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Demonstration of the Oral PrEP eLearning Resource Package

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Presentation on theme: "Demonstration of the Oral PrEP eLearning Resource Package"— Presentation transcript:

1 Demonstration of the Oral PrEP eLearning Resource Package
Erica L. Chin Global Learning Office, Technical Leadership Office, Jhpiego Jhpiego Satellite Session 9th IAS Conference, Paris, France July 24, 2017


3 eLearning Resource Package
WHO Tool “Book” reading Printed on paper Tool for reference eLearning Resource Package Self-directed Technology-based Global audience Successful learning experience

4 Effective In-service Training Design and Delivery
Multiple techniques that allow for interaction with learner Didactic techniques (passive instruction) Repetitive interventions (Low-Dose-High-Frequency) Computer-based learning (eLearning) And cost effective! Bluestone J, Johnson P, Fullerton J, Carr C, Alderman J, BonTempo J. Effective in-service training design and delivery: evidence from an integrative literature review. Human Resources for Health. 2013;11:51.

5 What Research in Cognitive Science Suggests About Multimedia Learning
People are dual-channel processors People have limited capacity for each channel People actively process knowledge Knowledge and skills must transfer from long-term memory to novel situations

6 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Dual channels – People have separate channels for processing visual/pictorial material and auditory/verbal material. Multimedia Presentation Sensory Memory Words Pictures

7 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Limited capacity – People can actively process only a few pieces of information in each channel at one time. Sensory Memory Working Memory Sounds selecting words selecting images Images

8 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Active processing – Learning occurs when people engage in appropriate cognitive processing during learning. Working Memory Verbal Model Sounds organizing words Integration Pictorial Model Images organizing images

9 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Transfer – In order to extend new knowledge and skills to novel situations, people must retrieve what they’ve learned from long- term memory during performance. Working Memory Long-Term Memory Verbal Model Prior Knowledge Integration Pictorial Model

10 Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning
Words Verbal Model Prior Knowledge Integration Pictures Pictorial Model

11 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Multimedia Contiguity Modality Redundancy Coherence Personalization Segmenting Pre-training Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2008). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

12 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Multimedia Principle – Include words and relevant graphics rather than words alone.

13 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Contiguity Principle – Graphics and printed text are close to each other on the screen. Corresponding graphics and audio are appropriately timed.

14 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Redundancy Principle – Explain visuals with words in audio or text… but not both! Coherence Principle – Avoid adding extraneous information that does not support the learning objectives (e.g., audio, graphics, and text).

15 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Pre-training Principle – Learners know the names and characteristics of key concepts in a complex lesson.

16 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Segmenting Principle – Break complex content into smaller parts, presented with one segment at a time.

17 Proven Guidelines for Effective e-Learning Design
Personalization Principle – Use a conversational style of language rather than a formal style.

18 Principles for Effective User Interface Design
Structure Simplicity Visibility

19 Principles for Effective User Interface Design

20 Principles for Effective User Interface Design
Simplicity Visibility

21 Principles for Effective User Interface Design
First Law: A computer shall not harm your work or, through inactivity, allow your work to come to harm. Second Law: A computer shall not waste your time or require you to do more work than is strictly necessary.

22 eLearning Resource Package
eLearning Resource Package (eLRP) = eLearning Courses WHO Tool Mobile App

23 eLRP:

24 eLRP:

25 eLearning Courses

26 Mobile App Device

27 WHO Implementation Tool for PrEP

28 Additional Resources

29 Clinician’s Course

30 Clinician’s Course

31 Clinician’s Course

32 Lesson 2: Contraindications

33 Lesson 2: Contraindications

34 Quiz: Contraindications

35 Mobile Device App

36 Mobile Device App

37 Mobile Device App

38 Mobile Device App

39 Mobile Device App

40 Mobile Device App

41 Mobile Device App

42 Mobile Device App

43 Mobile Device App

44 Mobile Device App

45 Mobile Device App

46 Mobile Device App

47 Mobile Device App

48 Mobile Device App

49 eLearning Resource Package

50 Acknowledgements Rachel Baggaley Jason Reed Michelle Rodolph
Ioannis Mameletzis Jason Reed Margo Rice Trudy Conley

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