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Mentoring Partnership Team: Agnes Nzomene & Lorraine Marais

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Presentation on theme: "Mentoring Partnership Team: Agnes Nzomene & Lorraine Marais"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mentoring Partnership Team: Agnes Nzomene & Lorraine Marais
Generative Mentoring in Action: An experience of a Mentor/Mentee NSWM International Mentoring Partnership (2016/2017) Mentoring Partnership Team: Agnes Nzomene & Lorraine Marais

2 What we will address in this Workshop
Introducing ourselves: Agnes and Lorraine Purpose and what we are trying to accomplish Overview of workshop - Section 1: Introduction and overview: Lorraine - Section 2: Discussion of mentoring content and learning through individual NSWM International Mentoring program: Agnes and Lorraine - Section 3: Participants Exercise: Agnes and Lorraine facilitators

3 Section 1: Introduction and overview of workshop
Approach (theoretical underpinnings) What is generative mentoring? “Learning Organization Philosophy” Senge How is mentoring different and the same as coaching/supervision? Action Learning Cycle

4 Section 1: Introduction and overview of workshop
Short overview of mentoring (process and content) Frequency and length of sessions Agenda and report of meetings Planning and evaluation/learning “Begin with the end in mind” (Covey)

5 Role and responsibility of partners
Section 2: Discussion of mentoring content and learning Agnes and Lorraine Role and responsibility of partners Mentor: Lorraine Facilitating the mentee process and respond to her goal setting Mentee: Agnes Set goals, and access available resources Combine efforts to achieve shared goals Revisit goals and evaluate progress and direction often Develop strategies to accomplish the goals i.e. using macro competencies Contribute to the session by bringing strategies to accomplish the set goals Take responsibilities for my own learnings

6 Overview of Personal M/S, values and vision (Agnes)
Section 2: Discussion of mentoring content and learning: Agnes and Lorraine Overview of Personal M/S, values and vision (Agnes) My vision is to Inspire others to be more than what they believe to be “I’m a teacher, a learner and a facilitator of people empowerment, and I encourage others to accomplish success in life that will pave the way for them to realize their greatest potential through resilience, collaboration and relationship building.”

7 Reflection on main mutual and individual learning over time
Section 2: Discussion of mentoring content and learning Agnes and Lorraine Reflection on main mutual and individual learning over time Mentee (Agnes): Three main personal and professional learning Emotional Intelligence (EI) Conflict management Reflection and Learning (generative learning) Example of internally displaced people (macro practice application) Cross national needs (new challenges)

8 Reflection on main mutual and individual learning over time
Section 2: Discussion of mentoring content and learning: Agnes and Lorraine Reflection on main mutual and individual learning over time Mentor (Lorraine): Three main personal and professional learning Expansion of Emotional Intelligence (EI) Personal and professional Interconnection between personal and professional values Integration of theory and practice •NSWM macro leadership competency areas

9 Section 3: Participants Exercise: Agnes and Lorraine facilitators
Individually take 10 minutes to complete the handout: 1) Developing a personal mission statement by reflecting on the following: What are the 3 to 5 main values that give direction to your life? What type of legacy do you want to leave behind? When you are no more, what would you like to be remembered by? Who is your greatest hero? What are the qualities as a person, you admire most in this person?

10 Participant Exercise (continued)
2) Draft now a two to four sentence personal Mission Statement (examples) 3) What steps can you put in place today to live consciously through your M/S, vision and values? Personal and· Professional With a partner How can your M/S and vision contribute to your organizational mission and morale? What might be the challenges?

11 Examples of Personal Mission Statements
“I am the facilitator of growth and development, grounded in a process of reflection and learning. Through consciousness raising, believing that change starts in the human heart, I provide opportunities for learning and remove obstacles to change.” (Lorraine 2017) My mission is to give, for giving is what I do best and I can learn to do better. I will seek to learn, for learning is the basis for growth, and growing is the key to living. I will seek first to understand, for understanding is the key to finding value, and value is the basis for respect, decisions, and action. This should be my first act with my wife, my family, and my business. I live to serve my talents as a communicator, an artist, and an independent businesswoman. I create balance in work, play, and community. I inspire those I interact with.

12 More Examples of Personal Mission Statements
Care About the world ; About life About people; About myself Love Myself , My family My world Knowledge Learning LIFE Fight For my beliefs, For my passions To accomplish; To do good To be true to myself; Against apathy Rock The boat, don’t let the boat rock me Be a rock Be Remembered

13 Questions and final comments

14 Additional Resources Contact Information of Presenters: Agnes Nzomene Lorraine Marais Lorraine Marais: Additional Resources: See handout

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