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Selecting MAEIA Assessments

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1 Selecting MAEIA Assessments
Module 4 IN THE MAEIA MODULE SERIES Welcome to this Introduction to the Michigan Arts Education Instruction and Assessment Project. In the next few minutes, I will describe some of the important aspects of this ground-breaking project. I will be describing how to select the MAEIA assessments you want to use.

2 Purposes of MAEIA Project
Improve the quality of your arts education program Monitor and improve student learning in the arts Support professional practice and improve teacher effectiveness Advance arts as a core element of public education The MAEIA project was commissioned by the Michigan Department of Education. It was developed by the Michigan Assessment Consortium with the Data Recognition Corporation, in partnership with over 1,000 Michigan Educators. The purposes for MAEIA are to help arts educators improve their arts education programs, monitor and improve student learning in the arts, support professional practice and improve your effectiveness as a teacher, and ultimately, advance arts education as a key part of a well-rounded education.

3 Overview of the Module Series
Introduction to the MAEIA Project Overview of the MAEIA Assessments Overview of the Content Standards Assessed by the MAEIA Assessments Selecting the MAEIA Assessments Navigating the MAEIA Website Administering the MAEIA Assessments Scoring and Reporting the MAEIA Assessments Using the MAEIA Assessments to Demonstrate Educator Effectiveness 1 6 2 7 3 8 There are 8 modules that comprise this module series. They describe the MAEIA program and the MAEIA resources including the MAEIA assessments. The module series also describes how to select, use, score and report the MAEIA assessments. 4 5

4 Purpose of This Module Explain how the MAEIA assessments are catalogued Describe how the online catalogue can be used to select assessments Consider how the available assessments can be selected to present a balanced approach to assessment The purpose of this module is to show you how the MAEIA assessments are catalogued, how you can use the online catalog to select the assessments you want to use, and how to select a balanced set of assessments.

5 MAEIA Assessments The MAEIA assessments can be part of your teaching tool box. I picked activities that I wouldn’t ordinarily choose--for instance, the Sculptures with Multiples assessment. Incredible assessments, like this one, give your students an opportunity to be awesome. What my students did far surpassed my expectations.” Amy Pobanz, Art Teacher John Glenn High School Bangor, MI Here is a quote from one of the teachers who used the MAEIA assessments. Note that while we recommend selecting assessments that fit with your planned instruction, sometimes selecting something new can be useful and interesting too.

6 MAEIA’s Online Catalogue
Note this web address to directly access the online catalogue of MAEIA assessments.

7 How Items Are Cataloged
Assessment Title Item Type and Number—The code for each task (T) or event (E). The number indicates the grade ranges: grades K-2 assessments (100s), grades 3-5 assessments (200s), grades 6-8 assessments (300s), and high School assessments (400s). Short Descriptor—A brief phrase or title of the assessment intended to convey the essence of the item. Example: M.E413 Blues Performance Evaluation Grades—The intended grade(s) for which the item was written (K-12). This slide indicates that each assessment contains a standard set of information. First, each assessment has a unique number that includes a single letter for discipline — D, M, T, or V, for dance, music, theatre, or visual arts a T or E, for task or event a three-digit number — the first number indicates grade range — 1 = K-2; 2 = 3-5; 3 = 6-8; and 4 = high school Second, each item is described in a few words with a short descriptor or title. See the Assessment Administration Manual, available online, for a print copy of these directions.

8 How Items Are Catalogued
High School Level – for high school items only: Designates the assessment level for which the task or event was written. Level 1—Students who fulfill their one credit visual, performing, or applied arts (VPAA) high school graduation requirement only, or who are in their first year of a multi-year VPAA program. Level 2—Students who have already completed their first year in an arts discipline course and are now in their second year of instruction in the same arts discipline. Level 3—Students who have already completed their first and second years in an arts discipline’s courses and are now in their third year or fourth year of instruction in the same arts discipline. At the high school level – grades – the assessments are further divided into 3 levels. Level 1 items are for students who are in their first year of study in a discipline, regardless of whether they are freshman, sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Level 2 items are for students who are in their second year of study in a discipline, regardless of grade level. Level 3 items are for students who are in their third or fourth year of study in a discipline, regardless of grade level.

9 How Items Are Catalogued
High School Assessment Guidelines (continued) If a student takes a year of instruction in one discipline (e.g., music) and another year of instruction in another discipline (e.g., theatre), the student would participate in Level 1 assessments in each discipline. Teachers have the flexibility to adjust the assessments to match the instructional levels of the students being assessed. Note: If a student takes a year of study in one discipline, such as music, and a year of study in another discipline, such as visual arts, this student would be assessed using Level 1 items in each discipline Sometimes, an item may have been written for students at more than one level, and teachers have the flexibility to adjust the assessments to match the instructional levels of the students being assessed.

10 How Items Are Catalogued
MAEIA Performance Standard (K-12)—Performance standards are discipline-specific and condense the Michigan Merit Curriculum’s five content standards into the three overarching performance standards of Create, Perform, and Respond. These performance standards were developed to serve as the basis for MAEIA model assessments that measure student proficiency in each arts discipline at each grade span - K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Content Standard and Benchmark (K-12) —These are the Michigan State Board of Education-approved standards for arts education, taken from Michigan Arts Education Content Standards and Benchmarks for Dance, Music, Theatre and the Visual Arts (2011). For K-8 items, the Michigan Benchmarks are indicated. VPAA Guideline —These are taken from the Michigan State Board of Education-approved Michigan Merit Curriculum Credit Guidelines for the Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts (2006). NCAS Standards Alignment (K-12)–This provides the code for the National Core Arts Standards anchor standard that most closely aligns to the item. VISUAL, PERFORMING, AND APPLIED ARTS Note that the content standards, benchmarks, and performance standards assessed by each item are shown. And the National Core Arts Standard or Standards assessed by each item are also shown. This will permit you to easily select assessment aligned to the standards addressed in your instruction.

11 How Items Are Catalogued
Educator Effectiveness Method (1,2, or 3). Because change or growth in student performance is one of the metrics to be used in educator evaluation in Michigan, and because some of the MAEIA arts education assessments may be suitable for this purpose, there are three different ways that the MAEIA assessments can be used by arts educators to demonstrate their effectiveness. Each MAEIA assessment has been designated for use in one of three models. Visit our website for more detailed information: Also indicated in the catalog is which of three methods is recommended for arts educators to use the item to demonstrate their effectiveness Method 1 – The use of the assessment as a pre-post measure in the same school year. Method 2 – Use of the assessment as a pre-post measure in the adjacent school years. Method 3 – The assessment is so unique that it should be used only once, with samples of student work selected to illustrate student learning and accomplishments. More information on these methods of demonstrating educator effectiveness can be found at the MAEIA website

12 How Items Are Catalogued
Requires Recording This is a signal to a teacher using this item about whether students’ responses will need to be electronically recorded. Total Time An indication of the total number of minutes that the assessment requires. This number is estimated because: Students may require longer to complete the item than estimated––This is ok. The time it takes to record the performances of all students in larger classes may require an extra class period (or two). Total time does not include the time it will take the teacher to prepare to administer the assessment, to document the administration of the assessment, or score the student work. A couple of additional pieces of information are also shown: Requires recording? indicates whether it is recommended that students’ responses be video- or audio-recorded. This will help you prepare in advance to administer the item. The total time is also indicated. This is an estimate of the total assessment administration time. Note that it is an estimate only because some students will require more or less time, and the recording time for larger classes may take longer. Also, the time shown does not include the time it will take for the teacher to prepare to give the assessment, nor to score students’ responses after the assessment.

13 Browsing MAEIA’s Online Catalogue Now, we turn out attention to how you can browse the MAEIA catalog to select assessments. Again, note the web address to directly access the online catalogue of MAEIA assessments.

14 Catalogue Page for Each Discipline
The first step is to select the discipline – Dance, Music, Theatre, and Visual Arts – from the drop-down menu under the “Model Assessments” tab.

15 Music: Main Page Selecting one discipline – in this case, Music – brings you to the landing page for that discipline, shown here.

16 The Catalogue Is Searchable!
Item title Keywords Grade levels High school level Standards and VPAA Guidelines Note that the catalogue is searchable through drop-down menus by the categories shown. Item title Keywords – those used in the title and in the assessment itself Grade level or levels High school level – 1, 2 and/or 3 Standards and VPAA Guidelines (for high school only)

17 Click on an item in the “Assessment Title” column of the catalogue to read an overview of the item and see other information about the item. Beneath the searchable tabs and drop-down menus is a complete list of all of the tasks and events available for the discipline. Each column has directional arrows on it, permitting you to select the dimension you value and organize the list of available assessments by the category you are seeking, such as grade level or standard, from top to bottom or bottom to top. The default for the list is alphabetical by the first letter in the assessment title.

18 If you click on the title of an assessment, such as Music –– Compose a Consequent Phrase — you can see a series of links to documents for this assessment, and a place where you can provide feedback on the assessment. The Teacher Booklet is available in both pdf and MS Word formats. The Student Booklet is again available in both pdf and MS Word formats. A summary of the catalog information is shown on the right side of the page. For example, if you click on any of the standards, you can see the actual standard statements.

Tips for Selecting Assessments Now I want to provide some tips and ideas for selecting assessments.

20 Types of Assessment Items
Performance Tasks Performance assessments carried out by individual students or small groups of students over time (days, weeks, months) Performance Events Performance assessments that are administered “on-demand,” without any or just a brief amount of rehearsal time. First, consider the two types of performance assessments that are available – Performance Tasks and Performance Events. Note that these differ both in terms of complexity of the task and the duration of the assessment. Both types of assessment are important for you to consider.

21 Tips for Selecting Items
Select a mix of . . . & Tasks Events & Create Perform Present Respond You will want to consider not only the use of tasks and events, you should think about selecting items that focus on the three parts of the creative process. Create Perform or Present Respond Together, these are the creative process.

22 Tips for Selecting Items
Select the Tasks and Events that will logically fit into your existing curriculum and instructional plans. You may modify the assessments to better fit your instruction (e.g., change the genre of the work of art used in the assessment). Remember that you should select the assessments that fit with your existing curriculum and your planned instruction. And remember, you may modify the assessment to fit your instruction even better – for example, change the genre of music used in a music item or the works of art used in a visual arts item.

23 Tips for Selecting Items
Select a small number of Events (1-3) and Tasks (1-2) to use throughout the school year (September–May). We suggest that items be used within one of three instructional cycles, to help you pace your use of the Events and Tasks. Fall Winter Spring We recommend that you select only a few items for use in a school year. For example, we suggest you select 1-3 Events and 1-3 Tasks and then space out their use during the school year. If you are planning to use the assessments to demonstrate your effectiveness as an arts educator, you may want to take into account the re-use of the assessment later in the school year or the next one. September 1 – November 30 December 1 – February 28 March 1 – May 30

24 Schedule the Selected Items Across Instructional Cycles
Go to My Assessment Administration Plan (on the MAEIA website) Place selected item type and number into the first column. In the second column, write the title or short description of the assessment. Enter the number of classes you will use the assessment in. Indicate the month that corresponds to when you are teaching the content and will be administering the assessment. Start by going to the “My Administration Plan” found on the MAEIA website. Write the selected item type and number into the first column. In the second column, write the title of the assessment. Enter the number of classes in which you will use the assessment. Indicate the month when you are teaching the content and will administer the assessment.

25 Review Your Assessment Plan
Review your assessment administration plan and check to see that you have selected: Tasks and Events Create, Perform/Present, and Respond items Items that fit within your planned instruction Items spread across the instructional cycles Once you have filled in the “My Administration Plan,” review your assessment administration plan to see if you have selected Both Tasks and Events, and Items that measure create, perform/present, and respond aspects of the creative process. Make sure the items fit with your planned instruction and that they are spread across the year. When you are satisfied with your administration plan proceed to downloading items from the website.

26 Downloading Assessments
Now a few tips on actually downloading the assessments. Again, remember the MAEIA website.

27 Downloading Items You should download both the Teacher Booklet and the Student Booklet for each assessment item you select. Additional materials needed to administer an item are noted in the Teacher Booklet. There are Teacher Booklets for each assessment and Student Booklets for almost all of them. Remember that there is a Teacher Booklet for every assessment, and a Student Booklet for almost all of them. If there is no Student Booklet for an assessment, this is indicated on the assessment page underneath the item summary and in the Teacher Booklet.

28 Downloading Items The Teacher Booklets and Student Booklets are available in both Adobe Acrobat pdf format and MS Word documents. You can use the pdf version for printing locally. The Word format is provided so you can adjust the assessment if you feel it is necessary before printing locally. These resources are found on each item page you select from within the discipline – in this case, Music and the item that measures “Compose a Consequent Phrase”

29 Download the Assessment Administration Manual
You can download an Assessment Administration Manual (AAM). The AAM discusses general assessment topics, including actions you should take before, during, and after assessment. You can download an Assessment Administration Manual or AAM The AAM discusses general assessment topics, including actions you should take before, during, and after assessment. The AAM can be found on the discipline landing page – on the right-hand side. The Assessment Specifications Document for the discipline describes the development of the assessments, and can be found below the AAM.

30 Download the Administration Manual
This slide shows where both the Assessment Administration Manual and the Assessment Specifications Document can be found.

31 After Administering an Assessment
After you use the assessment, we ask that you share your thoughts or those of your students. Share your thoughts about the assessment item and your experiences with it.

32 Provide Feedback Use the Feedback Form on the assessment page you used Provide feedback on the assessment item. Tell us about any modifications you made Provide comments on the assessments you use. Use the Feedback Form on the assessment page for the specific assessment you used at Feedback provides insights to the writers as well as other educators who use the assessment. Provide feedback on any modifications you made. Provide comments on the use of the assessment. Also provide comments on the overall assessment administration experience from you and your students. Provide overall feedback on the assessment administration and your experiences with it.

33 Feedback on the Assessments
The MAEIA assessments make you grow as a teacher and re-evaluate your instructional practices.” Amy Pobanz, Art Teacher John Glenn High School Bangor, MI Here is another comment from Amy, the teacher who was quoted earlier in this presentation. She provided feedback on the MAEIA assessment process and its value to her.

34 Be sure, also, to join the community of arts educators. Register on the site (see the word “Register” in the upper right hand corner) and join with other arts educators in improving your arts education programs.

35 Contact Us MAEIA Project 517-816-4520
If you have any questions, contact us at this phone number or address.

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