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Introduction to Career Planning

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1 Introduction to Career Planning
PSY 251: Careers in Psychology Instructor: Dr. Bullock

2 Presentation Overview
Key definitions A sample of career theories Cognitive Information Processing (CIP) Theory History of “career” – past and present

3 Historical Review Emergence of “career” Industrial revolution
Immigration Hazards of early work environments

4 Vocational Guidance Frank Parsons’ Vocations Bureau
Parsons’ 3-step Process self-assessment study of options careful reasoning Lifelong process Frank Parsons in 1895 from Arena Publishing. We thank William C. Briddick for sharing this photograph.

5 Career Planning Today Rapid change
Nature of work in today’s organizations Work options Diversity Gender Career materials and resources National Career Development Association:

6 Why are career problems important?
Impact of full employment on the “health” of the nation Relation between unemployment and social and physical problems Impact of organizational failures Numbers of people impacted

7 Some Definitions career development career work occupation position

8 Key Definitions Exercise
Career Career Development Work Occupation Position Job Volunteering for the Animal Shelter Includes all factors that shape your current situation Accountant My interview was successful, and I got the _____. Microsoft has an opening for a Technical Trainer Right now you are in your ______.

9 Roe’s Formula Occupational Choice = S[(eE + bB + cC) + (fF, mM)) + (lL + aA) + (pP x gG x tT x iI)]
sex state of the economy family background/ ethnicity chance friends, peers marital situation special acquired skills physical characteristics general learning & education cognitive or special natural abilities temperament/personality interests/values

10 Which of Roe’s 12 characteristics do you think is the most important?

11 Theories of Career Choice and Development
Why learn about career theories? How can they help us? Personal Career Theory (PCT)

12 Theories of Career Choice and Development
Structured Theories (point-in-time; what to choose) Process Theories (developmental; how to choose)

13 Structured Theory Examples
Parsons Roe Holland

14 Process Theory Example
Super’s Life-Career Rainbow


16 Cognitive Information Processing Theory (CIP)
Based on how we think & feel Problem-solving activity Based on what we know, how we think about that knowledge Requires memory, motivation Career development involves lifelong learning and growth Quality of our career depends on how well we learn to make career decisions and solve career problems

17 Nature of Career Problems
Involve a gap Complex and involve feelings Multiple options, not a single correct choice Uncertainty about the outcome Decisions create new problems

18 Pyramid of Information Processing

19 CASVE Cycle (Decision Making)
Communication Identifying a gap Analysis Thinking about alternatives Execution Taking action to narrow the gap Synthesis Creating likely alternatives Valuing Prioritizing alternatives

20 Ways to use Career Development Information
The use of career counseling theories and concepts in: Retirement planning Volunteer planning Leisure planning Appropriate decision making What if your client does not work in the traditional since? How can you use your career counseling competencies to work with that person? Most theories also address retirement planning, volunteer planning, leisure planning You have learned how to help people learn more about themselves and make decisions

21 Your Thoughts What have been your experiences with career assistance?
Who has helped you in educational/career pursuits throughout your life? What was that experience with help like? How did you perceive your helper? If time: Small groups discuss and compile group members reactions to these questions and report the groups information back to the entire class.

22 Your Goals What are some career development issues of your own that you can work on in this course?

23 Summary Impact of social forces on career development
Importance of career problems Views of career choice & development Cognitive Information Processing (CIP)

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