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Building and Maintaining a Successful Mentor-Mentee Relationship

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1 Building and Maintaining a Successful Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Winny Dong Director, Office of Undergraduate Research Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering

2 What Does it Mean to Have a Mentor?
Trusted and experienced advisor. Someone who is invested in your growth. An advocate for you.

3 Benefits of a Good Mentor-Mentee Relationship
Expand your view of your discipline and long-term career planning Receive honest and informal feedback Recommendation for jobs and graduate schools Opportunities for funding, scholarships, and other resources Opportunities for growing as a professional in your field Provide an outlet to discuss concerns Other HIPs: First-Year Experiences Common Intellectual Experiences, Learning Communities , Writing-Intensive Courses , Collaborative Assignments and Projects, Undergraduate Research, Service Learning, Community-Based Learning, Diversity/Global Learning, Internships, Capstone Courses and Projects

4 Tips on Being a Good Mentee
Respect your mentor Understanding expectations Meet regularly with your mentor, be prepared for meetings Keep yourself informed Ask for and give feedback Take responsibility for own growth and success Follow through on referrals from mentor, show appreciation, give back Listen actively Ask your mentor for guidance and assistance whenever needed Present needs in an articulate way

5 It is OK to Have More Than One Mentor
No one person is the perfect mentor for you Understand and respect your mentor’s limitations Mentors can come from various places Having a mentor is a commitment and responsibility on your part – do not take it lightly

6 Building a Mentoring Relationship
Mentor and mentee become acquainted and informally clarify their common interests, shared values, and professional goals Mentoring interaction fosters mutual interest and enthusiasm Mentor and mentee establish rapport & trust with each other Mentee imagines mentor will support him/her in a significant way Mentor begins to visualize mentee as coachable, enjoyable to work with, someone with potential

7 Developing Common Expectations
Mentor and mentee communicate initial expectations and agree upon some common procedures and expectations as a starting point Determining the frequency of contact, the availability, and the accessibility of the mentor and mentee Goals and expected outcomes of the mentoring relationship are developed by the mentor and mentee together The amount and kind of support that are needed by the mentee or that can be provided by the mentor

8 During the Mentoring Relationship
Gradually, needs are fulfilled. Objectives are met. Professional growth takes place. New challenges are presented and achieved Both parties serve their maximum range of functions in their roles Expectations are reinforced or modified due to personal development and growth Satisfaction and mutual exchange are at their peak Mutual confidence develops between the mentor and mentee

9 Mentee Responsibilities
Respond to mentor's request to meet Share information about your background, your needs and values, and your aspirations Discuss goals to achieve your needs and aspirations Set goals for yourself, and follow through on them. Don't be afraid to raise your expectations or redefine your goals as part of the ongoing process With your mentor, decide what steps will need to be taken to achieve your goals Remember to both listen and talk Be receptive to feedback and coaching Feedback should be perceived as an opportunity for growth

10 Summary It is a privilege to have a mentor
Having a mentor has many benefits Having a mentor is a responsibility and requires you to work to maintain that relationship

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