944 It was the pivot point of the 20th century. It was the day on which the decision was made as to who was going to rule in this world.

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Presentation on theme: "D Day-June 6, 1944 It was the pivot point of the 20th century. It was the day on which the decision was made as to who was going to rule in this world."— Presentation transcript:

1 D Day-June 6, 1944 It was the pivot point of the 20th century. It was the day on which the decision was made as to who was going to rule in this world in the second half of the 20th century.

2 The Need to Land in Europe
Open a second front to relieve the Soviets Put supply pressure on Nazi Germany who was still producing mass amounts of goods Go on the offensive and turn the war on Hitler

3 Where to go? The Atlantic Wall ran from The North Sea to Spain
Calais Shortest distance across the English Channel Calmest seas, less weather restrictions Germans had their best troops there Normandy Long stretch of beaches heavily defended by cliffs Open water, so weather a factor Less German forces

4 The Atlantic Wall How does Ambrose describe the wall?

5 Preparation Patton sent to England to command rubber army
4,000 ships assembled 1 million Allied Soldiers Over aircraft 3500 gliders 6500 landing craft 200,000 vehicles 600,000 tons of supplies

6 Deception The Allies had to make the Germans think we were attacking at Calais Put rubber 3rd Army into action complete with fake orders and communications Used double agents and fake radar reports Bombed in North to make it look like we were attacking there. Monitored German communications

7 June 5th Weather was still poor and their was a full moon and spring tides, but it was cloudy It was now or much later Ships set out Paratroopers were dropped(US 82nd and 101st) German radar was jammed.

8 June 6th 6:30 was H-hour Amphibious forces landed on beaches
Gold—British Juno—Canadian Sword—British Utah—American Omaha—American

9 German Forces Utah, Juno, and Gold were less fortified than expected
Omaha and Sword were heavily defended

10 What we found: Germans in pill boxes on cliffs
Anti-tank, ship obstacles Thousands of mines Some areas flooded Roads to top of cliffs were heavily defended

11 The landings Most landing missed mark—East
A lot of the first wave had trouble getting off the ships Eventually by the end of the day, all units had broken through the Atlantic wall.

12 The Aftermath Casualties American German 10,000/ 2500 dead
Utah Beach=197 and Omaha=2000 German 12,000

13 Issue with Stats Stats are confusing because of the nature of war and also, Operation Overlord took months of bombing and fighting before June 6th and months of fighting after the initial invasion.

14 What Now Over the next few months, the troops that landed drove inland to rallying points. Paris was liberated on (Date) Patton was given the 3rd Army and tore through Europe Germany was on the defensive, America had learned to use the great arsenal of democracy

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