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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO Fourth Grade CURRICULUM NIGHT AT."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cheatham Elementary Mission Statement
Cheatham Elementary will ignite the spark for an empowered education through service, fun and engaging experiences that focus on the whole child.

3 Introductions 4th Grade Team Mrs. Jessica Ambrose -Team Leader Mrs. Wendy Wilson Mrs. Jill Nortman Mrs. Amy Barner

4 4th Grade Curriculum

5 Social Studies Texas History Important Concepts
Various projects to deepen our understanding Explore through reading Important Concepts Early colonization Native Americans Texas Revolution Texas in the US

6 Austin Field Trip April 13, 2018 6:00 AM- 8:30 PM On the way to Austin
Play educational games to review Texas History Snack provided In Austin Tour the Bob Bullock Museum using journal Watch 4D video at Star Destiny Theater Enjoy own lunch from home Tour capitol Tour Texas State Cemetery On the way Home A few more education games Dinner provided Movie to rest

7 Austin Field Trip The cost is $78.00.
Can be paid in full on Web Store Or two installments $39-Oct. 3 & $39-Feb. 1 To secure a spot for your child, you must pay either $78 or $39 by Oct. 3 Cost covers- Charter bus to and from Austin T-shirt, water bottle, special souvenir Snacks, dinner Admission to all sites

8 Chaperones Look for an from your child’s teacher for volunteers in November Must ride to and from Austin Must lead a group through the activities Must be on the approved Allen ISD volunteer list (must do every year) Must pay $78 Must attend an hour long training two weeks prior to field trip

9 Reading Build on their comprehension foundation by adding new comprehension skills and strategies while exploring a multitude of genres Delve more deeply into texts by summarizing, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating pieces of writing Exposed to new vocabulary through literature read in class, independent reading, and school textbooks Book Clubs to address individual needs Book Challenge has been assigned. Please check with your child’s reading teacher with any questions.

10 Writing Traits of a Good Writer Writing Forms Spelling & Conventions
Idea Development Organization Sentence Fluency Word Choice Voice Conventions Presentation Spelling & Conventions Accountability across ALL subjects Writing Process Pre-writing Drafting Revising Editing Publishing Writing Forms Informal and formal letters Narratives Expository Poetry

11 Math Important Concepts Websites we will use:
Problem Solving Multiplication Division Measurement (conversions & angles) Geometry Algebra Real world applications In Class Problem solving Vocabulary Math Journals Basic Facts- Multiplication (through 12x12) Addition Subtraction Division Websites we will use: Pearson Realize- Online Textbook-

12 SCIENCE Science Journals with vocabulary & notes for each unit
In class experiments and investigations in the lab Key Units Matter and Energy Force and Motion Patterns (seasons, shadows, moon, tides) Water Cycle Weather Life Cycles/Adaptations Online Practice and Homework STEMscopes-online textbook-

13 Websites to Know Links to ALL the websites they would need to access from home Google Drive, ALL online textbooks, Skyward, plus more User names & Passwords will be in their Agenda for them to reference

14 Communication Calendar
First- Your child will receive a verbal warning. Second- Your child will receive a signature with explanation. Each signature takes points away from their conduct grade. Please check and initial communication calendar every night.

15 Communication is the best way to reach us. We will respond within one-two school days. If your child is getting home a different way, please send a paper note in to school. There may be a substitute, so the teacher will not be able to get the . If they are riding on a different bus, they must have a signed note from you and the office. **NO Tuesday folders!! Check the Peachjar, Chatter, newsletter, binder for handouts and graded papers (grades & report cards in Skyward).

16 Family Access
Available on Cheatham website Update your information! Grades available online (*no paper copies of report cards or progress reports will be sent home) Daily Grades- 60% Test & Quizzes- 40%

17 Homework Policy Our homework policy is 10 minutes per grade level.
Therefore, 4th Grade can have up to 40 minutes of homework each night . This does not include 20 mins. of reading. Homework will be recorded and highlighted or starred in your student’s agenda. Please remember homework is their responsibility to complete and return. Its purpose is to reinforce skills and strategies.

18 Homework/Classwork/Late Policy
10 points will be deducted daily for each late assignment. Students will be required to attend study hall to complete late assignments and unfinished homework. Your child will bring home a notice if they are required to attend. Study Hall is from 7:30-8:00am daily. If a student arrives after 7:40, the student will be asked to attend the following day.

19 Absence Make-up Work The student has one day to make up work for every day absent. You must turn in a note within three days of a full day or partial day absence to receive an excused absence. After three days, it becomes unexcused. Examples of excused absence: doctor’s/dentist’s visit, fever, religious holiday If a student is sick 5 or more days, a doctor’s note is required upon return.

20 Brain Breaks Studies show that active bodies produce active brains.
As a school, we are incorporating mini brain breaks throughout the day for the students. They will be short active exercises to keep them ready to learn.

21 Dress Code Shorts and skirts must reach mid-thigh or longer.
Leggings/yoga pants must be worn under shorts, skirts, or dresses. Sleeveless shirts (three finger rule) should fit snuggly under the arms. Tube tops, halters, midriffs, spaghetti straps, and tank tops are prohibited. Shirts should pass the arm raised test No stomach showing when the arm is raised P.E. days students must wear/bring tennis shoes/sneakers

22 Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways for you to be involved in your child’s school experience: Classroom Helper(s) Bulletin Boards - Through PTA Copies- Through PTA Classroom Party- Through PTA Approved Volunteer Make sure you have resubmitted your information Must be done each year, under Quick Links for Parents

23 Important Times and Dates
AM Snack Specials 10:30am Lunch 11:55, 12:00 Recess 12:30 Dates STAAR Writing Test –Tuesday, April 10, 2018 STAAR Math Test Monday, May 14, 2018 STAAR Reading Test- Tuesday, May 15,2018 Austin Field Trip- Friday, April 13th

24 Fourth Grade Website Available on our website: The 4th Grade Handbook
This presentation Our bi-weekly newsletters Links to websites and textbooks

25 Cheatham Elementary School
Thank you for coming to Curriculum Night at Cheatham Elementary School

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