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Published byHope Banks Modified over 7 years ago
3 Enhancement in nutritional status of school going children. Encourage enrollment and regularity in attendance. Promoting harmony among children Providing nutritional support to children in drought affected areas during summer vacations.
MDM- Implementation Structure
Department of Elementary Education Mid Day Meal Commissionerate District Level-District Education Officer (Elementary ) Block Level- Block Elementary Education Officer (BEEO) SMC Central Kitchen (NGO’s) SHG’s & AMSS
Seasonal fruit once in a week
MID DAY MEAL-MENU S. N. WEEK DAY MENU 1 Monday Chapati – Vegetable & Dal 2 Tuesday Dal, Vegetable-Rice 3 Wednesday Chapati - Dal 4 Thursday Khichdi (Dal, Rice, Vegetable etc) 5 Friday 6 Saturday Chapati - Vegetable Mixed Seasonal fruit once in a week
MDM- Food Grain, Nutritional Value
& Cooking Cost CLASSES FOOD GRAIN (Per student per day) NUTRITIONAL VALUE COOKING COST (Rs.) CALORIE PROTEIN 1 to 5 100 GM (Wheat/Rice) 450 Cal 12 GM 4.13 6 to 8 150 GM (Wheat/Rice) 700 Cal 20 GM 6.18
MDM- Monitoring Mechanisms
1. State Steering & Monitoring Committee (SSMC) (Chief Secretary + 13 Pr. Secretaries/ Secretaries & HoD’s +MPs & MLAs + Nominated Members ) 2. District Steering & Monitoring Committees (DSMC) (District Collector + MP+ MLAs + Nominated Members) 3. Block Steering & Monitoring Committees (SDO + Nominated Members) (BSMC) 4. DLOs’ Regular Inspections as per Norms 5. Sudden Inspections - Twice a Year 6. Mid-Day-Meal-MIS-System (MIS) 7. SMS based Automated Reporting & Monitoring System (ARMS) 8. GOI-Joint Review Mission (JRM) 9. State Review Mission (SRM)
S. No. Item Central Share State Share 1 Cost of Food grain 100 % - 2 Transportation 100% 3 MME 4 Utensils 5 Cook Cum helper 60% 40% 6 Cooking Cost
MDM- No. Of Institutions
No. of Institutions Covered : 71344 Classes (Govt + LB) Schools GA Schools Special Training Centers Madarsas/ Maqtab Total 1-5 34269 339 1520 36128 1-8 32414 1 13 190 32618 6-8 2581 17 2598 TOTAL 69264 352 1727 71344
Special Training Centers
MDM- Enrolment Enrolment : Lakh Classes (Govt + LB) Schools GA Schools Special Training Centers Madarsas/ Maqtab Total 1-5 3934 113812 6-8 238 183 17498 TOTAL 4117 131310
MDM- Beneficiary Students
S.N. Quarter Primary % Upper Primary Total 1 1st 68.73 71.23 69.58 2 2nd 67.02 68.03 67.36 3 3rd 68.95 76.54 71.63 Average 68.23 71.93 69.52
MDM- Cooking Agencies MDM Cooking Agencies Schools Covered
Children Covered (In Lakh ) Centralized Kitchens (07) 3838 2.98 AMSS & SHGs (265) 1517 1.61 School Management Committees (SMCs) 65989 58.25 Total 71344 62.84
Public-Private–Partnership (PPP)
MDM: Public-Private–Partnership (PPP) Public-Private–Partnership (PPP) CENTRALIZED KITCHENS FUNCTIONING in RAJASTHAN DISTRICT ORGANIZATION Schools Covered Children Covered Ajmer Akshaya Patra Foundation 98 13379 Alwar QRG Foundation 435 57966 Jaipur 1760 125086 Iskon Foundation 766 31752 Jodhpur Adamya Chetna Trust 261 31656 142 11964 Rajsamand 376 26369 TOTAL (07) 3838 298172
MDM-Kitchen Cum Store Kitchen-cum-Stores : Status of Completion (Dec. 31th, 2016) No. of Schools* No. of Kitchen-cum-Stores Constructed Under Construction Not Constructed 68685 60715 908 7062 * No of Schools as on 30 Sep., 2016.
MDM- Gas Connection LPG Connections : Status of Completion 68685 63355
No. of Schools* LPG Connections Available in Schools (Dec. 31th, 2016) Under Progress 68685 63355 5330 * No of Schools as on 30 Sep., 2016.
Cook-cum-Helpers Strength in Rajasthan No. of Cook-cum-Helpers
MDM- Cook cum Helpers Cook-cum-Helpers Strength in Rajasthan CCH No. of Cook-cum-Helpers Female 100058 Male 11626 Total 111684 Cook-cum-Helper Honorarium (Per Month) -1000/- SC ST OBC Minority Others 1079 3573 5063 331 1580 10782 15952 54670 3655 14999 11861 19525 59733 3986 16579 89 % 11 % SC ST OBC Minority Others Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Male 1079 3573 5063 331 1580 11626 Female 10782 15952 54670 3655 14999 100058 11861 19525 59733 3986 16579 111684
Laboratory Testing of Mid Day Meal
Nutritive values were analyzed in MDM samples through NABL Accredited Laboratories. 62 Samples were analyzed which were collected from Centralized Kitchens and concerned Schools. Out of 62 samples, 23 samples were found below norms. Directions have been issued to the concerned institutions to improve the quality of MDM & provide MDM as per GOI Guidelines. No. of Districts Number of samples Result (No. of samples) Collected Tested Meeting norms Below norms 6 62 39 23
MDM- Monitoring & Inspections MDM-Inspections 2016-17 Total
[Up to Dec., 2016] Inspections By DLOs Inspections By State Officers Intensive Inspections* (Aug., 2016) Total 66974 76 13043 80093 * Total Schools were inspected on August, 2016 under Intensive Inspection programme.
Automated Reporting & Management System
MDM- SMS based Automated Reporting & Management System SMS based Automated Reporting & Monitoring System (ARMS) has been rolled out in the State from August, 2016. For this purpose a portal ( developed by National Informatics Center (NIC) Himanchal Pradesh is being used. At present Govt. Primary & Upper Primary Schools are being benefited through MDM Scheme in State. Data of 67,000 schools has been ported on the portal and information of beneficiary students of 60,000 Schools is being received on daily basis by SMS on toll free no
MDM- Report for SMS based Automated Reporting & Management System
MDM- MIS Report (till Dec 2016) 90.37%
MDM-Food Grain Status 2016-17
FOOD GRAIN MANAGEMENT : ( in MT ) Food Grain Opening Balance Allocation FCI Lifting (Dec.16) Consumed (Dec 2016) Balance (As on ) WHEAT RICE TOTAL
MDM-Budget Approved by
PAB for S. No. Item Central Share (Rs in Crore) State Share TOTAL 1 Cost of Food grain 24.74 0.00 2 Transportation 6.18 3 MME 7.40 4 Cook Cum helper 73.84 50.96 124.80 5 Cooking Cost 302.19 201.76 503.95 6 Kitchen Devices 4.01 Total 418.36 252.72 671.08
MDM- Expenditure up to 31st Dec 2016
S. No. Item Central Share (Rs in Crore) State Share TOTAL 1 Cost of Food grain 25.46 0.00 2 Transportation 4.12 3 MME 6.53 4 Cook Cum helper 63.51 40.41 103.92 5 Cooking Cost 209.13 139.42 348.55 Total 308.75 179.83 488.58
MDM- Best Practices Out of 33 districts 27 districts are following e-transfer mechanism. 92% LPG Gas connections have been provided under MDMS in the State. 28% schools have installed Multi tap Water Facility. Capacity Building of Cook-cum-Helpers. Almost 1.19 lakh Cook-cum-Helpers have been trained about hygiene, cleanliness, cooking techniques & storage of food grains. Also health check-up of CCHs was done during this training. Laboratory Testing of MDM Samples through NABL Accredited Laboratories. SMS based Automated Monitoring System has been rolled out in the state from Aug State has started “Utsav Bhoj Yojana” in Mid Day Meal Scheme . Nutri Farm initiative with Maize and Millet recipes (Pilot completed).
MDM- Issues Enhancement in honorarium to cook-cum-helpers from Rs.1000 to Rs.2000 per month. Requirement of the Funds for SMS based Automated Reporting & Monitoring System (ARMS) Requirement of the funds for Food Testing.
Proposal for
Special Training Centers
MDM-Institutions No. of Institutions : 68685 Classes (Govt + LB) Schools GA Schools Special Training Centers Madarsas/ Maqtab Total 1-5 32059 384 1592 34035 1-8 33151 34 357 33542 6-8 1090 18 1108 TOTAL 66300 418 1967 68685
Special Training Centers
MDM- Enrolment Enrolment : Lakh Classes (Govt + LB) Schools GA Schools Special Training Centers Madarsas/ Maqtab Total 1-5 23606 127462 6-8 989 24368 TOTAL 24595 151830
MDM- Proposed Beneficiary Students Beneficiary Students : 45.03 Lakh
S.N. Category Enrollment No. Of beneficiaries % of beneficiaries 1 Primary 71.41 2 Upper Primary 72.26 Total 71.71
MDM- Proposed Working Days in F.Y. 2017-18
S. No. Month Total No. of Days in the month Holidays Academic Calendar (No. of Days) Anticipated No. of Working Days (3-8) Anticipated No. of working days for NCLP schools Remarks Vacation Days Holidays Except Vacation period Total Holidays (4+7) Sundays Other School Holidays Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 April,17 30 23 25 May,17 31 16 18 13 27 June,17 20 22 26 78 July,17 August,17 24 September,17 October,17 14 17 November,17 December,17 19 January,18 February,18 28 March,18 Total 365 61 43 21 64 125 240 314 * This information is based on the Academic Calendar prepared by the Education Department Less : Distt. Collector 2 Leave +H.M. Power 02+Teacher Conference 04 = Total 8 Days (-) 08 Anticipated No. of average Working Days between April, 2017 & March 2018= 232 II. Anticipated No. of average Working Days per NCLP School between April, 2017 & March, 2018 = 314
MDM- Cook Cum Helpers Category No. Of Cook Cum Helper Primary 74512
Upper Primary 41221 Total 1,15,733
MDM- Food Grain Requirements for 2017-18 (Including Drought)
S.N. Category No. Of Students 1 Primary 2 Upper Primary Average Number of students S.N. Category Rice (in MTs) Wheat Total 1 Primary 2 Upper Primary
MDM-Budget Requirements for 2017-18
S. No. Item Central Share (Rs in Crore) State Share TOTAL 1 Cost of Food grain 29.40 0.00 2 Transportation 9.59 3 MME 7.76 4 Cook Cum Helper 75.44 50.29 125.73 5 Cooking Cost 316.65 210.73 527.38 6 Kitchen Devices Total 438.84 261.02 699.86 S. No. Item Central Share State Share TOTAL 1 Cost of Food grain 2 Transportation 3 MME 4 Cook Cum helper* 5 Cooking Cost* Total
Thank You
MDM- Multi-tap Water Facility
MDM- Cook-Cum-Helpers Training
MDM- Laboratory Testing of Mid Day Meal
MDM- LaboratoryTesting Reports Meal is prepared at Centralized Kitchen and Sample (Cooked Food) is collected from Centralized Kitchen for laboratory testing S. No. Name of District (Place) Name of Centralized Kitchen Details of Food Samples that were collected for laboratory testing Finding of the test Report Testing No. Sample "Meal" Class (F.G.-100) Class (F.G.-150) Protein(gm) Pri.-12gm U.P.-20gm Calory (kcal) Pri.-450Kcal U.P.-700Kcal Whether any lapses were noticed? If so, details thereof Protein (gm) (Positive/ Negative) Calory (kcal) (Positive/ Negative) details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ajmer (Topdra) The Akshya Patra Foundation Roti, Kheer & Mix Veg. Pri. - 15.41 421.95 3.41 -28.05 Roti, Masala Rice & Dal 14.82 547.6 2.82 97.6 Alwar (MIA) QRG Foundation Rajma, Rice, Dal 33.73 460.77 21.73 10.77 Rice & Rajma 13.42 501.50 1.42 51.50 Up.Pri. 20.13 752.30 0.13 52.30 Rice Pulao, Chutney and Chapati 12.11 498.60 0.11 48.60 18.16 747.90 -1.84 47.90 Gajar, Aaloo Sabji & Chapati 13.41 498.70 1.41 48.70 19.71 722.50 -0.29 22.50 Jaipur (Goner Road) The Akshya Patra Foundation, Chapati, Aloo Gobhi Veg., Khichadi, Plain Rice 19.65 613.28 7.65 163.28 Roti, Rajashani Sambhar & Khichidi 15.86 453.78 3.86 3.78 Roti, Plain Ricer & Aloo Thari 12.83 507.70 0.83 57.7 13 453.75 3.75 14 Roti, Mix. Veg. & Plain Rice 11.95 516 -0.05 66 Jaipur (Sanganer) Iskcon Food Relief Foundation, 15 Cooked Chapati & Dal 14.72 479.69 2.72 29.69 16 22.08 719.53 2.08 19.53 17 Cooked Rice & Dal 12.01 394.14 0.01 -55.86 18 18.01 591.21 -1.99 19 Khichadi & Banana 10.61 393.15 -1.39 -56.85 20 15.91 589.72 -4.09 21 Cooked Chapati & Vegetable 13.8 462.5 1.80 12.50 22 20.7 693.7 0.70 -6.30 23 Dal,Sweet Daliya & Chapati 15.8 484.3 3.80 34.30 24 23.71 726.45 3.71 26.45 25 14.71 418.60 2.71 -31.40 26 22.06 627.90 2.06 -72.10 27 Cooked Vegetable & Chapati 467.21 17.21 28 700.80 0.80 29 Cooked Rice, Chapati, Rajma 13.61 471.60 1.61 21.60 30 20.41 707.40 0.41 7.40 Jodhpur (Mandor) 31 Roti, Plain Rice & Mix Dal 16.00 495.02 4.00 45.02 32 Roti, Sweet Rice & Mix Veg. 12.61 465.07 0.61 15.07 33 Plain Rice & Dal 10.46 299.3 -1.54 -150.7 Rajsamand (Nathdwara) 34 Roti, Plain Rice & Mix Dal Sabji 18.81 451.81 6.81 1.81 35 Roti, Jeera Rice & Mix Veg Dal 22.7 508.27 10.70 58.27 36 Roti, Pulav & Mix Veg. 13.4 514.13 1.40 64.13 37 Roti, Plain Rice & Dal 15.96 525.72 3.96 75.72 Cont.
MDM- Laboratory Testing of Mid Day Meal
MDM- Laboratory Testing Reports Meal is prepared at Centralized Kitchen and Sample (Cooked Food) is collected from School for laboratory testing S. No. Name of District (Place) Name of School Meal is prepared at Centralized Kitchen Name Details of Food Samples that were collected for laboratory testing Finding of the test Report Testing No. Sample "Meal" Class (F.G.-100) Class (F.G.-150) Protein(gm) Pri.-12gm U.P.-20gm Calory (kcal) Pri.-450Kcal U.P.-700Kcal Whether any lapses were noticed? If so, details thereof Protein (gm) (Positive/ Negative) Calory (kcal) (Positive/ Negative) details 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ajmer (Topdra) Savitri Govt. Girls School Ajmer The Akshya Patra Foundation Roti, Kheer & Mix Veg. Pri. - 14.13 437.05 2.13 -12.95 Roti, Masala Rice & Dal 14.67 541.11 2.67 91.11 Alwar (MIA) QRG Foundation Jaipur (Goner Road) Govt. Primary School, Bairva basti, East Malviya Nagar, Jaipur Roti, Plain Ricer & Aloo Thari 14.19 482.99 2.19 32.99 Govt. Pri. School, Bairva basti, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur Roti, Rajashani Sambhar & Khichidi 15.5 411.55 3.5 -38.45 Govt. Pri. School, Narsinghpura Mahal, Sanganer, Jaipur Roti, Mix. Veg. & Plain Rice 12.13 524.65 0.13 74.65 Jaipur (Sanganer) Rajkiya Madhyamic School, Kiran Path Mansarover, Jaipur Iskcon Food Relief Foundation Chapati & Dal 14.63 465.12 2.63 15.12 Up.Pri. 21.94 697.68 1.94 -2.32 Govt. Upper Primary School, Lalya ka Was, Jaipur Rice & Dal 12.31 399.71 0.31 -50.29 18.46 599.56 -1.54 Khichadi & Banana 10.53 391.47 -1.47 -58.53 UPS Khatwara Chapati & Vegetable 13.2 464.6 1.20 14.60 19.8 697 -0.20 -3.00 Dal,Sweet Daliya & Chapati 15.87 481.5 3.87 31.50 14 23.8 722.25 3.80 22.25 UPS Ajayrajpura 15 14.68 422.4 2.68 -27.60 16 22.02 633.6 2.02 -66.40 UPS, JHAI 17 Cooked Vegetable & Chapati 13.39 470.2 1.39 20.2 18 20.09 705.3 0.09 5.3 UPS Narsingup URA 19 Cooked Rice, Chapati, Rajma 13.58 476.1 1.58 26.1 20 20.37 714.15 0.37 14.15 Jodhpur (Mandor) Got. Primary School Nimba Nimari, Jodhpur 21 Roti, Sweet Rice & Mix Veg. 13.19 453.05 1.19 3.05 Govt. Higher Sec. Schoo, Daijar, Jodhpur 22 Plain Rice & Dal 10.49 301.93 -1.51 Rajsamand (Nathdwara) Govt. Primary School, Tanfoli Nathdwara 23 Roti, Pulav & Mix Sab. 13.01 527.35 1.01 77.35 Govt. Sec. School, Nichali Odan Nathdwar 24 Roti, Plain Rice & Dal 15.93 3.93 57.664
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