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COREW Dr Anna Rowlands Durham University, UK

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1 COREW Dr Anna Rowlands Durham University, UK
Centre for Catholic Social Thought and Practice, UK





6 CST on migration… 1850’s – Catholic migrations and spiritual and pastoral care 1952 – Exsul Familia Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi Papal messages

7 Key themes: biblical Exodus and covenant Hospitality
Fear and faith… (Ezra-Nehemiah / Ruth) Divine messengers: bearers of difficult truths / gifts Migration as both vocation and suffering OT themes: NT themes:

8 Key themes: doctrinal Historical condition of Holy Family
Exilic nature of Jesus’ ministry Priority of the Church for the poor, widowed, sick and stranger Kinship as basic frame of reference The chosen and forced migrations of the early church shaped their understanding of the Christian life: Letter to Diognetus, 1 Peter: parakoi

9 Forgetting the history of asylum?
Jewish cities of sanctuary Christian practices formalised in Theodosian and Justinian codexes. Transition to state post-16th C (1539 +) For both faith communities and state this is about more than ‘rights’ – its about a story of who we are as a people, the claims we make to justice, dignity and liberty. The Church has an opportunity to revisit this history and re- invent sanctuary provision, as well as pushing for states and international bodies to ensure 21st C sanctuary provision fit for purpose. It’s about being Church as a community of practice and in relation to the task of governance.

10 Natural law reasoning and public policy
Right to remain Right to migrate Duty to receive Responsibility to provide safe and porous borders Duty to provide means for social participation / integration Duty to engage social participation Vitoria’s ‘welfare’ rights and ‘active’ rights: protection + basic communal goods PLUS power to act, to exercise dominium and seek the good.

11 The current solidarity crisis: what difference does CST make?
Peace building and conflict resolution Policy geared towards long-term stability in Middle East & Africa Commitment to speedy re-settlement of refugees & burden sharing Access to safe/ legal routes: sponsorship & humanitarian visas No detention for administrative purposes Critique of austerity as framing political narrative for public discussion Reform of Dublin – ease family reunification Meaningful social rights: work, social participation Enforce non-refoulement principle

12 The current solidarity crisis… What difference does CST make?
Beyond binary of suffering victim / threat Dignified persons with agency and resilience, requesting protection and participation – law that is fit for purpose. What are the ‘goods’ we want to focus on? Dialogue with Islam and dealing with presence of race in debate… Dispositions: Accompaniment, dialogue, advocacy in face of policies of isolation. Focus: persons in community – breaking isolation Local ‘hosts’ to national and int. governance: a focus on solidarity at each subsidiarity level?

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