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Amy Wara and Stephanie Knutson

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1 Amy Wara and Stephanie Knutson
Plants to Grow Amy Wara and Stephanie Knutson

2 Knowledge before lesson
Art Students learned many different watercolor techniques and experimented with watercolor Science Students were taught the basic plant life cycle and the main parts of plants Music In a previous unit students learned how to use movement to show the volcano process

3 In the classroom While in the classroom the students were told to show us (and our guest) how plants grow. First the students met together in groups and they discussed ways in which they would move their bodies as a group to identify a specific part of the plant cycle Next students demonstrated their part of the cycle through movement while singing a song they connected to plants Though this students were able to discuss with each other and work together to find the answer

4 In the classroom Students could then choose to create an art project to have a different way they could show their understanding Students were given watercolor paint and paper but they could choose all the details. They came up on their own how to show plants growing and how to create plants so you could see each important part of the plant STUDENTS COULD ALSO DECIDE TO WORK ON A BOOK WHERE THEY COULD WRITE ABOUT THE PLANT CYCLE AS WELL IN THE BOOK THE STUDENTS COULD ALSO CUT OUT PICTURES OF PLANTS AND PLACE THEM NEXT TO THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY TO SHOW THEY UNDERSTOOD HOW TO IDENTIFY THE PLANTS

5 Post test Checking for comprehension
There were three ways the students could show us they understood the parts of plants and how they grow Students could demonstrate using the song they learned in music and show what a plant would look like in the plant cycle Students could paint their plant using any watercolor technique to demonstrate parts of the plant or the steps in which a plant would look while it grows Students could write about the plant cycle, and place cut out pieces of plants into the appropriate sections for the plant cycle and plantidentification

6 Photos

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