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2nd – 6th Rockstars Mahaney August Killebrew Rogers

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1 2nd – 6th Rockstars Mahaney August 26 - 30 Killebrew Rogers
2nd and 3rd Grade Literacy This week we are continuing to improve our stamina while reading to self.  We are currently up to reading 11 minutes without interruptions or getting off-task!  We are also focusing on the station "Work on Writing."  We are reviewing the importance of writing and how it connects to reading.  Another station is soon to be introduced...! 2nd Grade Science (Earth's Natural Resources) I can discover what kinds of things are made from natural resources. I can understand what fossil fuels are and how they are used. 3rd Grade Science (Animal Characteristics) I can explore the characteristics of invertebrates. I can describe the kind of animals that live in the coral reef. Ms. Mahaney's homeroom will be singing the "Water Cycle" song in Morning Meeting on Thursday for Program Review. Families are welcome! 2nd Grade Math - I can use place-value charts to read, write, compare, and order numbers to 1,000. I can also count on by 10s, 100s, and 1,000's and identify number patterns. 3rd Grade Math - I can count, read, and write numbers to 10,000, read and write numbers in different ways, and compare and order numbers. 2nd Grade Social Studies - This week the 2nd Grade Social Studies class will finish up our study of Geography and take a test on our Geography unit. 3rd Grade Social Studies - The 3rd Grade Social Studies class will begin our study of the Earliest Americans. 4th Grade Social Studies - For the next couple of weeks the 4th Grade Social Studies classes will study about the regions of the United States and learn about latitude and longitude. We will also review Geography terms that we learned last year. August Weekly Reminders Make sure you wear or bring tennis shoes on days you have P.E. No School – September 2nd All 4th Grade students please remember to return the 2 required permission forms to attend the Farm Safety Field Trip. Rogers 4th & 5th Grade Literacy – We will continue to learn and master the basic skills of the Daily 5 & CAFÉ. As we start our third week with this new program we will increase our stamina of Read to Self for 15 minutes. I will also be introducing the station, Word Work, where we will create an “I Can” chart of the behavior we would see while students are working on writing skills. Students will model the correct and incorrect ways to independently learn within this station. Students are truly showing a LOVE of reading!!!

2 Wells Crowder Rice Linder Bowen Math-
We have rocked math this week!!! We will be working with Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple this week. Check out the links on my website if your child needs extra help. Test most likely on Friday. I am loving math class with your children. Crowder Fifth grade will learn how the first people settled America. Students will examine images of Native American migration routes, and four natural environments in North America. Sixth grade students will study our neighbor to the north; Canada. They will discover why Canada is truly a multicultural country.  Fifth grade Math students will be finishing up rounding and estimating this week. In chapter 2, students will be multiplying whole numbers using patterns. Don't forget Drops in the Bucket week 3 will be due on Friday. Talk to your child about using his or her  time wisely in class and homework help time daily. Math- Fourth grade will begin our unit in Estimation and Number Theory. Be sure to check your child's folders for the School to Home Connections page to enrich your child's understanding of the material at home :) Science- In science this week we will study the life cycle of a frog as we observe our tadpoles in the classroom. We will also be discussing the life cycle of a chicken and talk about how a chick grows in the egg before hatching. This week we will begin animal adaptations and ecosystems. Bowen 5th grade science - Fifth graders are studying vascular and non vascular plants this week.  Ask your child what this sentence means: King Phillip came over for great soup! This helped us remember how animals are classified last week. 6th grade science - Students are continuing to work on matter and mass. They have enjoyed water experiments to measure the mass of irregular objects. Language classes are continuing to work on the six traits of writing. Excellent word choice is one of those traits. Super Heroes joined us that day in class. Rice Writer's Workshop: This week we will begin our first narrative writing piece. Test will be on Friday, August 30th Daily Five Literacy: We now have 3 of our components of our Daily 5 up and running. We will continue to build our stamina throughout this week. Our skill for the week is setting and mood.

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